Boredom+heat+shear= transition over (with pics)

Thank you so much for all the kind words everyone, I'm over here :blush3:

It looks nice and very soft, what was your transitioning regimen?

I don't really have a set regimen.
I washed it with Dr Bronner's sweet almond soap about once a week.
Co wash and detangle with Aussie moist, Giovanni 50/50, Suave shea butter and almond or HEHH.
I deep condition with moisture or protein depending on how my hair feels about once a week as well.

During the first couple of months, I'd detangle my hair once a week or even every two weeks. I'd still cowash and such in between but just didn't run a comb thru it :look:
After month 10ish I started to have to detangle every time I wet it or else I'd have a tangled mess that takes me an hour to undo. When I detangled every time, it would only take me about 5 minutes to do.

I wore it mostly in a 'reverse bun' basically a puff and I'd take all my relaxed pieces and tuck it in the middle. Or a twist and curl, which gave me a curly chin length bob.

ETA I knew I posted a pic in here of my puff/bun
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I tried a twistout today and my hair looked the exact same after as it did before :lachen: I'm surprised how soft it feels, I always thought I had coarse hair. I also realised I have a couple wayward texture patches but overall it seems pretty even, I like it. I'm excited about trying new things and figuring out what works for me :yep:
Congratulations on your BC!! It's beautiful. I transitioned for 13 months also which means that was plenty of hair for me to work with for now!