Bra Strap Aint that long...


Dr. Naptrl :)
...once you reach it!! Does anybody else feel this way? We put all this effort into getting "bra strap" length hair and then when we get there, we're like..."It's not long enough"!! I said this until I was at the hair dresser about a month ago and saw a lady who was almost completely bald. After that I said, "Lord thank you for my "not so long" brastrap length hair!! :)
naptrl said:
...once you reach it!! Does anybody else feel this way? We put all this effort into getting "bra strap" length hair and then when we get there, we're like..."It's not long enough"!! I said this until I was at the hair dresser about a month ago and saw a lady who was almost completely bald. After that I said, "Lord thank you for my "not so long" brastrap length hair!! :)

You're just being greedy! LOL, just messin'.....but I wouldn't know YET, hopefully I'll reach there, but I cannot imagine having anything longer than BSL.
For me right now neck length is long because I have a Twa.
But I agree you just being greedy lol!!!!! I guess if you have acheived one goal why not try for longer!
I was just making the comment that sometimes it seems long to us until we get there. It's like wanting a toy sooo bad and when you get it, it's not that serious. Trust me, I'm very grateful. It's a blessing from God. I just want to make the point that not everybody has brastrap length hair or any hair period for that matter, so we should be thankful. Maybe it came out wrong. :) :)
Aint that the truth. I am natural while my hair was long when stretched out I just wanted to feel my hair on my neck and shoulders. Now I can feel my hair on my neck and shoulders now I want to feel it really hitting my back. When my hair is really hitting my back it will be waist length. I guess nothing is going to be good enough.
naptrl said:
I was just making the comment that sometimes it seems long to us until we get there. It's like wanting a toy sooo bad and when you get it, it's not that serious. Trust me, I'm very grateful. It's a blessing from God. I just want to make the point that not everybody has brastrap length hair or any hair period for that matter, so we should be thankful. Maybe it came out wrong. :) :)

No it didn't come out wrong we was just messing with you about being greedy! I totally understand what you are saying always wanting more and there is nothing wrong with that, I am grateful to have some hair cover my head but I still want a puff so bad,But I have a ways to go:grin:
NappyParadise said:
No it didn't come out wrong we was just messing with you about being greedy! I totally understand what you are saying always wanting more and there is nothing wrong with that, I am grateful to have some hair cover my head but I still want a puff so bad,But I have a ways to go:grin:

I know girl!! :)
I know exactly what you mean, I'm close to bra strap, but when I look at my length compared to someone like meramid, my hair don't seems that long at all.
naptrl said:
I was just making the comment that sometimes it seems long to us until we get there. It's like wanting a toy sooo bad and when you get it, it's not that serious. Trust me, I'm very grateful. It's a blessing from God. I just want to make the point that not everybody has brastrap length hair or any hair period for that matter, so we should be thankful. Maybe it came out wrong. :) :)

Nah, girl, I knew what you were saying! I was just making a joke and messin with ya ;)
I know EXACTLY what you mean! :yep: I remember when I used to think that APL was long. :lol: Now I want midback! I want thicker fuller looking hair too. :yep:

I'm sooooooooo G-R-E-E-D-Y! :yep: :look:
I totally know what you mean! Hair anorexia is a terrible thing.:lol: I suffer from it too.

When I reached BSL I remember thinking my hair really wasn't that long. Then I reached waist length and it still seemed shorter than other women's at waist length. Now I'm almost at hip bone length and I finally feel that my hair is "long".
Hi there Naptrl, I'm kinda new here and a bit confused. I had a look at your fotki, did u rerelax or texturize or are all you pics with sets and blow outs?

You got some purdy hair BTW =)
dimpalz said:
Hi there Naptrl, I'm kinda new here and a bit confused. I had a look at your fotki, did u rerelax or texturize or are all you pics with sets and blow outs?

You got some purdy hair BTW =)
NOOOO, girl!! I'm completely natural!! That's just a press!--Thanks for the compliment!! :)
camellia said:
I totally know what you mean! Hair anorexia is a terrible thing.:lol: I suffer from it too.

When I reached BSL I remember thinking my hair really wasn't that long. Then I reached waist length and it still seemed shorter than other women's at waist length. Now I'm almost at hip bone length and I finally feel that my hair is "long".
Now girl, you're taking it toooo far!! :) This is some serious anorexia here! Waistlength and still having anorexic issues!! LAWD girl! lol j/k
I know exactly what you guys are saying. :lol: Before I reached Armpit Length, it seemed so long to me..... once I reached it, I was excited for like 2 days. I kept looking in the mirror (turned backward, with my hand mirror), and sweating how long my hair looked. :D

Then..... it suddenly looked short to me. I dont know what happened, but all of a sudden Armpit Length had lost its appeal, and I felt that my hair looked short, short, short! :mad: I think I was looking in the mirror too much. Anyway, I immedietely stopped celebrating, and my new obsession became Bra Strap Length.

Ya'all are right, this *aint* nothing but greed!!!:lachen:
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naptrl said:
...once you reach it!! Does anybody else feel this way? We put all this effort into getting "bra strap" length hair and then when we get there, we're like..."It's not long enough"!! I said this until I was at the hair dresser about a month ago and saw a lady who was almost completely bald. After that I said, "Lord thank you for my "not so long" brastrap length hair!! :)

I know what you mean. Sometimes, I feel as though my hair isn't that long and it's nearing hip length. :ohwell: I am very thankful for my hair, too! :yep: We're becoming great friends! :lol:
naptrl said:
...once you reach it!! Does anybody else feel this way? We put all this effort into getting "bra strap" length hair and then when we get there, we're like..."It's not long enough"! :)
I feel the same way!
camellia said:
I totally know what you mean! Hair anorexia is a terrible thing.:lol: I suffer from it too.

When I reached BSL I remember thinking my hair really wasn't that long. Then I reached waist length and it still seemed shorter than other women's at waist length. Now I'm almost at hip bone length and I finally feel that my hair is "long".

I suffer from it, too!

Often, my SO says look at my beautiful baby and all of that beautiful, long hair (w/ a big, silly grin on his face like this ---> :grin:). I can see the length on other people, but not myself. Recently, I told him that I feel like my hair isn't all that long. He said, "Are you kidding me? Your hair is very long! It's almost touching your butt!" :lol:
naptrl said:
...once you reach it!! Does anybody else feel this way? We put all this effort into getting "bra strap" length hair and then when we get there, we're like..."It's not long enough"!! I said this until I was at the hair dresser about a month ago and saw a lady who was almost completely bald. After that I said, "Lord thank you for my "not so long" brastrap length hair!! :)
I'm with ya sistah!!
I don't think my hair is that long at all, but when I look at other ladies picture with hair the same length , I think theirs is long!!!:confused:
It's the hair anorexia, for riz-eal!!
dlewis said:
I know exactly what you mean, I'm close to bra strap, but when I look at my length compared to someone like meramid, my hair don't seems that long at all.
Your hair is gorgeous!!:love:
I can relate, my hair is BSL and I thought I would be somewhat satisfied with the length, well it aint so! :lol:
I dont think I would be truly satisfied until my hair is Waist Length, once I get there I'd probably want MORE!! :lol:
I'm glad we could all talk about this!! It's actually funny when you think about it!! And you ladies are right..I look at some ladies who even probably have hair shorter than mine and think how long and beautiful it is!! LAWD...
Yah, most def. I wear rollersets, so my hair is always in curls. Unless they fall, it doesn't seem like my hair has grown at ALL, like since this time last year. But when it's straight and wet I can see exactly how long it is. I have long days, and I have where'd-my-hair-go days.

Maybe we ladies of color have an IDEA of what long is, mostly from seeing how the same length looks on white women. But our hair doesn't usually work that way, so when we achieve that same length, we don't feel it's as long as it actually is. It looks different, behaves differently. And different hair lays differently, too--so heavier or thicker hair will look longer than softer or thinner hair might, even if they're the same length.
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Mestiza said:
I suffer from it, too!

Often, my SO says look at my beautiful baby and all of that beautiful, long hair (w/ a big, silly grin on his face like this ---> :grin:). I can see the length on other people, but not myself. Recently, I told him that I feel like my hair isn't all that long. He said, "Are you kidding me? Your hair is very long! It's almost touching your butt!" :lol:

My husband does this too! :lol: A while back I had just gotten out of the shower and my hair was wet and stretched out down my back. My DH was in the bathroom brushing his teeth and he looked at my hair and said "Damn woman, look at your hair! It's so long!" He was really suprised. Normally my hair is up in a bun or loose but curly so it's hard to see the real length. He kept touching it :lachen:

Then I come on here and see everyone else's beautiful hair and the anorexia comes back full force!