Breakage from Rollersets?

Hi Ladies :wave:

After air drying for the past two years, I have decided to try weekly Rollersetting now that I am at my desired length. I noticed though that when I finger combed my hair, I found one to two inch pieces of hair that broke off - about 15-20 pieces.

I am not used to seeing any breakage when I air dry.

Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone else know of a product that I can use to decrease the breakage?

Is this the norm when rollersetting? I am scarred that over time you will see the effects.

Are you using a setting a lotion to rollerset? I noticed when i use a setting lotion I get breakage, but when I use a creamy leave-in & water, I don't.
hi serenity! I've always had a little breakage from rollersets. Im not sure why though. it's usually right after it's dry and i comb it out. but afterwards i dont get any. i dont have a solution for it though.

but i wanted to say your hair is beautiful! your progress really inspires me.
U could be pulling the hair too tightly. Remember the hair is at its weakest when it is wet. What products are you using to set with?
msshic said:
Are you using a setting a lotion to rollerset? I noticed when i use a setting lotion I get breakage, but when I use a creamy leave-in & water, I don't.

Yes, I am using a setting lotion. Maybe that is the culprit. I will try a creamy leave in.
PrettyBrownEyes said:
U could be pulling the hair too tightly. Remember the hair is at its weakest when it is wet. What products are you using to set with?

Great tip. I set with more tension so the set could come out straighter. I did not consider that it could be too tight. Thanks!!
I agree with the ladies about the products you may be using when rollersetting. The type of rollers make a difference also. When I first started rollersetting in 2003, I used a leave-in that was too high in protein and causing breakage. As soon as I changed it to one with no or less protein, the breakage stopped.

I use magnetic rollers, just a little leave-in and lots of water. No breakage at all. :)
locabouthair said:
hi serenity! I've always had a little breakage from rollersets. Im not sure why though. it's usually right after it's dry and i comb it out. but afterwards i dont get any. i dont have a solution for it though.

but i wanted to say your hair is beautiful! your progress really inspires me.

Thank-You! I am happy I can be an inspiration with all of the beautiful heads on hair on the site. Have you noticed over time your ends becoming uneven from it? That is my concern.
Hey Serenity!
Congrats on meeting your goal. :clapping:
The setting lotion, too much protein, and too much tension on each roller are all really good things to consider. I have been experiencing the same thing. Also, recently I read a thread or a fotki where the girl said that rolling downwards, as most of us normally do, causes too much pressure on certain single strands. However, if you roll upwards there is not as much tension AND the bonus is that the hair has more bounce afterwards. I cannot remember where I read this but hopefully it is food for thought.

I tried rolling upwards, and coudn't master it. This thread has inspired me to try again.

SerenityBreeze said:
Yes, I am using a setting lotion. Maybe that is the culprit. I will try a creamy leave in.

Yep, mschic is exactly right. Using the creamy leave-in and water will make it muuuch better.:) Your hair is looking great BTW! :yep:
I agree with the setting lotion:)

Also, are you relaxed bone strait? If you are, you might have some under-processed sections that are causing breakage. This is what happened to me:( I got a corrective relaxer and my breakage stopped immediately!
I did not realize that setting lotion could contribute to breakage - that's a great tip. I'll try to use my leave-in and water tomorrow to see the difference.
LadyEsquire said:
Hey Serenity!
Congrats on meeting your goal. :clapping:
The setting lotion, too much protein, and too much tension on each roller are all really good things to consider. I have been experiencing the same thing. Also, recently I read a thread or a fotki where the girl said that rolling downwards, as most of us normally do, causes too much pressure on certain single strands. However, if you roll upwards there is not as much tension AND the bonus is that the hair has more bounce afterwards. I cannot remember where I read this but hopefully it is food for thought.

I tried rolling upwards, and coudn't master it. This thread has inspired me to try again.


Rolling downwards and upwards:perplexed

Like rolling downwards is towards the back - the neck ; rolling upwards is rolling forward - towrd the face?

I so don't get it:confused:
newflowers said:
Rolling downwards and upwards:perplexed

Like rolling downwards is towards the back - the neck ; rolling upwards is rolling forward - towrd the face?

I so don't get it:confused:

you do get it... that's EXACTLY what it is..
When I used to go to my former stylist I used to experience alot of breakage from rollersets because she would use alot of setting lotion. I have since tried a creamy leave-in like Rusk and my hair comes out softer and less breakage. With my stylist the curls used to be very hard. :mad:
Ladies you don't have to use a mountain of setting lotion as it can make your hair hard and tacky. I just use a quarter size and it does the trick. Also make sure your using a wide tooth comb and a good detangler. I use a detangler in the shower after my last rinse of conditioner which gives my ends super slip plus a lite condition. Biolage detangling soloution works very well and it's not expensive. Don't pull on your hair let the detangler loosen things for you. Take your time!
jamaicangirl06 said:
I did not realize that setting lotion could contribute to breakage - that's a great tip. I'll try to use my leave-in and water tomorrow to see the difference.

yeah i noticed some of them make my hair feel "crunchier" and thus more prone to breakage. The right setting lotion should leave your hair feeling healthy and bouncy after its dry.
I get the same few strands once dry also. I used to be worried, but it's waaayyyy less than i'd lose from blowdrying. But I do agree tiwh the other ladies, once I removed the setting lotion and replaced it with a creamy leave in I have even less breakage...

locabouthair said:
hi serenity! I've always had a little breakage from rollersets. Im not sure why though. it's usually right after it's dry and i comb it out. but afterwards i dont get any. i dont have a solution for it though.

but i wanted to say your hair is beautiful! your progress really inspires me.
I usually don't get too much breakage from rollersets but sometimes I worry about the medal clips. Is there a such thing as those same two prong clips in plastic?