Ennyaa's Progress Pics (Bout a year's worth.)

Re: Ennyaa\'s Progress Pics (Bout a year\'s worth.)

Crystena77 said:
You're very pretty!

Your hair has made great progress. It looks so pretty.

Beautiful wedding pic!

Happy growing!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep, what Crystena77 said!
I've been rooting for your progress since your first post on the Board, Enyaa. It totally cracked me up - plus, I had just finished my first 365-day challenge so my hair would be longer for my wedding, so I wanted your hair goal to come true for you! Keep growing, chica!
Re: Ennyaa\'s Progress Pics (Bout a year\'s worth.)

You have made a lot of progress, and your hair looks great! I agree, that you were a beautiful bride (and a beautiful lady
Re: Ennyaa\'s Progress Pics (Bout a year\'s worth.)


very beautiful girl.
Nice to finally put a face to the name and your hair coming along wonderfully. I can tell you are working hard on it.
Re: Ennyaa\'s Progress Pics (Bout a year\'s worth.)

You've come a long way since Oct. 2002. Your hair is very shiny and healthy. Keep up the good work.
Re: Ennyaa\'s Progress Pics (Bout a year\'s worth.)

I have several requests: Please, please, please explain your braiding technique again. And how do you get your hair back into condition after braids. Anytime I leave my braids in for longer that two or three months my hair looks like it needs to be relaxed root to tip all over again. Up until about a year ago, my hair could handle the overprocessing. Now my hair is a mess after braids. I would like to do braids to give my hair a rest, but I won't if my hair comes out looking crazy.
Anyway, I'm positively giddy
to see pics of someone's hair that started about the length I am now. I can't wait til my hair get to be the length yours was on June 6, 2003.

By the way, beautiful bride. Hope you and hubby have kids, they'll be beautiful.
Re: Ennyaa\'s Progress Pics (Bout a year\'s worth.)

Congratulations on all of your progress!! You looked gorgeous in your wedding pics!
Re: Ennyaa\'s Progress Pics (Bout a year\'s worth.)

Congrats on your progress! You are doing a wonderful job!!
Re: Ennyaa\'s Progress Pics (Bout a year\'s worth.)

Your pictures are nice. And your hair is coming along too. You and your husband look too cute on your wedding picture, you were really a princess that day.

Did you finally go natural? I noticed that your hair was completely natural looking in that picture showing your edges. I like your braids too, great job! I think Surge will help you with those edges especially while wearing the braids.
Re: Ennyaa\'s Progress Pics (Bout a year\'s worth.)

i definitely see progress is those pictures, good job! nice wedding pics!
Re: Ennyaa\'s Progress Pics (Bout a year\'s worth.)

Thanks again everybody. It's funny my progress feels somehow more validated by all of your comments.

Tracy I always hoped I'd get to meet you at a NY get together b4 I relocated. I remember when I got that Jazzing color last summer I and wasn't too pleased with it. In the back of my mind I was like "Dag I shoulda checked with Tracy first!"

DDHair I'm mostly natural now. No chemicals at all since May last year so yeah my roots and edges are ready for the black fist afro pick. I'm not brave enough for a "big chop" though so I'm just taking off the ends a little at a time as it grows out.

brismom, I know exactly how you feel girl. When I first started it seemed like I was so far behind all the beautifully maned ladies on here that I'd NEVER make an real progress. As for my braiding technique... hmmm well let me see if I can try and explain:

I start each braid the way you would braid without adding any hair.
I braid down probably till I have about half of the section still loose. Now this is where it gets tricky and requires some coordination and practice to get right.
I take a small weft of the extension hair (synthetic or human whichever you're using) I fold it in half kinda like an upside down capital 'U'.
I don't make the weft that I'm using much thicker than the section of my own hair that I'm about to add it to.
I pretty much add the new hair to the 2 outside strands of my hair and continue braiding for a bit.
Once that's secure I add another upside down 'U' of extension hair only this time making sure the one piece of my hair that DIDN'T get extension added to it before gets it this time. (Lord I KNOW that was confusing!)
The result of all this is braid that you cannot see where the extension begins unless you look VERY closely.
You could actually keep adding more and more and more hair down to your feet with this method if you wanted to.
Also the braids will be light because you're not adding too much weight of extension to each braid.

I guess that's the best I can do without having illustrations.