BORAX has saved my scalp!

Borax for your hair? We used it to get rid of the cochroaches my brother brought with him cross country! I knew it does a lot but for your hair too?

It gets rid of ALL smells?! Even the underarm smell? Hmmm. This could save me having to rewash my clothes twice...
Borax for your hair? We used it to get rid of the cochroaches my brother brought with him cross country! I knew it does a lot but for your hair too?

It gets rid of ALL smells?! Even the underarm smell? Hmmm. This could save me having to rewash my clothes twice...

If it works on cloth diapers it will work on anything.
@JeterCrazed So how did you cure your scalp problem? I don't have psoriasis but lupus and never had scalp issues until after getting sick. I suspect a fungal infection which seem to be common for me now that my immune system is screwed up.
I looked for Nizoral a couple of months ago and learned that there is a nationwide shortage. It had something to do with Johnson and Johnson relocating a production facility and being offline for several months. Its misleading because multiple websites show it in stock but if you call then you learn that they don't actually have it. I know that was the case with CVS and Walgreens.

I'm going to look into Neem oil as an alternative.

That is an understatement. I can't find it anywhere.
Thanks everyone for your concerns, but this has been the only thing to relieve me of my scalp issues. As with everything on LHCF, there are some things that aren't for everyone so take my review with a grain of salt. If I have any adverse reactions I will definitely up this thread to warn everyone. Here's an article to give another opinion of Borax.

For those that are interested, the recipe is

1/2 cup of Borax
4 cups of warm water

I mixed in a blender to make sure it mixed well. I poured it over my scalp and let it sit for 1 hr and then co washed.

Fascinating. I always seem to have an itchy scalp issue. Selsun blue and Head and Shoulders make my hair shed. Do you have a picture of the package of Borax by any chance?
Fascinating. I always seem to have an itchy scalp issue. Selsun blue and Head and Shoulders make my hair shed. Do you have a picture of the package of Borax by any chance?

Sosoothing I bought this from Walmart.

To Everyone: I wanted to add that today is Tuesday and normally by Tuesday my scalp has become unbearable and I have to start applying tea tree oil to calm it down, but so far nothing. Still no itchiness, no flakes and no smell. I know it may be controversial, but this is a keeper for me. When/If I have a scalp issue again I will be using it..
@Sosoothing I bought this from Walmart.

To Everyone: I wanted to add that today is Tuesday and normally by Tuesday my scalp has become unbearable and I have to start applying tea tree oil to calm it down, but so far nothing. Still no itchiness, no flakes and no smell. I know it may be controversial, but this is a keeper for me. When/If I have a scalp issue again I will be using it..

natural one Is this after one application?
Sosoothing I bought this from Walmart.

To Everyone: I wanted to add that today is Tuesday and normally by Tuesday my scalp has become unbearable and I have to start applying tea tree oil to calm it down, but so far nothing. Still no itchiness, no flakes and no smell. I know it may be controversial, but this is a keeper for me. When/If I have a scalp issue again I will be using it..

Thank you so much. I plan on getting this today.
Muse That is interesting because I was thinking how soft my hair was after I cowashed it. I guess it was the Borax. Can you post a link or name of the youtube video? I would like to check it out..
Curious to know how this works out for you long term OP & if it truly is a "one and done" solution. I'm always open to new process and techniques. Glad you found a solution that works for you!
Thanks again for sharing, first of all. I didn't do too much research because I know what boric acid and its salt are, but it never occurred to me to try it on the scalp. My hair turned out so soft, OMG. My scalp feels great! Managing my scalp issues is just so tiring that I was glad to try a treatment that would give me a rest from stamping put fires. It's been 1 day and my hair feels great after only leaving it on for 15 min. If I can go 3 days without washing, I will be ecstatic.
^^ You are welcome. The hair softness was something I wasn't expecting but I'll take it. :) I really hope this works for you as well as it did for me. Definitely update in a few days to let me know how its going, i'm curious.
Borax for your hair? We used it to get rid of the cochroaches my brother brought with him cross country! I knew it does a lot but for your hair too?

It gets rid of ALL smells?! Even the underarm smell? Hmmm. This could save me having to rewash my clothes twice...

Lets just say there once was a cat (she no longer resides with us) who pee'd my corner of my house, the smell was fierce. I was so upset, I gathered the bissell and put 20 mules in it since I needed tough action fast and normal bissell orange wasn't working, guess what THE SMELL Was gone Whew. Thank goodness. I lean on BORax for every load. I don't wash a load of clothing with out it. :nono: this is great stuff! GREAT STUFF!

If it works on cloth diapers it will work on anything.
IT works on that and worse :yep:
Lets just say there once was a cat (she no longer resides with us) who pee'd my corner of my house, the smell was fierce. I was so upset, I gathered the bissell and put 20 mules in it since I needed tough action fast and normal bissell orange wasn't working, guess what THE SMELL Was gone Whew. Thank goodness.

Whew! I thought that story was going in a baaaad direction. :look::lol:
@JeterCrazed So how did you cure your scalp problem? I don't have psoriasis but lupus and never had scalp issues until after getting sick. I suspect a fungal infection which seem to be common for me now that my immune system is screwed up.

First of all, look at these reviews before we continue....

Now... I started to wash my hair daily and make sure my scalp was dry. Air drying :down: :down: I used essential oils and extracts-peppermint, tea tree, eucalyptus. No braids. No weaves. I ate lots of spicy foods. I wouldn't let the scabs even form. The minute I got an itch, I doused it with shampoo. :look: After a while, your scalp says, "I can't keep this up" and quits.

Right now, I'm having unrelated issues-pain, but not flaking. :rolleyes: #HereWeGo
It is definitely fungal because it responds only to antifungals. Clotrimazole was keeping it in check, but it wasn't strong enough to skip a day. I can't be so bothered with the daily roller coaster again, so I tried the borax.
Let me add on here: Scalp fungal infections are RARELY cured by topical treatments. A prescription drug like GRISEOFULVIN/GRISFULVIN there are a couple of generic names, is necessary to attack the infection from the inside out.
First of all, look at these reviews before we continue....

Now... I started to wash my hair daily and make sure my scalp was dry. Air drying :down: :down: I used essential oils and extracts-peppermint, tea tree, eucalyptus. No braids. No weaves. I ate lots of spicy foods. I wouldn't let the scabs even form. The minute I got an itch, I doused it with shampoo. :look: After a while, your scalp says, "I can't keep this up" and quits.

Right now, I'm having unrelated issues-pain, but not flaking. :rolleyes: #HereWeGo
It is definitely fungal because it responds only to antifungals. Clotrimazole was keeping it in check, but it wasn't strong enough to skip a day. I can't be so bothered with the daily roller coaster again, so I tried the borax.

JeterCrazed Thanks for the link to the tea. I have heard of it once before under another name and was going to look into it but I never did. Think it's time I try it. Do you drink it?

So did you use the same amount that natural one used for the borax (1/2cup borax 4cups water)? I'm thinking about putting the mixture in a spray bottle so that I can target spots on the scalp.
Let me add on here: Scalp fungal infections are RARELY cured by topical treatments. A prescription drug like GRISEOFULVIN/GRISFULVIN there are a couple of generic names, is necessary to attack the infection from the inside out.

So what about all the people who use those antifungal creams on their scalps and see results? Are you saying that the symptoms are just being kept at bay? Does it come back if they stop using it? I've never used those creams before.
I don't think you're supposed to use dry shampoo on your scalp (just on the hair to cut out oil and dirt). Sorry to hear you're having problems. I'm glad you found a solution but I hope it's a safe one (not sure...was reading some of the other reviews).

Perhaps it's time to visit a derm? so they can provide you with a safer alternative?
So what about all the people who use those antifungal creams on their scalps and see results? Are you saying that the symptoms are just being kept at bay? Does it come back if they stop using it? I've never used those creams before.

From PERSONAL experience YES. These symptoms do return at some point using only topical solutions.
First of all, look at these reviews before we continue....

Now... I started to wash my hair daily and make sure my scalp was dry. Air drying :down: :down: I used essential oils and extracts-peppermint, tea tree, eucalyptus. No braids. No weaves. I ate lots of spicy foods. I wouldn't let the scabs even form. The minute I got an itch, I doused it with shampoo. :look: After a while, your scalp says, "I can't keep this up" and quits.

Right now, I'm having unrelated issues-pain, but not flaking. :rolleyes: #HereWeGo
It is definitely fungal because it responds only to antifungals. Clotrimazole was keeping it in check, but it wasn't strong enough to skip a day. I can't be so bothered with the daily roller coaster again, so I tried the borax.

JeterCrazed you and I are >< with the scalp issues. I suffer from seborrheic dermatitis and hair growth/retention has been a struggle since my diagnosis in 2004. When I purchase the borax this weekend I will give this a try because while I find the baking soda shampoo working tremendously my scalp feels as if something is crawling on it which leads me to believe that I have a fungal infection on my scalp.

I will let you ladies know how it goes for me on Sunday when I use the borax.

Ladies thanks again for such an awesome thread.
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JeterCrazed Thanks for the link to the tea. I have heard of it once before under another name and was going to look into it but I never did. Think it's time I try it. Do you drink it?

So did you use the same amount that natural one used for the borax (1/2cup borax 4cups water)? I'm thinking about putting the mixture in a spray bottle so that I can target spots on the scalp.
I have essiac in the fridge right now. I keep a batch on deck. :look:

I did only 2 cups of water in a bottle and shook. Couldn't be bothered with getting the blender out.
Congrats OP! Didin't know you could use borax. I used to have that same problem until I found out that shampoo was the culprit. I would have this terrible gray film on my scalp :nono: I switched to natural stuff like ACV, Witch Hazel, Pure Tea Tree Oil, or Shikakai. Never had the problem again.
DrC interesting. I have a gray film near my crown that won't go away. It's on the scalp and also about a centimeter on my roots. I thought it was buildup. I'm still not sure...would you be able to describe the film more? Did you try to clarify/shampoo and it seemed to go away? Did you avoid putting conditioner near the scalp and it was still there?

DrC interesting. I have a gray film near my crown that won't go away. It's on the scalp and also about a centimeter on my roots. I thought it was buildup. I'm still not sure...would you be able to describe the film more?

Sure. It was a gray film that would get sticky when wet, and would not wash off. It would flake in large patches when dry yet would stay on my scalp and continue to be a vicious cycle. I would have to scratch it off, which would leave my scalp red and irritated, with more gray film residue.

Did you try to clarify/shampoo and it seemed to go away?

Actually, the prescribed, medicated, and regular/clarifying shampoos did not work at all because they were the culprits of the situation.

Did you avoid putting conditioner near the scalp and it was still there?

The film remained present, even when I applied my conditioner with an application brush and stayed away from my scalp.

The first alternative I found was the Witch Hazel method. I applied witch hazel to my scalp in an applicator bottle and let it sit for a good hour. Never had the gray film again. Since then, I stay away from any shampoo in a bottle. I also stared to use a few drops of pure tea tree oil mixed in with other oils since it helps fight fungus. I still don't know to this day if it were a fungus or build-up, but I do know for sure it was caused by the shampoo.

Hope this helped.

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The first alternative I found was the Witch Hazel method. I applied witch hazel to my scalp in an applicator bottle and let it sit for a good hour. Never had the gray film again, .
Since then, I stay away from any shampoo in a bottle.

Hope this helped.

:yay::yay::yay: THANK YOU!! This sounds exactly like my scalp And thank you to the OP as well. All this time I thought it was buildup. :nono: Borax sounds a little scary, so off to buy some witch hazel I go...
:yay::yay::yay: THANK YOU!! This sounds exactly like my scalp And thank you to the OP as well. All this time I thought it was buildup. :nono: Borax sounds a little scary, so off to buy some witch hazel I go...

abcd09. You're welcome. BTW
I also stared to use a few drops of pure tea tree oil mixed in with other oils since it helps fight fungus. I still don't know to this day if it were a fungus or build-up, but I do know for sure it was caused by the shampoo.

Yeah, I just realized boric Acid is also used to kill insects. I thought it was used to wash dishes. What type of borax did you use OP?

ETA: Let me do my research before I start asking questions *Off to Google*
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