Boadicea, Wow! Your hair is beautiful!


Hair Coach
Boadicea, I saw your updated pics and your hair has grown so mcuh. It looks so silky shiny and healthy! Please post you pic link here for all to see!
It is pretty.
Here is the link to my pictures:

The password is 3pmfae for each album.

Thank you both very much. I'm still kicking myself over that 3 inch trim that I got last December.
It would've, could've, should've been so long. Now I accept that my hair will always grow in layers, like it or not. I attribute the growth from July to October to keeping my hair in cornrows with the ends in the baggie. I will return to that routine either when I get well or in February after I've had my hair in braids for two months (crown & glory)

As for my current routine:
Currently, because I've been sick, I've been getting my hair done at a Dominican salon (I started last Sunday) instead of doing it myself. I will continue to do so (every Sunday) until December when I will start the Crown & Glory method.

I have them shampoo my hair with Dabur Vatika Henna Cream Conditioning Shampoo, you can do a search for it on the board. And I have them condition my hair with Avalon Organics Biotin B-Complex conditioner; and then use Salerm 21 silk protein leave-in. (You should definitely try this if you're going to use any heat on your hair)

I always deep condition my hair at home because that allows me to keep it on for as long as I want. I also have a Mastex heating cap. I switch up between my three favorite deep conditioners, Salerm Mascarilla Capilar, Le Kair Cholesterol Plus, and Samy Rehydrating hair mask (search and I leave them on for at least 2 hours.

Also, once a week (after doing a deep conditioning), I oil my hair and leave it on for 2 hours and then rinse it out. You can find out about that from here: which is the routine I use when I have my hair in cornrows (starting up again in February).

Back to the Dominican salon. After a wash and set, I have them blow dry and then wrap my hair. The next day, I spray it with Samy So Shiny ( I wear my hair down the day after, and then for the rest of the week, I wear it in a bun with the help a my hairagami. At night, I brush my hair out (25 strokes each section, 100% boar bristle brush by Goody) and put my hair in a satin bonnet.

I stopped taking vitamins in early September, my next trim and relaxer are due in March and then again in September.
After washing my hair, I drape the towel over my head and gently squeeze the hair twice. I then put Salerm 21 leave-in on my hair and put my hair in a ponytail. I leave it like that for a few hours (1-2) and then I take it out of a ponytail to let the inside dry a little. I then start braiding my hair. At this point it's usually dry, but a little damp for the hair that was on the inside of the ponytail.
Yes, Bo, I must say your hair is looking awesome! How have things been for you since you stopped the vits? I may have to do that as well. Do you notice any major differences? I am trying a modified version of the crown and glory method as well. Keep up posted as to how well you do. Somehow, my hair thrives in braids. For alot of LHCF ladies, it doesn't. We look like we have the same type of hair.
Boadicea, gorgeous hair! Such growth in just a few months.
And I enjoyed you kitty album too (I'm crazy about cats).
Your (fur)babies are a riot.
Oh yeah, I peaked at your kitty album too! They look sooo cute. Gave me the idea to make my kitty my avatar. Thanks for the hair and kitty inspiration!
your hair has grown alot since your july pic (i see that the bun challenge is working for you, i can't wait till i reach shoulder length so that i can start this challenge too), by the way your cats are adorable-sumo pic was the best ( i love kitties)
it IS BEAUTIFUL...keep for your "catch me if u can" in your sig, I WILL
<font color="brown">Boadicea!

Your hair looks great! I can see quality progress from the earlier pictures. I also liked the hairigami pictures.

I also want to give you HUGE PROPS for getting your cats to pose with the crown and glasses . . . my cats won't stand for it. They would dart off before I could even pull my hand away long enough to snap the picture!

AngieK </font>
I know I posted this earlier today but I don't see it here so here I go again.

Boadicea, your hair has grown so nicely and health ends to boot. Beautiful shine as well. I love the Hairagami style. Does the Hairagami have a satiny or smooth type of covering on it?

Get well soon.
The hairagami has a velevet type covering on it and the inside is a bendable plastic.
Lucia said:
The hairagami has a velevet type covering on it and the inside is a bendable plastic.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks Lucia. Check your PM.
Boadicea seeing how your hair has grown has given me true inspiration!!

what do you moisturize your hair with??
Thank you all very much!

There were many times where I wanted to take my cornrows out because everyone else at school was fliging their hair in my face but I stuck with it and I'm very glad!

lol @Supergirl

@EgyptianSand: I'll meet you at the 40in mark (tailbone length for me...I'm short)

@melodee: I didn't notice any major differences, except that I felt a whole lot better. I'm not sure what impact it has/had on my hair though, but I'm glad I've stopped taking them.

@honeydrop: For the first two days I rely on Salerm 21 leave-in to give my hair moisture from when it was applied on Sunday. On the days after that, I use WGO, or Frizz Ease Secret Weapon (I forgot to type this before!). About a quater size amount will last until next Sunday. I put it on after brushing.
Girl, your hair looks great...keep up the good job. I'm impressed. It's shiny and very healthy looking.