British Woman Marries Pet Dolphin... (No Respect at All for Pure Marriage)


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
No contention is presented with this article. Not posted for argument.

It just simply occurred to me that People are out of control. With the onset of gay marriage, people are oblivious to boundaries when it comes to the sanctity of marriage.

This is all the more reason, to protect the pure and true definition of marriage which is indeed that of between a Man and a Woman be they Christian or non Christian... It's man and wife! Period!

Man bites dog? No, woman weds dolphin

British woman ‘marries’ dolphin, tying the net after 15-year courtship

The Associated Press
updated 2:48 p.m. ET, Tues., Jan. 3, 2006

JERUSALEM - Sharon Tendler met Cindy 15 years ago. She said it was love at first sight. This week she finally took the plunge and proposed. The lucky "guy" plunged right back.

In a modest ceremony at Dolphin Reef in the southern Israeli port of Eilat, Tendler, a 41-year-old British citizen, apparently became the world's first person to "marry" a dolphin.

Dressed in a white dress, a veil and pink flowers in her hair, Tendler got down on one knee on the dock and gave Cindy a kiss. And a piece of herring.

"It's not a perverted thing. I do love this dolphin. He's the love of my life," she said Saturday, upon her return to London.

Tendler, who said she imports clothes and promotes rock bands in England, has visited Israel several times a year since first meeting the dolphin.

When asked in the past if she had a boyfriend, she would always reply, "No. I'm going to end up with Cindy."

On Wednesday, she made it official, sort of. While she acknowledged the "wedding" had no legal bearing she did say it reflected her deep feelings toward the bottlenosed, 35-year-old object of her affection.

"It's not a bad thing. It’s just something that we did because I love him, but not in the way that you love a man. It's just a pure love that I have for this animal," she said.

While she still kept open the option of "marrying human" at some stage, she said for now she was strictly a "one-dolphin woman."

She's hardly the jealous type, though.

"He will still play with all the other girls there," she said, of their prenuptial agreement. "I hope he has a lot of baby dolphins with the other dolphins. The more dolphins the better."

'I'm not a pervert'

And so on Wednesday afternoon, the thrilled bride, wearing a white dress, walked down the dock before hundreds of astounded visitors and kneeled down before her groom, who was waiting in the water.

Cindy, escorted by his fellow best-men dolphins, swam over to Tendler and she hugged him, whispered sweet nothings in his ear, and kissed him in front of the cheering crowd.

After the ceremony was sealed with some mackerels, Tendler was tossed into the water by her friends so that she could swim with her new husband.

"I'm the happiest girl on earth," the bride said as she chocked back tears of emotion. "I made a dream come true, and I am not a pervert," she stressed.

Tendler said she and her newly wed husband will probably spend their wedding night bowling.

"But what kind of children would they have?" one of the children in the crowd asked his father.

This stuff would go on with or without Gay marriage. She's not the first person to fall in love with a animal :nono:

This is a joke right?

So is she going to live under the sea like the little mermaid or he going to move in with her? :lachen:
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This is a joke right?

So is she going to live under the sea like the little mermaid or he going to move in with her? :lachen:
:lachen: I thought it was a joke. But this same article was on FoxNews as well.

Folks are just sick....

I guess they figure it doesn't make a difference since the efforts to change the pure definition of marriage is in effect.

Even the child could figure out that something was wrong when he asked his dad, 'What kind of children will they have?"
That's just...incredibly sad.

I was just thinking about this today, this very thing after seeing on the news how more states (DC and Maine) are opening up marriage to be between men and men, women and women, as a right. My very next thought was, 'okay, now that's done...what's next?' Because we all know it's just a slippery slope.

I know the argument will be that they're 'free to love who they love,' of course it's a horrible state of affairs when that who becomes an it and the states begin recognizing those too.

It really is a mockery of what the Lord has decreed.
I love the little boys question about what her children will look like:lachen: How do you answer that as a parent:perplexed
:lol: I know... right? He was adorable.

Cutiebe, it took a child to ask what some adults are 'afraid' to. :nono:
That's just...incredibly sad.

I was just thinking about this today, this very thing after seeing on the news how more states (DC and Maine) are opening up marriage to be between men and men, women and women, as a right. My very next thought was, 'okay, now that's done...what's next?' Because we all know it's just a slippery slope.

I know the argument will be that they're 'free to love who they love,' of course it's a horrible state of affairs when that who becomes an it and the states begin recognizing those too.

It really is a mockery of what the Lord has decreed.
Exactly, it's just a slippery slope. Give the devil an inch and he'll take ten miles.

Just like my skin and DNA is Black and will never change, so it is with Marriage. It will always be that as between a Man and a Woman. It's not changing just because someone wants it to. Some things in life are set in Blood and can never be removed nor altered.

I can use all of the skin lightener I want, I will still be Black in my bloodline... my DNA makeup. So it is with Marriage. God never changes what He has ordained.
I love my Macbook, but do I want to "marry" it?

What in the world??? When I read this story just now to dh, he almost had whiplash when I said that she was the first person in the world to marry a dolphin....and now he can't stop laughing.:lachen:
I love my Macbook, but do I want to "marry" it?

What in the world??? When I read this story just now to dh, he almost had whiplash when I said that she was the first person in the world to marry a dolphin....and now he can't stop laughing.:lachen:

I love my bottle of Ovation Cell Therapy (for my hair)... I wouldn't marry it.

Maybe the president of the company.....:rolleyes: I'd be ankle length by Christmas. I'd send you an entire case for you and Hubby's anniversary.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I can 'dream' can't I? :lol:

I love my bottle of Ovation Cell Therapy (for my hair)... I wouldn't marry it.

Maybe the president of the company.....:rolleyes: I'd be ankle length by Christmas. I'd send you an entire case for you and Hubby's anniversary.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I can 'dream' can't I? :lol:
This is just bad on so many levels. It's a good reminder that we are called to be witnesses. The kinds of things people do in this world show that they are really in need of Jesus in their lives...
It's like that man who married a sheep a few years ago...even worse, because you know he'll be molesting that animal :nono:
It's like that man who married a sheep a few years ago...even worse, because you know he'll be molesting that animal :nono:

OMGoodness! I never knew this. :nono::nono::nono:

This is very scary because from what I've been told, men have been arrested for penetrating sheep.

I was also told that sheep have internal organs similar to a woman's. I have to check this out.

Where's PETA? It's not ok to EAT animals but it's ok to marry them and have sex with them?

INDEED! Where was / is PETA where it really counts.
I wonder if he can divorce her for irreconcilable craziness and get all her money to donate to PETA hehehehe.

Wow ... Dolphins, sheep ... I'm not the most conservative person in the world, but some things are just out of this world. Well, we definitely know they are NOT equally yoked. There must be a loop hole in the law that makes this legal. Nuts!

I'm surprised someone hasn't chimed in and said, "Well, women have been marrying "dogs" for ages, so what's the problem." :lachen: Sorry... :look:
Wow ... Dolphins, sheep ... I'm not the most conservative person in the world, but some things are just out of this world. Well, we definitely know they are NOT equally yoked. There must be a loop hole in the law that makes this legal. Nuts!

I'm surprised someone hasn't chimed in and said, "Well, women have been marrying "dogs" for ages, so what's the problem." :lachen: Sorry... :look:

:lol: @ Not equally yoked.... (You are so right about that). :yep:

At the bolded... Please say it ain't so.... :nono: No one has really married a dog, have they? I'm still trying to get past the sheep. :thud:
:lol: @ Not equally yoked.... (You are so right about that). :yep:

At the bolded... Please say it ain't so.... :nono: No one has really married a dog, have they? I'm still trying to get past the sheep. :thud:

Uhmm, not a real dog. I was being "funny". Dogs ... as in men who are no good :look: .