Blowouts, how often can you


New Member
get your hair blown out? I love going to the Dominican Salon becasue my hair is so soft and flowly when i leave there. Then I maintain that style for 8-9 days and I want to go back. My question is, is it bad to get your hair blown out too often?
I haven't gotten a Dominican Blowout yet, but I can't imagine all of that super high heat they use being good for your hair if you do it frequently.

On a related note, I saw a girl at LAX with some gorgeous swingalicious hair. My first thought was that she must have just gotten a fresh blowout. It was SO pretty!
My hair just can't take the heat PERIOD! I loved the result, but 5 days later my hair would be way too dried out and breaking left and right. i think that my hair is too fine. This has set me back more than once. Unfortunately, i won't be doing this again.
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I have never gotten a blowout, so i am speaking purely in theory. or in my humble opinion. I think blowouts are a good thing to get done ON OCCASION. It keeps the cuticles smoothed and the hair trained, and when the cuticles are smoothed it feels like the hair isn't thirsting for a moisturizer at the end of every day. The results are always gorgeous. But if you get it done every week or every 2 weeks, you will start to notice your hair thinning out. I have a friend that gets hers done often...she has thick hair and her hair is soooo swingy and gorgeous, but i notice her hair thinning out, and then they cut 2 inches of it, to combat the thinning. I really hate to see women with swingy hair that is obvious that they've had a cute blowout, but their hair is like shoulderblade length but is super duper thin. I really hate it.

I believe the thinning is a result of the stylist stretching your hairstrands with the brush and holding your hair taught. Some of the hairs are stretched too much, and are stretched and stretched and stretched every time you visit the salon and then finally the strand can't take the stretching and it breaks. this is what is my opinion on how too many blowouts can be a bad thing.
Mizani_Mrs said:
I have never gotten a blowout, so i am speaking purely in theory. or in my humble opinion. I think blowouts are a good thing to get done ON OCCASION. It keeps the cuticles smoothed and the hair trained, and when the cuticles are smoothed it feels like the hair isn't thirsting for a moisturizer at the end of every day. The results are always gorgeous. But if you get it done every week or every 2 weeks, you will start to notice your hair thinning out. I have a friend that gets hers done often...she has thick hair and her hair is soooo swingy and gorgeous, but i notice her hair thinning out, and then they cut 2 inches of it, to combat the thinning. I really hate to see women with swingy hair that is obvious that they've had a cute blowout, but their hair is like shoulderblade length but is super duper thin. I really hate it.

I believe the thinning is a result of the stylist stretching your hairstrands with the brush and holding your hair taught. Some of the hairs are stretched too much, and are stretched and stretched and stretched every time you visit the salon and then finally the strand can't take the stretching and it breaks. this is what is my opinion on how too many blowouts can be a bad thing.

I'm agreeing with you. If done OCCASIONALLY, say once a month, twice a month being the MAXIMUM then okay, as long as you remember to put proteins and moisture back in your hair. Anything more than 2 times a month is cutting it close. JMO.
I don't think there is a right answer to your question. It really depends on your hair. I was getting my hair blown-out once a week and I got major breakage. My cousin, on the other hand, was blowing her hair out every few days and had no problems. I say just watch your hair closely for any signs of dryness or breakage.

I use to be a Dominican Salon Freak. I use to pay $10 - $20 to go every week. I use to get it deep conditioned and blown out, then I noticed my hair started thinning at the ends. I learned my hair was / is too delicate for that. However now I just get MY ROOTS blown out ONLY, after 4 week post relaxer. I find that my hair still comes out soo soft and bouncy with no damage. Especially since it just your roots (Unprocessed Hair). If I was you I would keep the blowouts to 2 a month.
Lorraine S said:
However now I just get MY ROOTS blown out ONLY, after 4 week post relaxer. .

I agree, in fact this is what I do. I never get full blow outs because they're not necessary for me. I also agree with whoever said it depends on your hair. I get my hair done every 1-2 weeks and it looks great and has grown so much, that I've nearly reached my intial goal of APL!

Good luck!

PS I also think it's important to use the right products. I bring my own stuff, so I can be sure of what products are being used on my hair.
Lorraine S said:

I use to be a Dominican Salon Freak. I use to pay $10 - $20 to go every week. I use to get it deep conditioned and blown out, then I noticed my hair started thinning at the ends. I learned my hair was / is too delicate for that. However now I just get MY ROOTS blown out ONLY, after 4 week post relaxer. I find that my hair still comes out soo soft and bouncy with no damage. Especially since it just your roots (Unprocessed Hair). If I was you I would keep the blowouts to 2 a month.
I also agree with just getting your roots blown's alot safer on your hair...I do this everytime I would visit a dominican salon...your hair would automatically be straight from the rollerset...if you want to wear it straighter without the curls from the set...ask them to wrap your hair after blowing out the roots.

Now, if it's a bad idea to get blowouts often? some of the ladies suggested...I would do it occasionally...just to prevent any type of heat damage to your hair...too much heat isn't good...regardless if you're just only blowing out the roots...keep it to once or twice a month.
I think two weeks is still too often, if you are natural like me and can't just get the roots blown out.

At most I go every 3 weeks, and I do a bit of a touchup around my edges with a pressing comb in between. Even at that, I have started seeing more damage. It would probably be even better at about once a month.
blowouts set me back a litte. it thinned out my ends and now my hair is more prone to split ends. I got it done twice in the same month one time and I didn't see the damaging effects until the next time I took a visit to a diff salon to get my hair pressed. I have very thick hair so my hair bounced right back. People with fine hair should not befriend these blowouts...

If you are weak like me and adore flowy bouncy, straight hair: get it done every once in awhile