Braid Spray, Chi Keratin & gel = Shampoo?


Well-Known Member
I noticed build up at the front of my curly twists, which I spray with mix to moisturize 5 - 7 times per week. I also add gel to smooth the edges if I leave the house. I've had them in for just over 8 weeks.

I went to wash the front of my hair yesterday to remove the gel build up from 2 weeks of gel and braid spray. When I wet my hair, it lathered:perplexed It was a white lather like I had used shampoo. I have been using a combination of Chi Keratin and Mane & Tail Braid Sheen Spray in my spray bottle (50/50 mix) all over my own hair (cornrow base) and I have been using ecostyler clear gel (10 hold) on the front edges.

I had no idea that this combo, when wet with water, would lather like shampoo.

I am taking out my curly twists this weekend and hope to have no issues from the build up of product.
1) Your braid spray should be diluted with WATER If you are spraying almost daily there is no need to spray direct product. Take your 50/50 mix and dilute that with 50% water at least!

2) I never have been a fan of useing gel on edges if your hair is that bad perhaps you should rebraid the front not gel it... gel is a surefire way to get build up and matting/tangling

fortunately since you did spray almost daily the gel probbaly did not have a chance to get so hard that it couldnt be washed out

Just wash agai before removal and becareful if you do see buildup. Robin from has a good video on removing braid build up I will link it.

the video is entitled:

How To Take Out Extreme Build Up From Braid Extensions

Thanks!!!! I had no idea that I should have been diluting the braid spray with water.
I will dilute my new 50/50 mix with some distilled water.

I am taking out my twists this weekend and plan to wash my hair BEFORE the removal to make sure there is no build up.