Y'all know I fall in love with a new blow out product every week and this week is no exception lol. I planned to stretch my last blow out but I had put some Shea butter on my scalp. Now don't get me wrong. My hair loves whipped Shea butter but my scalp said "THE DEVIL IS A LIE!" In order to get rid of the scalp soreness, I washed my hair with some boiled onion juice, left it on for an hour and followed up with a shampoo and deep conditioner. (Lotta body deep conditioner ain't half bad). My hair was in single braids at the time and I was too lazy to blow dry right away. After a few days, I detangled with tgin buttercream daily moisturizer and blow dried with the revair. The revair infused the tgin moisturizer into my hair so that all I had to do after the fact was seal with whipped Shea butter (not on my scalp this time hehe). I put my hair in long plats and took my hair down today for a braid out. Babaaay, the definition was popping and my hair felt moisturized without being greasy for once. Tgin buttercream is one of my new staples. If your hair isn't down with the Jerry curl juice, give tgin a chance.