
New Member
Hello ladies/hair experts. I have finally taken out all of my braids and need help on starting my new regimen. I will be getting my hair pressed this weekend but I always wash and condition my own hair. Below are a list of products that I have and hope that you can assist me on what to use as my first-after braid wash and condition. Thanks in advance

Aphogee Shampoo
Queen Helen Garlic Shampoo
Aubrey Organics Calaguala Fern shampoo for dandruff

Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair
Aphogee Moisture Balance conditioner
Aubrey's GPB
LeKair Cholesteral
ORS Hair Mayonaise

All EO's listed on this board
HHIB by Carolyn Gray
Castor Oil
Thanks for posting this Wanda. I need to bookmark the responses for future use.
I dread the day I take my braids out because that's all I've worn for two years. Not sure I'll have a clue what to do with my precious bush out of braids.
What I plan to do after braids is the damaged hair treatment (#2). Someone posted a thread with instructions recently.
Anyway, it involves washing, and using Paul Mitchell Supercharged as well as Sally's Porosity Control and a hot oil treatment, and weekly hot oil treatments thereafter. You can do the Aphogee before the Supercharged (#3 damage) or not.
I will follow up with moisturizing and my bun!
Does anyone know what the porosity control actually do for your hair? Whenever I take my braids out [and it need to be pretty soon] I was just going to do an aphogee treatment (after washing of course)..I've heard so much about the smell of it and how it makes your hair hard but then again that is what it is supposed to do..
It keeps hair from becoming porous, as preventing hair from absorbing a dangerous chemical product to readily. I have heard that it also improves hair strength.