Braids or Weave

Country gal

Well-Known Member
Should I get braids or just sport a sewn in weave? It seems that people are less jusgemental or less opinated about braids than they are weaves. It seems weaves are viewed in such a negative way.
Some people view weaves negatively, but girl, you can't live your life worrying about what other people think. What do you want? Braids or a weave?
Well I am loving my braids!! My fours hours were verybweoll worth it. Yet I was rocking my weave before I got the braids though. I say do both. Give your hair a break.
Tonya said:
Well I am loving my braids!! My fours hours were verybweoll worth it. Yet I was rocking my weave before I got the braids though. I say do both. Give your hair a break.

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Tonya- What style are you sporting now with the braids? I was thinking of getting individuals.
Braids are easier to maintain IMO. I have individuals and it's a breeze taking care of them. The problem I have with weaves is that they tangle and always need to be brushed out.
I have my hair natural but just last week I had a weave. Do not care what other people think. The only reason why I got a weave was because my friend does it for free.
With braids, you will be able to spray moisturizing/strengthening stuff on your hair and scalp more easily
i have a weave now for only the 2nd time ever, i just got tired of boring braids and i wanted something versatile and braids were getting on my nerves.

i dont care what people think either, if you werent blk people wouldnt question your weave
It is up to you. Don't worry about what others will think. They'll always have something to say, no matter what you do.
WEAVE after wearing braids for ten years off and on I needed a change. I think weaves are look down upon if it looks tacky. My stylist does a wonderful job with my weave I had it done on Saturday along with my touch up (I went for ten week post relaxer). I say do what makes you feel comfortable I just cant sit that long for braids anymore
i hear that, i used to cry as a child getting braids, sitting for 7 and 8 hours. and now its not so much putting them in as it is taking them out