boundless tresses

As always there were haters so I felt the need for someone that didn't know to speak up and support! Naturallady your product is great and I love it!
Blackoutzangel05 said:
As always there were haters so I felt the need for someone that didn't know to speak up and support! Naturallady your product is great and I love it!

Exactly. Haters all around us! Ugh.

Congrats on the Essence mention Naturallady. You deserve it. I love BT, not only because it helps promote growth, but because my NG is so much more manageable after using it.
Naturallady, although I haven't used your product yet, congratulations, it is very successful product, do not worry about those people, because they have not designed the product.
UUUMmmm did you guys read the post from the haters????
they said:

"I would like to say that the product recommended by another poster, boundless tresses, is not worth buying. Using it gave me headaches and the smell was unbearable!

I would like to say that the product recommended by another poster, boundless tresses, is not worth buying. Using it gave me headaches and the smell was unbearable!

I think they are talking about MTG
I cannot see it... but okay.

Well, dang! If the whole world knows about BT, then we won't be special anymore! :(:lol:
But, its okay... that will be one lame excuse the boys at Tired Black men can sratch off their list for reasons they don't date black women!:look: Now all we have to do is lose weight, brush our teeth, dye our hair blonde, become sterile, walk three steps behind the man, forget about the bible and acknowledge that these guys are god and god only, stop reading and writing, don't look at white boys, don't look at any man in the eye, for that matter, not even your own father, get rid of them corns, bunion and funions, stop being nappy (opps! I mean "natural"), don't breathe unless he says so, don't blink too hard, don't own a home, don't own your choochie.... i mean the list is just ENDLESS! But, at least we will all have long hair!

Congrats for your success Naturallady... you're going to be rich, biyotch!
Aalize said:
Why are they "haters" and "idiots" just because they don't like the product?

Good point. Someone here has posted a thread about an allergic reaction of the sulfur.:perplexed I'll shut up now.
bravenewgirl87 said:
that will be one lame excuse the boys at Tired Black men can sratch off their list for reasons they don't date black women!:look: Now all we have to do is lose weight, brush our teeth, dye our hair blonde, become sterile, walk three steps behind the man, forget about the bible and acknowledge that these guys are god and god only, stop reading and writing, don't look at white boys, don't look at any man in the eye, for that matter, not even your own father, get rid of them corns, bunion and funions, stop being nappy (opps! I mean "natural"), don't breathe unless he says so, don't blink too hard, don't own a home, don't own your choochie.... i mean the list is just ENDLESS! But, at least we will all have long hair!


:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: didn't forget anything did you!?!?!
Aalize said:
Why are they "haters" and "idiots" just because they don't like the product?

No they are haters and idiots for the way that they left the comments. They could have simply put that BT didn't work for them, even thought that is not even what the article is about. The way that they left the comment was surely the signs of a hater. If the product gave you a headache, simply say that and it could be because that person is allergic to sulphur. There was another comment saying that BT smelt like burnt mushy wet if that isn't haterism I don't know what is. The whole blurb comment called BT a waste of money and other stuff. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but goodness would it hurt people to use some tact....
Kudos Naturallady! You really have a wonderful product.

With success comes adversity and controversy, but remember....When God is for you, who can be against you?

Be Blessed!
all i saw was that it was mentioned in the comments not the actual article. and yes i saw the haters. who the hell does "Clara" think she is by belittling the other poster's comments like that. she needs a good hard slap.
NaturalLady.....CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you! I am proud to know that I tested this product before Essence could put the word out and it works. It may not work for everyone and that's okay. My grandma used to say "everything ain't for everybody". But I do know this....IT'S FOR ME AND IT WORKS FOR ME AND COUNTLESS OTHERS!!!

Don't worry about the negative comments. God did not bring you this far to be swayed by people's negativity. Stand firm and know that you have a lot of supporters. Not only on LHCF, but I've browsed other sites and BT is gaining a lot of POSITIVE momentum. It's all good!! ;)
Congrats Naturallady!! All the positives, the ads on other sites, vendors selling your product and now this Essence articles far outweighs the negatives and you will see grand results from all the positives!

About those comments, it's one thing to say the product didn't work for you, but it seems these people are going out of their way to be actively and overly negative to anything to do with BT. Like they have a personal vendetta not to see this womans business prosper and have to combat every positive mention it gets, especially one as large as Essence. They all seem very anti-LHCF too..I honestly doubt most of these people actually purchased the product.
Blackoutzangel05 said:
As always there were haters so I felt the need for someone that didn't know to speak up and support! Naturallady your product is great and I love it!

I am co-signing big time.
just because it didnt work for some one she didnt haveto be so mean there is alot of things that dont work for me but i wouldnt say it no good for every body there a hater out there and she poping up all over the place:lol: :lol: :lol: ******** hater on the lose:lachen: :lachen: by the way bt works for me i had to go back and post on essence i could let her talk a bout my bt lol
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BlkOnyx488 said:
UUUMmmm did you guys read the post from the haters????
they said:

"I would like to say that the product recommended by another poster, boundless tresses, is not worth buying. Using it gave me headaches and the smell was unbearable!

I would like to say that the product recommended by another poster, boundless tresses, is not worth buying. Using it gave me headaches and the smell was unbearable!

I think they are talking about MTG

I didn't even see that part, I have to go back and look.
I am really shocked!!! :eek:

I dont see all the negative comments or even the article referencing BT but I will take you ladies word for it.

Thank you ladies sooooo much!!! I really really mean it. To hear all the well wishes and congrats really has made my day! I have been stressed to the hilt lately b/c of an influx of orders at the same time that I am trying to move but by God's grace I'm getting thru it. I have had to deal with a whole lot of negativity lately but I have the streanth to let it roll of my back, again by Gods grace. I knew from the onset that negativity would come out of this just as I knew there would be a lot of positivity as well.

Once again I have to say thanks for being such wonderful women and it really is a pleasure to serve black women and help you all in this small way. :rosebud:
naturallady said:
I am really shocked!!! :eek:

I dont see all the negative comments or even the article referencing BT but I will take you ladies word for it.

Thank you ladies sooooo much!!! I really really mean it. To hear all the well wishes and congrats really has made my day! I have been stressed to the hilt lately b/c of an influx of orders at the same time that I am trying to move but by God's grace I'm getting thru it. I have had to deal with a whole lot of negativity lately but I have the streanth to let it roll of my back, again by Gods grace. I knew from the onset that negativity would come out of this just as I knew there would be a lot of positivity as well.

Once again I have to say thanks for being such wonderful women and it really is a pleasure to serve black women and help you all in this small way. :rosebud:

Awww. Your welcome NL. In a little while you will need more than just your little helper cause this thing is ABOUT TO BLOW UP!!!!!:D
Sistas just can't be happy for each other sometimes. That is really sad...tryna rain on Naturallady's parade! Anyway, maybe the execs will see it, try it and put it in the magazine! I was surprised to see my blog in there too! Whoever that chick is that wrote it, I like her way of thinking! lol better start mixing in overdrive! We are so proud of you! In fact, your link is always the number 1 or 2 outgoing link in my blog. Even all of the Scandalous Beauty readers love you!!!! :)