Books about emotional dependency??? Recommend >>


Well-Known Member
This article, Is this Love or Emotional Dependency? was a stepping stone in me walking away from a dead relationship. sidenote: I swear I could shout! Hold my mule! Anyway, I'd realized I was emotionally dependent on the love I was onced shown in my past relationship and not in love with the person I was in the relationship with. It's a great article, and great site, you ladies should check it out. Anyway, being able to articulate the issue was the first step, now doing some soul searching of why I needed that love has been a a journey. I'm really interested in the topic and wanted to learn more about it. Do you ladies have any articles or books you'd like to recommend on the topic?

"Sometimes the greatest reward of triumphing through a storm is not our personal benefit, but that we may have a testimony for someone else." -Ebonie Nicole Flynn. My aspiration is to be a breathing testimony to other young women. Keep me in your prayers ladies :hugs: