blue blue moon


Active Member
hi ladies! ok I searched the massive henna thread and couldn't find much so here I am asking humble advice :look:

ok so I've done a bunch of strand tests with henna and indigo and different combos but I'm not getting the color I want! My hair is naturally a real dark brown...I either wanna go red red or really not dark black/blue and not like bright blue but I want it to! I mean more blue than black:lachen: so has anyone had any luck using indigo to get this color? What did you add in to get more blue color? TIA :yep:

here we go I found an example....this type of blue!
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It's not really possible, unless you bleach your hair first. Both henna and indigo are cellophane type dyes - a sheer overlay of your hairs current color with the new color red/blue. So, unless you're blond or gray, indigo will never take you THAT blue. And the same for henna - if you are starting out with really dark hair, you'll end up with really dark hair - with a red overlay.

It's kinda what makes them healthy than the chemicals - they just overlay your hair/bond to your hair, not rebreak the bonds and reform them...