Brastrap by 2006 UPDATE: Check in!!!


Dr. Naptrl :)
How's it going ladies! I went from 2 inches to a nice size puff since August, so I'm well on my way! I'm really excited. What's the update on you?!
Nothing new here. Just trying to keep the hair healthy. I am stretching my relaxer to 12 weeks for the first time though. I will be 12 weeks on Thursday and will relax this weekend. I also stayed away from taking pics of my hair for length and stuff, unless someone specifically asked (like my results from my pin curls). My hair is healthier and I was pleasantly surprised that my ends still look good even though I wear my hair down on a daily :look: Hopefully I have achieved some positive length.

Oh and I learned that Sta Sof Fro is my friend.
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I am doing better I think! I also try not to take pictures but I did take some of airdried hair for the grow out challenge. I am at 16 1/2 weeks post relaxer and so far so good. I am trying to concentrate on retaining length but, everything is so new for me still. I am still trying to find out what products work or don't work for me. I am also trying to figure out my hair type so that I can take some of the advice of other women on the board.
I recently cut off about 1 1/2 inches due to ragedy ends.

My hair is doing well but I think I will go back to daily co washes. My hair really misses those.

I am doing the baggie at least 5-6 days a week and trying to stay away from heat.

I am currently about 6 inches from bottom of brastrap. Keeping my fingers crossed.
dontspeakdefeat said:
I recently cut off about 1 1/2 inches due to ragedy ends.

My hair is doing well but I think I will go back to daily co washes. My hair really misses those.

I am doing the baggie at least 5-6 days a week and trying to stay away from heat.

I am currently about 6 inches from bottom of brastrap. Keeping my fingers crossed.
WOW DSD! I didn't know you were that close!! You'll definitely be there in 2006!!! YOU GROW GIRL!!
naptrl said:
no more updates?!! We have lots of ladies in this challenge....Where ya at?!!

My status has changed since I last posted. I am not 6 inches from brastrap but I am 4 inches now!! I am so happy!! I was using an old stretched bra that wasn't accurately portraying brastrap. It was actuallt sitting about mid back instead of just under my shoulder blades.
*Mo waving*
Naptrl is a trip....cracking the hair whip and whatnot! lol.

Hanging in there...I need to get some pics up for January...trying to finish up my roll this weekend...then I should have some to start my off my 2005 progress mode before the month is out.

I'm gonna play it safe and hope for BSL by December 2006! Y'all give me feedback when I post pics. Holla! Happy Hair growin!
As for me...I'm still keeping it braided and sewn-up. I'm doing daily CO washes, and just letting it do what ever it's gonna do.
I am literaly a thumb away. About 2 inches.

I was 2 inces away last month but I trimmed on 12/26 about an inch because my ends were not as thick as I wanted. I got that inch back and when it is 90% stretched (my roots are another story) I am a thumb away.
I've been sporting a rollerset for the past 2 weeks. I intended on dusting my ends but upon examination I realized they don't need to be trimmed yet. I'm going to see if I can get another week out of this set (lazy) and once I wash I'll be in twists for a little while.
I'm not really sure how many inches I am away from brastrap but I will take a guess at about 7 in. Hopefully I will make it one day...continuing on a long hair journey.
I'm gonna say that I have about 9-10 inches to go in the back....if the front gets to the collarbone and the sides stay at the shoulder...I'm fine with layers.

I don't need that one length all around.

I measure my hair from the crown to ends, not from the hairline.

I feel I can get there in 2006. I wasn't sure at first, but I feel better about getting I think I can get close to armpit by the end of the year.
I hope its not too late to join this. I'm currently about 11 inches. I'm practicing protective styles such as the baggie method, french roll, or bun. I only wear my hair out on the weekends now. I hope this help me get there by spring 2006.
I haven't measured yet! I'm still in box braids. so far, so good. I've had my braids in for 4 weeks and I've got .75 of new growth so far. my hair seemed to really take off when I started gnc ultra nourishair, and my surge & mtg mixture :grin: . so in about another 3 weeks, we'll see where I am by then :look:
Doing ok I guess. I would say I am about 3 or 4 inches away from the longest piece of hair getting to brastrap. If I can just keep consistent....
Ladies, we've got to keep each other updated!!!

I am moving along nicely! I have been wearing braids most of the time and then puffs and the occasional press when my hair is down. I am at a layered shoulder length in the back and anywhere from nose to chin length in the front. I can't complain since my hair was 2 inches all over in August! I'll be at bra strap by 2006 (even if it's december 31st! haha :)) if I keep going.
Glad to have you krissyprissy! It's not too late to join. Just keep up a healthy regimine and keep us updated. The goal is ANY time in 2006! Meet cha at brastrap!
I have 9 inches to reach the bottom of my brastap nand 5-6 inches to armpit. I hope to be at armpit by 1/1/2006 and bra-stap by may or june 2006.
Tamika said:
I have 9 inches to reach the bottom of my brastap nand 5-6 inches to armpit. I hope to be at armpit by 1/1/2006 and bra-stap by may or june 2006. sound like for December '05 for armpit though...I gotta dream!)

Happy Hair Growing to you!!!! :clapping:
I'm almost there. I was grazing bra strap but it was very uneven. I think the cut a few months ago was for the better. It's far more even now and I've even gained some thickness. :yep:
I don't know if I'm part of the challenge but I'd like to join! So far this year, to be honest I've been so lazy! I don't know what's gotten into me! I will be doing cornrows and twists all summer so hopefully that will speed up the process for me. I'm thinking by the end of the year I should at least be at the top of bra strap.

Password: hair
Lorraine said:
I'm almost there. I was grazing bra strap but it was very uneven. I think the cut a few months ago was for the better. It's far more even now and I've even gained some thickness. :yep:

Okaaaaaaaaay Lorraine....I know there has to be a brastrap by 2005 thread somewhere for you...what'chu doin on here?!? LOL....You will be there way before any 2006....*hugs*