Blown away by progress!


New Member
For those growing out a short haircut you can do it. I am posting a picture from May of 2002 and a picture of June 2003. That is one year and one month from my big cut.

I hope that it inspires some people who are a little discouraged that patience is all that is needed before you can really see the benefits of TLC to hair. I realized that my hair did grow, but see the pictures side to side really cement that for me. I am looking forward to another year of hairgrowth and getting that much close to my hair goal.


May 2002


June 2003

Don't give up!
Girl, I think I told you before, your hair growth is phenomenal!! Congratulations, your hair is absolutely gorgeous!!
Thank you for the picture because I did the big chop on Saturday after wearing braids for 9 months to grow the stressed out, unhealthy relaxer part of my hair out and was truly disappointed to see my hair was healthy but nowhere near the length I wanted it to be.

Your pictures are truly inspiring, I decided to do cornrows and twists for another year so I can keep my hair healthy and natural and your pictures have given me encouragement. Thanks!
You have been my inspiration since I joined the board. Everytime I think about giving up, I think about you. Keep up the awesome work!!! (of keeping me inspired

Now that is some kinda growth!!! That's some "Adrienne" kinda growth.
If you have another year like the one you just had, you'll meet your next goal in no time!!! You progress is impressive.

What is your regimine? What do you attribute to most of your retained growth?
Thank You guys, I know sometimes when I felt in the dumps it always felt good to see inspiration photos to keep me on track!

DatJerseyDyme: Thanks Jersey! I am a firm believer in protective styles. They really save your ends.

Dontspeakdefeat : I know Don't Speak, I would get so excited when my hair was shorter when I saw pictures of progress, it made me feel like it is possible to get to that length, I just needed to be patient.

Pebbles: Thank you so much pebbles, btw, I'm still waiting on some updated pictures...hint...hint.

Tanisha: Girl, no problem. I wish that I had found a site that was encouraging a lot sooner, I would probably been a chia pet at this time. It took a lot of trial and error to get to this point (when I was growing my hair the first time when I had a relaxer). I'm glad that I have been a part of boards for a while, even though I'm not vocal all the time I was a great stealer! These sites have helped me so much.

Joyous: Thank You joyous!

Caramela: Look who's talking Miss Model! You are my role model! Remember when I emailed you about growing out my short tapered cut?

Anikalia: Boy Anikalia, I should ask you the same question! You have been a model for me too ever since Your hair is gorgeous, and it has grown a lot. My hair isn't as long as yours, but it's close. The last time I got a trim was in November and that was when I cut off the dreaded "shag". But before November, I was getting it trimmed every month after my big chop. I didn't handle the in between phase too good, if you look at some pictures I looked pouty becuause I didn't like the in-between look. I did use the curling iron a lot because my hair was longer straightened than curly, and as soon as I could put it in a snatch tail (barely any hair in the ponytail) I did so, after that my hair took off!

Thank you JenJen! Don't give up, I felt like crying at times because I wanted to get past the in between phase. Sometimes looking at all the "long haired" beauties gloomed me out, because it seemed like it would take forever to get to their length. So I had my role models like Nessa (yup girl cause our hair was about the same length), and Ms.Kenesha, and AZJeep girl, because we were starting at similar places. They kept me sane when I got the blues for long hair.

ny2atl: Let's see. I wash once a week with CON shampoo, and I use a conditioner usually sauve mixed with Pantene relaxed natural , and then after I rinse that out I do a deep conditioning treatment for 20 minutes everytime I shampoo. Then I either wear it in a donut ponytail hiding my ends, or I blowdry and flatiron and do the same donut style, or I rollerset flatiron and commence to the donut ponytail. I don't wear my hair out a lot (I stopped when I could get my hair into a ponytail) because it puffs up. That's about it.

Karonica: Girl Karonica, you're a trip! There are many ladies here who I would love to switch to get their length (Adrienne, Caramella, etc).

AnjelLuvsUBabs: Thank you! My hair is longer than that picture and I have a recent picture in the www.longhaircarforum photo gallery. I can't wait to post my pictures for December, I won't be at 23 inches like I had hoped, but I think will be very close.
Wow girl! I think you have become my inspirations too. Now I am so encouraged to keep going and not give up. Thanks so much

You've made wonderful progress I know we started around the same time and I am amazed at your growth and how you've managed to not only grow and retain so much length, but I'm also amazed at how healthy your hair is!

Not only did you hair grow a lot, but you managed to keep it healthy too!

[/ QUOTE ]

My thoughts exactly. Congradulations and thanks for sharing with us
Congratulations Skegeesmb! That's what I call progress! Please keep us encouraged with periodic pictures of your hair growth journey.
how do you get your hair so flat and smooth and...I don't know...relaxed looking? If I got things correct, you are natural right? So am I, but everytime I try to straighten my hair...let's just say it doesn't quite look like yours. Do you do it yourself? What do you use besides flat-iron?
Thanks everyone!

BahamaMama: For getting my hair as straight as I do, I either blowdry it or rollerset it, then I flat iron it. My hair is thick thick thick before I flat iron it. I section my hair into four sections, and flat iron my hair in inch sections. I use a blowdrying lotion when I blowdry my hair along with wildgrowth hair oil. Then when I flatiron I use wildgrowth again on my ends and flat iron the section.
If I wear my hair down, which is rare (only when it's cold, and when I take pictures) I can only wear it out for a few hours otherwise humidity will make my hair swell. I usually wear my hair in a donut ponytail so even if its humid my hair won't swell that way.
My mother-in-law still can't believe how my hair looks after I flat iron. Before I flat iron it's really thick kind of like Anikalia's blown out hair (not the pictures where her hair is professionally done where it's really straight). But after I flat iron it it is a lot less dense and is silky looking and looks a lot like the really straight picture that she has, but it only stays like that if I am somewhere it's not humid, or I put my hair in a protective style.
My edges aren't straight as when my hair was with a perm, but you can't tell by my pictures.
If I had a relaxer my hair would be as straight as it is flatironed just by blowdrying edges and all.
Your growth in one year is amazing, I am very impressed. Perhaps you should start doing consultations over the phone
like some of the celebrity hairstylists
You're definitely one of the many members of this site who are inspiring me to go natural eventually.

You're definitely an inspiration to me since I'm transitioning. To know that I can get that much growth in a year is very inspiring.

I'm curious - what does a donut ponytail look like? And what kind of flatiron do you use and what temp?