Braiding as a protective style..


New Member
How protective can it be???

I have been wearing braids for YEARS now, but without the proper maintenance/aftercare. Recently I've been getting human hair micros, relaxing my hair beforehand which has cause severe breakage. I KNOW I'm going to have to make the CHOP :perplexed I'm just wondering if I could still keep regular individuals or big kinky twists in my hair while I grow it out, and how to properly take care of it while braided/twisted... I know there are probably some related posts around here somewhere so if you guys can answer in here or post a link it will be greatly appreciated...

And prepare for lots of questions I'm a newbie bare with me!!! :lol:
I've had a lot of success wearing braids as a protective style. Here are the rules I live by:

-Never get your braids/twists too small. Aim for about the size of a pencil

-Never get the very edges of your hair (baby hair) braided. It is too fine and fragile to support braids.

-Never get your hair braided too tight. If you find that a braid is too tight, remove it immediately

Here is my routine while wearing braids:

-Wash weekly with diluted shampoo. Follow with Infusium 23 Leave-in

-MTG 2-3 times a week

-Spritz daily with mixture of water, oil, & glycerine

-Cover with a silk scarf each night

Braid Removal:

-Saturate braids with Unbraid braid removal spray

-GENTLY remove braids by combing from the bottom up

That's basically what I do. You may want to go to and check out the Crown & Glory Method. My routine was taken from this method then tweaked to meet my own needs. Good luck!
Thanks for the Tips.. As far the glycerine where can I purchase that and what parts oil and water should I mix, and what kind of oil?? Should that as my pimary method of moisturizing??

My hair is VERY coarse and it seems like my scalp consumes oil on contact.... I'll oil it and tie it up go to bed and my hair is dry by the end of the next day :mad: I think thats my biggest issue I have to find a good oil.
Crown and glory definitely! I've retained more growth since I started C&G, in October 2005, than in the last 3 years.
Co-signing on Crown and Glory (although I do modify it a bit, no commercial braid spray for me!)

The first time I ever got braids I thought I could just treat it like my regular hair and to avoid build-up I used UNDILUTED harsh clarifying shamppo, NO conditoner and followed this up with nasty African Gold Braid Spray several times a week. When I took the braids out, my own hair was matted, linty, but it grew out, so I thought it was healthy. After 10 months of wearing braids back to back my hair had grown significantly, and I decided to relax after a 1 month preiod.. the relaxer didn't take because my hair was so porous. Even months later my hair was damaged and suffering so I had to cut it short :(.

I vowed never to get braids again, but I was not feeling the short hair on me, and I found C&G method, and decided to give them one more try. I wore braids for about 4 months (with breaks between sets). That was a year ago, and my hair has come in very nice, and healthy. I'm currently wearing braids again for about 4 months (in 6 week periods w/ breaks between).

Braids can be a very good protective style as long as you know how to take care of them... and bonus.. they look hot!
I agree. There are certain things that you must do. Moisturize being the number 1 priority. Second to the braids not being too tight. Then the hair has to be fully braided, no leaving the ends loose (liek in micros) otherwise how is the hair protected? I liek the crown and glory method because she show syou how to avaiod buildup on those sensitive spots (nape and hair line). Ive grown my hair out with braids time and time again only to take hte braids out and do somethign silly. This time will be different.