Breakage Care Routine...Help Please!

Travis Girl

New Member
My MIL's hair is breaking off. She has up to 3' pieces on her shoulders when she's done combing her hair. She told me she got her relaxer about 8 weeks ago and she normally gets her touch up about every 3-4 months. Her hair is maybe 30% gray and I believe she's a 3c. She's not a heat person...just the usual wet set under the hairdryer.

I've been trying to search for what to do (the search feature doesn't seem to work properly, so it's been hit and miss finding threads) to halt the breakage. After I read several threads, I got overwhelmed. I figure she needs to clarify, dc/reconsctruct (is that the same thing?), and seriously moisturize.

1) What do I do and what order?
2) I like the idea of conditioning on dry hair. Can you reconstruct on dry hair? :perplexed
3) I like the idea of oil rinses too.

I need some guidance. I just know her breakage needs to be handled. She wants to try an at home treatment first...even though I want to take her to Aveda, Lord knows I'm not an expert by any means. I will say this---she's been right here beside me sopping up LHCF with a biscuit! :grin: Please help us! Thanks!:wavey:
I am not an expert too but here is my advice.
First do a hair strand test to see if it is lack of protein or lack of moisture (not sure how the test goes I am sure someone will help plus I think I saw info about it in a thread but not sure which one)
Secondly, when you determine which is lacking, whether it is protein or moisture you do a DC on dry hair with heat and do an oil rinse after shampooing and before conditioning again in the shower.
Thirdly style as usual but do not forget to moisturize and seal. She might want to try doing it twice a day if not doing so now.
In terms of reconstructing on dry hair , I am almost sure you can because it is like a conditioner just with more protein
Oh no! I totally understand breakage issues. I just overcame my breakage after an entire summer of fighting it. Here's my 2 cents:

1) First, try a clarifying or a chelating shampoo (thanks Gymfreak) and do a DC. See if that stops teh breakage. If not,

2) Do an Egg-Mayo pre-poo treatment. I mix 2 eggs with half a cup of Mayo and coat my hair in it. Place hair in plastic cap for 15-20 mins. NO HEAT! Rinse with cool water. Proceed to shampoo with moisturing poo and DC.

3) REDUCE combing. I treated my hair like it was a baby. The way I saw it my hair was weak & needed time to build strength . Think of the hair as a rope. When a rope is weak & to the point of breaking, the more strain you put on it, the weaker it gets until it eventually snaps!

4) I dont know about the other ladies but I experience a lot of breakage when airdrying. I always roller set or braid-out.

I hope this helps you. Pls PM me if u need anything else.

ETA - The Egg-Mayo treatment stopped my breakage in its tracks! No more "flaky" bathroom floors.
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Start with a neutralizing shampoo leave it on for at about 10 mins. You said she had her hair relaxed it could be something as simple as the stylist not washing out all of the relaxer properly. After that do a deep condition a cheap and effective DC conditioner is Lustrasilk shea butter cholesterol you can add a bit of EVOO (olive oil) to it sit her with a heat cap for half an hour and style as usual. If her hair continues to break check is it:
1.brittle and snaps off (moisture needed)- good mostly moisture condish are Nexxus humectress, keracare humecto, Elasta DPR etc

2. mushy very very elastic and then snaps off (protein needed) 2 minute Aphogee, Keraphix, Motions CPR
Remember if you do a protein treatment ALWAYs follow with a moisturising conditioner
Good luck with it and let us know how it goes :)

^^^ I'm cosigning with hothair on this one. I would add that an oil rinse (after DCing with something very moisturizing) will really help to seal in the moisture and keep the hair nourished for longer. Oil rinses are really a saviour for dry, breaking hair.
I am not an expert too but here is my advice.
First do a hair strand test to see if it is lack of protein or lack of moisture (not sure how the test goes I am sure someone will help plus I think I saw info about it in a thread but not sure which one)
Secondly, when you determine which is lacking, whether it is protein or moisture you do a DC on dry hair with heat and do an oil rinse after shampooing and before conditioning again in the shower.
Thirdly style as usual but do not forget to moisturize and seal. She might want to try doing it twice a day if not doing so now.
In terms of reconstructing on dry hair , I am almost sure you can because it is like a conditioner just with more protein

Camosil, ooohh, I forgot about the strand test. That will tell me alot. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!

Oh no! I totally understand breakage issues. I just overcame my breakage after an entire summer of fighting it. Here's my 2 cents:

1) First, try a clarifying or a chelating shampoo (thanks Gymfreak) and do a DC. See if that stops teh breakage. If not,

2) Do an Egg-Mayo pre-poo treatment. I mix 2 eggs with half a cup of Mayo and coat my hair in it. Place hair in plastic cap for 15-20 mins. NO HEAT! Rinse with cool water. Proceed to shampoo with moisturing poo and DC.

3) REDUCE combing. I treated my hair like it was a baby. The way I saw it my hair was weak & needed time to build strength . Think of the hair as a rope. When a rope is weak & to the point of breaking, the more strain you put on it, the weaker it gets until it eventually snaps!

4) I dont know about the other ladies but I experience a lot of breakage when airdrying. I always roller set or braid-out.

I hope this helps you. Pls PM me if u need anything else.

ETA - The Egg-Mayo treatment stopped my breakage in its tracks! No more "flaky" bathroom floors.

WonderWoman, I was wondering about using a clarifying shampoo. I know she's not an airdryer (and she's not a comber like me...shame, shame :blush:). You're so sweet, thank you!

Start with a neutralizing shampoo leave it on for at about 10 mins. You said she had her hair relaxed it could be something as simple as the stylist not washing out all of the relaxer properly. After that do a deep condition a cheap and effective DC conditioner is Lustrasilk shea butter cholesterol you can add a bit of EVOO (olive oil) to it sit her with a heat cap for half an hour and style as usual. If her hair continues to break check is it:
1.brittle and snaps off (moisture needed)- good mostly moisture condish are Nexxus humectress, keracare humecto, Elasta DPR etc

2. mushy very very elastic and then snaps off (protein needed) 2 minute Aphogee, Keraphix, Motions CPR
Remember if you do a protein treatment ALWAYs follow with a moisturising conditioner
Good luck with it and let us know how it goes :)

HotHair, for a second I considered it be from a incomplete neutralizing, but I thought, come I'm tripped out :eek: Could that be???? Oh man! I have to do this just to make sure!!! I will do the strand test and depending on the situation use one of the recommended products.

^^^ I'm cosigning with hothair on this one. I would add that an oil rinse (after DCing with something very moisturizing) will really help to seal in the moisture and keep the hair nourished for longer. Oil rinses are really a saviour for dry, breaking hair.

Diya, I hear these oil rinses are the bomb!!! I have jojoba, sweet almond, coconut, and castor oils. Sound like it's time to get to mixing them up. I suppose mostly jojoba, sweet almond, and coconut with a wee of castor. Is this overkill or should I just pick one? Thank you for cosigning the oil rinse!!!
Diya, I hear these oil rinses are the bomb!!! I have jojoba, sweet almond, coconut, and castor oils. Sound like it's time to get to mixing them up. I suppose mostly jojoba, sweet almond, and coconut with a wee of castor. Is this overkill or should I just pick one? Thank you for cosigning the oil rinse!!!

I would pick just one... it's all you really need, IMO...and not much of it, either! Personally, I use 1/2 capful of avocado oil, but of your options, I would choose either jojoba or coconut because they are light. Remember that the point of oil rinses is to use something penetrating so that it can actually nourish the hair from the inside out. By the time you wash it out and dry the hair, you shouldn't even feel any oily-ness... just strong, shiny hair! I really hope this helps your MIL as much as it did me. :yep:
I would pick just one... it's all you really need, IMO...and not much of it, either! Personally, I use 1/2 capful of avocado oil, but of your options, I would choose either jojoba or coconut because they are light. Remember that the point of oil rinses is to use something penetrating so that it can actually nourish the hair from the inside out. By the time you wash it out and dry the hair, you shouldn't even feel any oily-ness... just strong, shiny hair! I really hope this helps your MIL as much as it did me. :yep:

Diya, now I fully understand oil rinses. You explained it perfectly and now I know what the outcome should be. :thankyou: