Boyfriend pays off your student loans


Well-Known Member
And you guys break up some point after...that counts as a gift right, and he can't take that back? Asking for a friend.

If he wanted the money back, there should have been some type of agreement put in place and agreed upon by both parties.
I'd shoot him an email confirming that he offered to pay them off and that he does not expect repayment.

Something like: "Hey babe, I've been thinking about your offer to pay off all of my student loans. That's a very generous gift and I really appreciate it. I'll send you the payoff amount and who to make the check out too once I confirm the amount. Luv you!"

Or something to that effect. Hopefully, his reply will confirm that he did make the offer and it is a gift. She then keeps this email FOR LIFE.
I'd shoot him an email confirming that he offered to pay them off and that he does not expect repayment.

Something like: "Hey babe, I've been thinking about your offer to pay off all of my student loans. That's a very generous gift and I really appreciate it. I'll send you the payoff amount and who to make the check out too once I confirm the amount. Luv you!"

Or something to that effect. Hopefully, his reply will confirm that he did make the offer and it is a gift. She then keeps this email FOR LIFE.

I would not do that. Just the fact that she never made any payment and he never asked for any means there was no verbal agreement. I watch enough court tv...
I would not do that. Just the fact that she never made any payment and he never asked for any means there was no verbal agreement. I watch enough court tv...
Right. Judge Mathis used to be my daytime boo. No email, no talking about the loan payments, nothing.
I would not do that. Just the fact that she never made any payment and he never asked for any means there was no verbal agreement. I watch enough court tv...

Oh, wait, he's already paid them off and they broke up? I read it as the offer was recent and she was looking to cover herself for the future. If it's already happened, yeah, don't do what I recommended.
I guess I'm the only one who thinks he should be repaid? Nobody here has sons? Lol. Tsk tsk...

It was sweet of him to do so and only the two of you know the deal and the intent behind it. Follow your heart. Misdeeds double back on you.
I guess I'm the only one who thinks he should be repaid? Nobody here has sons? Lol. Tsk tsk...

It was sweet of him to do so and only the two of you know the deal and the intent behind it. Follow your heart. Misdeeds double back on you.

He was dumb. If my son was dumb enough to pay off some girl's student loans, he would deserve what he got.
I guess I'm the only one who thinks he should be repaid? Nobody here has sons? Lol. Tsk tsk...

It was sweet of him to do so and only the two of you know the deal and the intent behind it. Follow your heart. Misdeeds double back on you.

Ma'am, if my hypothetical son had the coins to pay off student loans (to someone he is not married to no less) and in turn asked for the money back because they didn't work out... I would go upside his head, lol!

What kind of petty mess is that? No one forced him to do it, and the OP said nothing of using him to get her loans paid off. They just didn't work out. Tough tidday... He wouldn't take back an expensive handbag, or want to be paid for all them meals his covered.
Lol at asking for a friend.
But I wouldn't let a boyfriend pay my student loans. But I guess depending on the terms of your verbal Contract.
I guess I'm the only one who thinks he should be repaid? Nobody here has sons? Lol. Tsk tsk...

It was sweet of him to do so and only the two of you know the deal and the intent behind it. Follow your heart. Misdeeds double back on you.

I have two sons and they know better than to do this for some girlfriend. Wife, yes.

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I guess I'm the only one who thinks he should be repaid? Nobody here has sons? Lol. Tsk tsk... It was sweet of him to do so and only the two of you know the deal and the intent behind it. Follow your heart. Misdeeds double back on you.

I would repay. Definitely.
I guess I'm the only one who thinks he should be repaid? Nobody here has sons? Lol. Tsk tsk...

It was sweet of him to do so and only the two of you know the deal and the intent behind it. Follow your heart. Misdeeds double back on you.

A fool and his money are easily parted. Nothing sweet about paying off loans. If he fool enough to pay off loans for a woman he's not married to then he deserves to take the hit.
He can get an annual Christmas card, friended on Facebook, and an enthusiastic wave during accidental run-ins as repayment.
A fool and his money are easily parted. Nothing sweet about paying off loans. If he fool enough to pay off loans for a woman he's not married to then he deserves to take the hit.

:lachen: My Tanty used to say "when you find a ripe fool, pick him". This one was ripe and deserved to be picked.
I'd like to think that my husband would do this but really is it his responsibility especially if the debt is incurred prior to my meeting him? or even after for that matter.
How do the courts view it?
I mean I wouldn't object to it :D

However, even if I had to pay back the loan, it would be easier than dealing with a Sallie Mae and at 0% interest lol However, they can always put a judgement against you in court which stays for 20 years. No bueno.
An ex of mine paid off a $7000 student loan for me. We were together 3 years. After we broke up, I paid him back because A. I could afford to and B. it felt like the right thing to do.

Now... if I couldn't afford to pay him back, perhaps it wouldn't have felt like the right thing to do :lol: idk...
I probably wouldn't have let him in the first place, but no, I'd consider it a gift and would not repay him.