BORAX has saved my scalp!


Well-Known Member
I had to come in and sing the praises of Borax. I have been having issues with my scalp for the past few months, but especially had an issue after using dry shampoo. The dry shampoo killed my scalp and causes a fungus to grow. I know that sounds gross, but its the truth.

For the past few weeks I have been using Head and Shoulders to keep it in check, but by two days after my shampoo my scalp would start itching, flaking, and started to smell. Long story short I reached out to Anonymous1 and she gave me a recipe for a Borax shampoo. I applied on Friday and checked this morning and no smell, no flakes, and no itchiness. My scalp is no longer white, its the color of my normal skin. I swear I almost cried cause I really thought I would be dealing with this forever. So any ladies that are having scalp issues, pleease please please please try Borax. You will not be disappointed.
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OP, do you think JBCO or Sulphur could have gotten you the same results?

I'm glad you found some relief but ummmmm :nono: it's not for me.
I would do a bentonite clay or rhassoul clay treatment using clay, neem oil and plain water. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. Massage your scalp with it, leave it in for 20 minutes or longer and co-wash it out. This mixture clarifies your hair and detoxifies your scalp.

Neem has insecticidal, fungicidal, miticidal and medicinal properties.

I do a bi-weekly wash using bentonite or rhassoul clay, aloe vera juice and brine. If my scalp is feeling itchy for any reason, I add neem oil. I haven't had any scalp issues in two years.
I would do a bentonite clay or rhassoul clay treatment using clay, neem oil and plain water. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. Massage your scalp with it, leave it in for 20 minutes or longer and co-wash it out. This mixture clarifies your hair and detoxifies your scalp.

Neem has insecticidal, fungicidal, miticidal and medicinal properties.

I do a bi-weekly wash using bentonite or rhassoul clay, aloe vera juice and brine. If my scalp is feeling itchy for any reason, I add neem oil. I haven't had any scalp issues in two years.

Neem will kill anythang
I had major scalp issues too where I could not go more than 3 days without ridiculous itching and flakes. I used Nizoral for about 2 months on a weekly basis and I'm happy to say that I've been issue free for the last 4 years.

Just thought I'd share that in case you were ever needed a quick, store-bought, all-in-one alternative.
I had major scalp issues too where I could not go more than 3 days without ridiculous itching and flakes. I used Nizoral for about 2 months on a weekly basis and I'm happy to say that I've been issue free for the last 4 years.

Just thought I'd share that in case you were ever needed a quick, store-bought, all-in-one alternative.

I looked for Nizoral a couple of months ago and learned that there is a nationwide shortage. It had something to do with Johnson and Johnson relocating a production facility and being offline for several months. Its misleading because multiple websites show it in stock but if you call then you learn that they don't actually have it. I know that was the case with CVS and Walgreens.

I'm going to look into Neem oil as an alternative.
Borax thickens hair too! I learned about its use for hair on I used to use it regularly as a shampoo and it was great. Idk why I stopped I need to go back to it.

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Thanks everyone for your concerns, but this has been the only thing to relieve me of my scalp issues. As with everything on LHCF, there are some things that aren't for everyone so take my review with a grain of salt. If I have any adverse reactions I will definitely up this thread to warn everyone. Here's an article to give another opinion of Borax.

For those that are interested, the recipe is

1/2 cup of Borax
4 cups of warm water

I mixed in a blender to make sure it mixed well. I poured it over my scalp and let it sit for 1 hr and then co washed.
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Glad that you were able to relieve your scalp issues. But I can't say I wouldn't be a little afraid to use this on my scalp. Not only is it a pesticide, but it's hard to imagine what it could do to your strands, as well as your over all health. I've read up on it and there are some other concerns that you should be aware of. :rolleyes:

Boric Acid is found in eye drops and is used to cure yeast infections. When you "poison" someone, the ingest. Alcohol is poison. :look:
I'm so glad it worked for you. It worked for me and i did a bunch a research before i used it. It got my hair back right. I know everyone won't agree but this stuff worked for me. I wouldn't suggest drinking it or anything:lol: but it worked on my scalp and yes i does cure yeast infections too. Some doctors even prescribe borax suppositories for infections.
Congrats OP! Didin't know you could use borax. I used to have that same problem until I found out that shampoo was the culprit. I would have this terrible gray film on my scalp :nono: I switched to natural stuff like ACV, Witch Hazel, Pure Tea Tree Oil, or Shikakai. Never had the problem again.
Boric Acid is found in eye drops and is used to cure yeast infections. When you "poison" someone, the ingest. Alcohol is poison. :look:

From the dangers I found during my research, I stand by my opinion! Because something is an ingredient in something else does not mean you should use it without research, for other areas. Who knows the exact measurements that are used in eyedrops or for yeast infection medicine. It could become poisonous with more potenency, just like alcohol. And absorption into the scalp is near the same as ingesting it. There was a thread about "Tea Rinses" a while back that was started cause some of us ladies had a reaction to the caffeine in the tea which caused extreme nervousness, distress with breathing and for me ultimately problems with my Anxiety Disorder. And that was through the scalp. Then you never no what it could do to the actual "Hair" itself. Just better safe than sorry! :rolleyes: :yep:
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^Well...not exactly.
You can put a whole bunch of stuff on your scalp that you absolutely cannot eat. They aren't the same thing at all.
^^^^^I think she means if it has the ability to become systemic.

If Borax molecule(s) are small enough in it's orginal state or when mixed with water it may become transdermal.
I'm so glad it worked for you. It worked for me and i did a bunch a research before i used it. It got my hair back right. I know everyone won't agree but this stuff worked for me. I wouldn't suggest drinking it or anything:lol: but it worked on my scalp and yes i does cure yeast infections too. Some doctors even prescribe borax suppositories for infections.

A reputable MD would NOT prescribe this :nono:

Acute Toxicity

Boric acid, taken internally, is extremely toxic. If there is an open vaginal wound, a cut or scrape in the vaginal wall, for example, boric acid could enter the bloodstream. This can cause symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. It can also cause dermatitis. More serious side effects, seen in higher concentrations, include kidney damage, acute circulatory system failure and even death.

Chronic Toxicity

Multiple treatment courses using boric acid suppositories can lead to a condition known as chronic poisoning. Unlike acute poisoning where the symptoms are experienced immediately, chronic poisoning builds up slowly over time, with repeated exposure to boric acid. Symptoms include pain, anorexia, gastrointestinal disturbances, weakness, confusion, dermatitis, menstrual disorders, anemia, seizures and hair loss, and the condition can also lead to death.

Chronic toxicity has been reported in patients treated for wound infections. However, it could also occur in patients repeatedly treated for vaginal yeast infections, particularly if the area contains a cut or scrape.

Mild Side Effects

A 1998 report published in "Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology" indicated that the most frequent side effects of boric acid vaginal suppositories were a watery discharge, a burning sensation and skin redness. The report also noted that the sexual partner of a woman who uses vaginal boric acid suppositories may experience a gritty sensation during intercourse.
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I would do a bentonite clay or rhassoul clay treatment using clay, neem oil and plain water. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. Massage your scalp with it, leave it in for 20 minutes or longer and co-wash it out. This mixture clarifies your hair and detoxifies your scalp.

Neem has insecticidal, fungicidal, miticidal and medicinal properties.

I do a bi-weekly wash using bentonite or rhassoul clay, aloe vera juice and brine. If my scalp is feeling itchy for any reason, I add neem oil. I haven't had any scalp issues in two years.

Pompous Blue thanks so much for sharing this! Once I purchase the rhassoul clay and neem oil I will give this a try because my scalp is in serious need of a detox since I big chopped. What is the brine you use? I have never heard of this in terms of hair care only food.

Thanks in advance for your response,
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I use a scoop of Borax in every wash Load!

R We talking about 20 mules Borax! (that is good for practically EVERYTHING)
When I put certain things on my scalp I could taste it. Wierd but HEnna is like this, Bleach for the hair is like this, I don't taste relaxers but seems the powder mixes I seem to taste them and I wash my hands constantly even though I wear gloves and don't put them in my mouth which I thought was it. I was like nah this can't be but it is.

I can taste them. Wierd! So I do believe that because of my experience as well.
@JJamiah.....what effect does the borax have on your clothes?

thanks in advance for your response,

@morehairplease I CAN NOT PRAISE BORAX ENOUGH, it gets my whites whiter and ANY SMELLS you have in your clothing WILL NEUTRALIZE it is like a smell ZApper. It is suppose to BOOST any detergent you have.

I have like 6 boxes of this stuff. I buy it 6 at a time. GIRL I CAN NOT tell you how much I can't live with out this during laundry time. I don't wash without it.

It is also a water softner if you have hard water, it softens it, whitens whites and any smells (Animal smells, Under Arm, Other nasty odors) It zaps it and the smell is GONE!
I also use it when I shampoo my carpets I add it too my tank and the smells are Neutralized and my carpet brightens for sure :) I still use my regular Bissell detergent I just add this to it.
^Well...not exactly.
You can put a whole bunch of stuff on your scalp that you absolutely cannot eat. They aren't the same thing at all.

^^^^^I think she means if it has the ability to become systemic.

If Borax molecule(s) are small enough in it's orginal state or when mixed with water it may become transdermal.

When I put certain things on my scalp I could taste it. Wierd but HEnna is like this, Bleach for the hair is like this, I don't taste relaxers but seems the powder mixes I seem to taste them and I wash my hands constantly even though I wear gloves and don't put them in my mouth which I thought was it. I was like nah this can't be but it is.

I can taste them. Wierd! So I do believe that because of my experience as well.

Chaosbutterfly, As My Friend & JJamiah has stated, Things can enter your blood stream via your scalp. Of course some things are more toxic than others and you cannot ingest, but depending on the molecular make-up of said chemical, some will be able to absord into your scalp better then others. But in any case, to each his own. Be safe! :rolleyes:

ETA: Because something is in a more safe product like eyedrops, there's still no way to know, what process they used to make the acid safe, or to change the chemical make-up, to make it safe for eyes. Just food for thought! :rolleyes:
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@Leesh I was siding with yah due to my experience. :( no picking on me! :giggle:

I know It entered mine though, to sit there and taste the things I put on my head :nono: not tastey at all!