
Well-Known Member

Forgive me if this has already been answered--I did execute several searches on this topic and was met without success (and I just know this has HAD to have been discussed...). Anyhow.

Do any of y'all experience breakage when letting your 4A/B hair airdry? I feel that I do-when I conditioner wash daily and go without sitting underneath the dryer.

Could it be the products that I am using, are they the culprits? Or do some 4A/Bs need that heat to smooth down the cuticle to aid in preventing breakage?

Thank you.

It could be your products or the amount of product used. Does your hair feel moisturized and soft after you air dry your hair? I find it necessary to remoisturize (leave-in and oil) sometimes the next day.
Do you use some kind of moisturizer before you let it dry completly? Try to condition wash your hair add olive oil to your conditioner. A small amount of the oil will be left on your hair locking in moisture when you attempt to air dry. I do this and my hair loves it. My hair is natural BTW. I don't think that it will hurt your hair if you give this a shot...
I do not experience breakage from airdrying, my hair loves it. I condition wash every day in the summer and wash every 3 days when its cooler. I do moisturize every day, and Im sure to moisturize my hair after my conditioner washes.
I am relaxed. Maybe I am not doing a decent job of combing through--I typically use a widetooth comb and not a a rattail comb.

When I airdry I usually put a combination of Nexxus (The name of their leave-in escapes me), Pantene Smooth & Sleek, followed by activator (okay, jheri curl juice!).

I find that after the hair has dried there is a lot of hair that sheds as opposed to the days after my stylish has wet set or blow dried my hair. And the hair that sheds are the long pieces with the bulb at the end--which is fine. I just notice that there is a larger number of shedded strands than the week following my stylist's having her hands in my head!

As always, thank y'all.

When i airdry which is 99% of the time, the way i let it dry is what determines whether it breaks or not. If I put it in a ponytail and then try to comb through it once it is dry, it breaks real bad, but if I wrap it and let it dry, it either doesnt break or breaks no more than it would had it been heat dried
When i airdry which is 99% of the time, the way i let it dry is what determines whether it breaks or not. If I put it in a ponytail and then try to comb through it once it is dry, it breaks real bad, but if I wrap it and let it dry, it either doesnt break or breaks no more than it would had it been heat dried
I have extreme 4B hair. I noticed that when I blow dry, the blow dryer blows the shedding hair right out of my head and onto the floor. If I air dry, I get the privildege of actually seeing the hair come out as I comb it. In addition, I do tend to loose more when I air dry during combing. I noticed that I loose less hair if I use a little head to get the soaking wet moisture out and then i let the rest air dry.
Well-----you know your hair better than anyone else. However, I was once told by Marvin Carrington that airdrying leaves your hair mores susceptible to breakage. Ithnk it has to do with the cuticle....blah blah blah....

I wish I could help you more but I really can;t remember. personally for me --I think as long as your hair is adequately moisturized, your hair should be fine.
So, it could also be the products you are using or a combination.

Thanks ladies....And Davinne you had me laughing about Mr. Marvin--maybe that's where I got my leaves the cuticle information from! I remember THAT post!

Thank y'all,
i let my hair airdry, but i feel like i have the same amt of breakage no matter what i do. i cannot figure out what i'm doing wrong for the life of me. argh.
I use to feel the same, but after noticing definite progress I realize that some shedding is inevitable.
besides I think we lose approximately 100 hairs a day! and this is suppose to be average.
I had a problem with breakage before. I used to airdry my hair and would find myself pulling out strands of hair. I would have to stop myself from pulling because each time I would get strands of hair. I'm not sure where the breaking point was.

I've noticed that since my hair has been properly relaxed (it was underprocessed) and since I've been applying more oil to it, in particular Wild Growth Oil and Grapeseed Oil I don't have this problem. I've also been using Surge every other day. My only suggestion would be to add more intense protein treatments followed by intense daily moisture including oil. Pay particular attention to your ends.