"Breaking up" because I touched his derriere


Well-Known Member
Ladies, this is going to sound so strange....but I just need to know if I'm crazy or what.

This guy I'm talking to when we first met and started getting comfortable, I think I tapped him on the butt without thinking. He got very angry and told me to never do it again. I apologized and started focusing to make sure I never did it again. :rolleyes: This was a while ago.

So today, he comes over and is laying on the bed. We are watching a movie (Flight) and I'm into it so I brush him to move over and he stops the movie, gets real serious and says "I told you to never do it again". I had brushed his butt :rolleyes:

:perplexed So I sarcastically say "Okay" and arguing ensues, mostly coming from him because I just can't. He says I don't respect him and that the second my hand touches there it makes him extremely angry.


(Don't take this thread too seriously. I'm not. :nono:)
Evidently he has problems with his sexuality and thinks that will make him gay or he is in fact gay and only wants his man to touch is butt or his butt is sore from his bf :look: oh yeah or he was raped before and feels uneasy being touched in that area
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Weird :ohwell: Maybe he was sexually abused and has PTSD because of it.

I don't know what stage of the relationship/dating you are in, but I know as a woman, I wouldn't want a man I'm dating touching my behind when we haven't reached that level yet. I know a lot of times we hold men to different standards but... maybe that's crossing the line for him as well.

Idk. I've never met a straight man that didn't like to be fondled so... :look: Yea. Idk...
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You aren't crazy. Even if he had an issue, he isn't sharing the background story. Most men don't have an issue with their butt unless you try some in between the cheek action. I don't want to minimize how he feels about it just in case he was molested. But he also isn't handling it.

As far as taking this thread to seriously, I have a feeling this thread is going to be off the chain. So fasten your seat belt :lol:
Weird :ohwell: Maybe he was sexually abused and has PTSD because of it.

I don't know what stage of the relationship/dating you are in, but I know as a woman, I wouldn't want a man I'm dating touching my behind when we haven't reached that level yet. I know a lot of times we hold men to different standards but... maybe that's crossing the line for him as well.

Idk. I've never met a straight that didn't like to be fondled so... :look: Yea. I won't say it, though lol.

This is my first impression too, his hypersensitivity about sense beyond the norm....
Um.... :look: I think abused. Were you touching his butt on purpose the first time? LOL, it feels silly even asking.
This reminds of the dude who didn't wash between his cheeks cause he thought it was gay.
I'm not sure I could be that in control of something to promise a guy I would never touch his butt. It just seems like it would happen when we pass each other in the kitchen, or when we are in bed sleeping or just when I hug him and give him a kiss. It would have to be all or nothing. I don't touch you at all or he has to take some deep breaths if I make a mistake. Add on top of that, that I'm clumsy :lol: I would have to break that off.
I have sympathy for him if he was molested, but it's not your job to figure out what his "triggers" are. He should calmly explain why he has such a strong reaction and not leave you wondering. Also It worries me if he flies off the handle about an innocent accident. How will he react if something more serious comes up?

ETA: I doubt that is his one and only trigger. He ends to be upfront so you can know what you're getting yourself into.
This is very strange to me. I could understand if you put your finger up his nose. I just don't see why a man would react this way. Like you were trying to take advantage of him, or take liberties, or were being too "fresh". Something's not right and I wouldn't be sticking around to find out what it is.
There are definitely some underlying issues going on with this situation and not touching his butt isn't going to solve them! I hope he finds peace with whatever issue he has.
I couldn't be with someone that I had to be on pins and needles around over something like this. It's not like you were trying to assault him. I agree that he could have been abused, but he needs to work through that issue before dating. I'm not trying to downplay whatever's going on with him, but something just doesn't sound right.

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Does the guy act touchy about other issues or is the butt hangup an isolated thing? Not that it matters, because there is no way I would recommend kicking it with someone who accuses you of disrespecting him over some minor unintentional contact. But I'm just curious about his overall personality.
If I cant touch you, I cant be with you. Its really that simple for me so it would be over. I dont know how you cant stop yourself from mistakenly touching him...so yeah.

Depends on if you are willing to take on this issue.