Blow drying natural hair techniques?

What do you mean?
I currently brush as I blow dry my hair anyway

I have the second hot air brush you posted (not the same brand), since I am a 4b/c hair type that tool caused me so much breakage. The amount of little pieces of broken hair strand was out of this world. I think only looser hair can use those tools safely.
I blow dry my hair often and I dont use a comb attachment on my blow dryer. I just use the nozzle and use my round brush and do it like they do it in salons. It took a while for me to get the hang of it, but now I can finish blow drying my hair in under an hr vs 1+ hr.

Since your hair is long and it would take forever and a day I would suggest the comb attachment or use a denman to blow dry.
Thanks your hair is beautiful!

I used to use around brush but my hair is so long that it just takes ages :(

Thank youuuuu!!!

If you use a really big one it should work...:yep:and make sure your hair is towel dried or air dried first! It will take you no time!!!!
I find the tension method works best as well when you use a round brush and dryer with straight attachment. I half a**ed it this morning using this method. Washed hair the night before and deep conditioned with coconut milk. Rinsed that out this morning and applied some keratin mist and super skinny serum (chi serum works as well). Divided it into left and right bundles and went to work. Probably would've came out better if I'd used smaller sections but this only took 25 minutes. Don't know about curling it.


I find the tension method works best as well when you use a round brush and dryer with straight attachment. I half a**ed it this morning using this method. Washed hair the night before and deep conditioned with coconut milk. Rinsed that out this morning and applied some keratin mist and super skinny serum (chi serum works as well). Divided it into left and right bundles and went to work. Probably would've came out better if I'd used smaller sections but this only took 25 minutes. Don't know about curling it.



Thanks, I really want to try some super skinny serum or chi. I don't think we can get chi in England though hmm

I have this one and love it......I have always used a blow dryer with a comb attachment while relaxed and natural. Detangle first.

I have this blowdryer too! I haven't had any damage from it. I use Fantasia ic heat protector serum on my hair before blowdrying. I use a comb attachment too, sometimes the brush attachment.

I've tried the tension method and it doesn't work for my hair. It causes more damage for my hair. My hair is very tightly coiled and doing the tension method just dries up my coils and doesn't stretch them out for a nice smooth finish. I think tension method is better for women who have type 1, 2, & 3 hair.

It's different than those other hair dryers that are shaped like this one. This Andis blowdryer is ceramic and ionic, so you don't get that burnt smell like you may get with a Vidal Sasson blowdryer.
My best blowdrying tips would be to keep air concentration downward to keep cuticles smooth and closed (ex. Like petting a dog in the direction of hair growth instead of against) and having absolute control of the section you're working with. Letting it blow all over the place or dry before you've intended creates frizz.

Then I use steam rollers.

I want to try steam rollers but was unsure how they'd work on my hair... I'm texturized but my hair is still humongous with loads of texture. Do they cause the hair to revert?

Proverbs 31:30
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I use the tension method with a denman brush. Make sure hair is detangled as others have stated and I use cool for the most part, but I use a shot of Medium to begin the blowdrying, maybe 5-10 seconds and I curl the ends of my hair around the denman while I am stretching my hair for tension. This keeps my ends from being rough and crunchy and I am a 4a/b, so this method is not just for a 1,2,3. After I wash my hair, I add leave-in and use fantasia heat protectant before blowdrying.
I was surprised by what I read in this thread. I'm a 4a/b texlaxed head with loads of natural looking texture..I'm at BSL and growing toward MBL.

I am super careful with my hair, but it would snap off in a second if I used that comb looking blow dryer. I bought one JUST like it before and I know from experience.

I used to use the comb attachment on the blow dryer...snap city!

Now I use the Tension Method that I learned on this board. I start at the top of my head, section, detangle, heat protect and then blow dry on low heat from roots to ends.

At the end my hair looks like a lion's mane.

Then I start in the back and flat iron slowly, section by section. I usually end up with thick, long, shaky hair (Minimal Breakage).

I have given up the flat iron and blow dryer currently and I'm five+ weeks without heat. I've been wearing twist outs and buns, loving the look.

Since almost everyone had a different experience to share with blow drying...I would suggest that any very careful, watch out for breakage, use a heat protectant, start on the lowest setting (or don't blow dry at all - air dry!).

I think Blow Drying and Flat Ironing are two of the most damaging things that I do to my hair. So...I stopped.
When my dd was natural I always got the best results when I stretched it and allowed her hair to air dry at least 75% first before blow drying. If I tried to blow dry her hair from wet, it was a horrible , dry , bushy mess. I got the best, straightest results when I stretched it in big braids or banded it , allowed it to air dry some, then blew it dry. It would come out so straight with just the blow dryer that people would think I relaxed her hair and her hair is 4 b.