Breakage vs Shedding


New Member
I'm sure there is a post on this somewhere but just for my sake would someone please explain the difference between the two and how I would be able to tell? I am concerned because I went swimming this weekend. During the shampoo following the swim, I experienced a lot of breakage/shedding. I was very careful and gentle with my hair but still quite a bit more hair was lost than I am used to. Also, today as I was finger combing thru my rollerset, which was done on Sunday, there was quite a bit of hair in my hands. Ya know, enough to make me stop and say hey what is going on here? I also might need to add that I suffer from really dry hair and am constantly on the lookout for a product that will keep my hair hydrated daily. Any suggestions? Could the chlorine have cause weakness and breakage or am I just paranoid? Thanks in advance, ladies.

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Speaking from experience, breakage hairs vary in length and u usually find them on your clothes, in the comb or on the floor - God I hate that!!! Shedding is hair that has a tiny white bulb attached to the end. I'm not to savvy regarding the chlorine but dry hair definately needs to be moisturized on a constant basis. I would suggest that you buy a hydrating shampoo and moisturizing conditioner. You also might need to "oil" your hair on a daily basis (ie. Pantene has a daily creme for the relaxed and naturals line). Don't overdo it tho, you don't want that oily/heavy hair. There's also something from Aubrey Organics (i think) that's called Swimmer's Shampoo that you could try.
#1 thing I would suggest that you purchase is a protein conditioner (mine is by Aphogee for Damaged Hair, it costs about $20 but it's worth every single penny!!) but you MUST follow that up with the balancer (Aphogee) and a moisturizing conditioner (any conditioner that you would normally use to soften up your hair after washing). Do this once every 5 weeks and you will definately see improvement in the overall health of your hair. HTH
Thanks CaramelHonee. I've been hearing so much about Aphogee. I think it's time I go ahead and purchase some of those products and try and improve upon this situation. Wish me luck!!