Bra Strap Aint that long...

Gosh I thougth I was the only one who felt that way. Now Im starting to ask myself once I reach waistlength will I say the same thing?
KiniKakes said:
I know exactly what you guys are saying. :lol: Before I reached Armpit Length, it seemed so long to me..... once I reached it, I was excited for like 2 days. I kept looking in the mirror (turned backward, with my hand mirror), and sweating how long my hair looked. :D

Then..... it suddenly looked short to me. I dont know what happened, but all of a sudden Armpit Length had lost its appeal, and I felt that my hair looked short, short, short! :mad: I think I was looking in the mirror too much. Anyway, I immedietely stopped celebrating, and my new obsession became Bra Strap Length.

Ya'all are right, this *aint* nothing but greed!!!:lachen:

Same here, I was dying to hit armpit length and now I'm like, "Well, it's not armpit until you can do a full blunt cut at APL!" I'm trying to get my hair blown out today only so that I can look at it in the back and critique myself!

I hope this stops soon, because I really do want BSL so I can be comfortable with styling, but I hope I don't go hair anorexic over here :lol:
camellia said:
My husband does this too! :lol: A while back I had just gotten out of the shower and my hair was wet and stretched out down my back. My DH was in the bathroom brushing his teeth and he looked at my hair and said "Damn woman, look at your hair! It's so long!" He was really suprised. Normally my hair is up in a bun or loose but curly so it's hard to see the real length. He kept touching it :lachen:

Then I come on here and see everyone else's beautiful hair and the anorexia comes back full force!I suffer from it, too!

Often, my SO says look at my beautiful baby and all of that beautiful, long hair (w/ a big, silly grin on his face like this ---> :grin:). I can see the length on other people, but not myself. Recently, I told him that I feel like my hair isn't all that long. He said, "Are you kidding me? Your hair is very long! It's almost touching your butt!" :lol:

Awww... That's so cute! :drunk: It sounds like your DH loves long hair as much as my SO. :lol:
so1913 said:
All of ya'll are CRAZY!!! LOL!

We may need to seek some professional help.
I have to be honest, I don't think Bra Strap length hair is that long, I never have. What really sealed the deal for me was when I went to Hawaii a couple of years ago and I saw what long hair REALLY is.

When I got back and I saw people talking about their little lengths that they think are long, I would just laugh and think to myself "you can NOT be serious!":lol:
I definitely appreciate longer hair. :up: But after watching my mother loose her hair to chemotherapy--my father cutting off the last bits of it--I’m grateful for any hair at all, and that’s the truth. :yep: Sure I obsess at times about length, thickness, texture, whatever, but I just remember what my mother went through, and I’m grateful I have at least two strands to rub together. :grin:

Fortunately, my mom’s hair grew back long, strong, and beautiful and it is growing at a rate of about 1 inch a month now--I know this because she has to color her very visible roots every two weeks. But she taught me to be so grateful for not only my hair—at any length—but my health as well. So I try never to feel down about the length of my hair as long as it's healthy. Now, I'm not saying I don't have those "anorexic" moments :lol: But, I know how to keep my hair length in perspective.;)
Legend said:
I definitely appreciate longer hair. :up: But after watching my mother loose her hair to chemotherapy--my father cutting off the last bits of it--I’m grateful for any hair at all, and that’s the truth. :yep: Sure I obsess at times about length, thickness, texture, whatever, but I just remember what my mother went through, and I’m grateful I have at least two strands to rub together. :grin:

Fortunately, my mom’s hair grew back long, strong, and beautiful and it is growing at a rate of about 1 inch a month now--I know this because she has to color her very visible roots every two weeks. But she taught me to be so grateful for not only my hair—at any length—but my health as well. So I try never to feel down about the length of my hair as long as it's healthy. Now, I'm not saying I don't have those "anorexic" moments :lol: But, I know how to keep my hair length in perspective.;)

thanks for sharing, we should be thankful we are all able to grow our hair to the lengths we have!!!:)

Your little ducky is my new friend.

Okay sorry off track. I got hair anorexia like a big dog. Just yesterday I told myself...STEP away from the mirror. Your hair haven't grown an inch from 10 minutes ago when you were checking the length.
I'm the same way, once my hair reaches a goal I start longing for the next one. I never feel that my hair is long, maybe in part because of the shrinkage.
Wow, a lot of us suffer from this. I'm truly greatful for my hair though, as I know you all are as well!!
KiniKakes said:
:lol: Before I reached Armpit Length, it seemed so long to me..... once I reached it, I was excited for like 2 days. I kept looking in the mirror (turned backward, with my hand mirror), and sweating how long my hair looked. :D

Then..... it suddenly looked short to me. I dont know what happened, but all of a sudden Armpit Length had lost its appeal, and I felt that my hair looked short, short, short! :mad: I think I was looking in the mirror too much. Anyway, I immedietely stopped celebrating, and my new obsession became Bra Strap Length.

The exact same thing happened to me. I was so pleased at first and now I'm not satisfied at APL at all. :(
I definitely feel this way. But I saw it more after I passed it. I was like dang, bra strap wasnt that long, I wanna be waistlength! Full waistlength, front and back, that's gonna take a while but Im patient.
HoneyLemonDrop said:
I definitely feel this way. But I saw it more after I passed it. I was like dang, bra strap wasnt that long, I wanna be waistlength! Full waistlength, front and back, that's gonna take a while but Im patient.

Now, that's what I'm talking about!! FULL waistlength, front AND back. Just like the hippies back in the day.:lol:
I understand. I kept saying that my hair wasn't bra strap because it didn't feel long enough, but it actually is there (or was before I trimmed off some thin ends for the millionth time).

I recently put on a wig in a store. I saw it on the model head thing and said "that's my ideal length". So I got a cap and put it on and it wasn't any longer than my own hair. I had reached in the back to do a quick hand measure. I hit the strap in the same place my hair does.

So, yeah girl, I feel ya.

I think that thickness has a lot to do with our hair anorexia. The wig was thicker--up to three times thicker than my actual hair. So it looked longer.
Yeah I was disappointed when I got to brastrap because I expected it to be so much longer. I really thought I'd be satisfied. I know I don't want waist length hair that's too much for me. I need a happy medium. My new goal is 'Supergirl' length.
I have this same problem. I wore my hair down for Easter and everyone kept talking about how long it was and "growing like weeds" but this does not feel long to me. This does not look long to me. I'm about 2 inches from BSL and I already know that it won't be long enough. I plan to start trimming it regularly to even it up. Maybe once it looks thicker from trimming off the layers, it'll look longer and I'll start to find some peace with it.
sprungonhairboards said:
I know I don't want waist length hair that's too much for me.

Yes, I agree...I can't say that I have hair anorexia because my hair doesn't grow really fast so any visible length I see I'm very grateful for it. I can't imagine having waistlength or butt length hair. That's just too much hair for me to deal with.
Well to me bra strap isn't that long, I'm mean don't get me wrong, it is long, but hair past bra strap seems long to me.
I think the ladies who say blunt cut brastrap looks and feels longer than layered brastrap are right. My hair has grown in layers and it doesn't seem as long as people who have blunt cut hair.
naptrl said:
I think the ladies who say blunt cut brastrap looks and feels longer than layered brastrap are right. My hair has grown in layers and it doesn't seem as long as people who have blunt cut hair.

That is so true. My hair has always been bra strap or pretty close, but always in layers. I had bra strap length hair just a few months ago and didn't know it. But my hair was in a ton layers. Due to bad breakage and me wanting to transition i cut off 7 inches in the back and evened my hair up with my shortest layer. I think once its a bit below my bra strap i'd consider it long.
I know what you mean. I am currently bra strap length but I don't really feel like it b/c my last visit to the salon resulted in a too much trim and too many layers. So my longest layer is bra strap. But for me this could be because my hair was waist length before I HAD to cut it b/c of a bad relaxer. I really don't think I'll be pleased with my hair until it is waist length again. Though I am thankful that it has been growing back faithfully!
KiniKakes said:
Then..... it suddenly looked short to me. I dont know what happened, but all of a sudden Armpit Length had lost its appeal, and I felt that my hair looked short, short, short! :mad: I think I was looking in the mirror too much. Anyway, I immedietely stopped celebrating, and my new obsession became Bra Strap Length.

Ya'all are right, this *aint* nothing but greed!!!:lachen:

:lachen: Ya'll R greedy!:grin: :kiss: I think I will honestly be happy with APL...if it ever gets there! :look:
LOL..."hair anorexia". :lachen: I think I might be in the beginning stages of it. I'm a little past APL now. This is the longest it's been since I was 13, but now it's not good enough anymore. I said I would stop at bra strap length, but now that that looks like it is in reach, I want ot go to waist length.
hairlove said:
I know what you mean. I am currently bra strap length but I don't really feel like it b/c my last visit to the salon resulted in a too much trim and too many layers. So my longest layer is bra strap. But for me this could be because my hair was waist length before I HAD to cut it b/c of a bad relaxer. I really don't think I'll be pleased with my hair until it is waist length again. Though I am thankful that it has been growing back faithfully!
Yeah, and to answer your question from the other thread I think curly hair definitely has to be even. I can't wait for all my hair to be one length. It drives me nuts for it to be layered! But like yours, mine grew in layers.
naptrl - My hair grew in the exact same shape as yours!! I think it looks beautiful. The layers are nice and add dimension to your hair. However, I agree in the final goal of all one length. Heck, after my hair mishap, I wish I could at least just have the decent layers instead of the choppy ones I now have.

You've made awesome progress. Congrats to you reaching your goal.
hairlove said:
naptrl - My hair grew in the exact same shape as yours!! I think it looks beautiful. The layers are nice and add dimension to your hair. However, I agree in the final goal of all one length. Heck, after my hair mishap, I wish I could at least just have the decent layers instead of the choppy ones I now have.

You've made awesome progress. Congrats to you reaching your goal.
Thanks!! Now, I have a new goal though of course since "bra strap aint that long"!! haha... YOUR hair is beautiful!!! My mouth dropped when I saw those pics! It doesn't look bad like you think. It's gawwwjus!!!