Blood Circulation


Well-Known Member
so this may be a weird question, but is there anyone who hangs their head off of the bed to increase blood circulation to the scalp? if so have you noticed increased hair growth? i think i'm going to start doing this to see if i can notice any growth. tia
I heard of putting your head and body upside down along the wall helps with circulation as well. I have not tried that since I was little =/ What about scalp massages with essential oils like peppermint and rosemary.
I used to do that...years ago, to increase blood supply to the scalp. Now, that I do cardio exercise 3-4 times a week, I get plenty of blood circulating throughout my entire body...and I definaltely see an increase in my growth rate.
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lol, i was always hanging upside down off things as a child and i had waistlength hair, i wonder if theres any correlation
I havent tried that but i'm cosigning on the rosemary oil. I just did a blog on oil infusions with herbs and I can definately tell the rosemary is doing its thing. I'm in braids right now so I cant give you good metrics on my growth but I know its increasing my circulation.
yes, I have always been doing that before I go to sleep for as long as I can remember. I would hang my head over the bed and massage my scalp and my hair has always been around BSL and i did notice that my hair did seem to grow faster
yes, I have always been doing that before I go to sleep for as long as I can remember. I would hang my head over the bed and massage my scalp and my hair has always been around BSL and i did notice that my hair did seem to grow faster

how long each night do you do this?
Wow...eerie because I did it daily about two years ago for a few months and just this morning was thinking that I need to start doing it again. I have read that it increases circulation to the scalp, which it did, but it also gave me so much daily energy.
So now, on top of all the concoctions we put on our scalps and all the techniques we use there will be members of LHCF all around the world attempting to do as much as possible upside down to attain maximum growth.

Yes, that includes me
Worth a shot. If y'all need me I'll be hanging my head over the edge of my bed.


:lol: :lachen:

I work out as well. I have to. I'm in the military. I'm just trying to get that extra umph. Faster results w/out much effort.

girl me too, Im in the military, and we must work out (or PT as we say) and i used to hate it (and still do hate it somewhat), since we had to work out in a group. but now that i'm stationed somewhere else, and they let you work out on your own time, I like it better. I do my own thing. :grin:.. but, bumpin for more replies, cuz i will hang like a bat for that extra mm of hair per month. :lol: growth?

I only hang my head over the bed when my head hurts. It makes the pain go away.

I can attest to this too. Yesterday I had a horrible migraine. I took 3 excedrin pm and it was still there. I hung my head upside down for like 3 minutes. I kid you not, a few minutes later my headache was completely gone! So even if my hair doesn't grow any faster I will definitely continue to do this. Today I hung my head for 5 min and I just felt so full of energy afterwards and I felt this peace. Like that feeling you get when everything in life is great.
So now, on top of all the concoctions we put on our scalps and all the techniques we use there will be members of LHCF all around the world attempting to do as much as possible upside down to attain maximum growth.

Yes, that includes me

:lachen:. what's funny is i wasn't even thinking about this until a coworker of mine comes in and tells me about inversion tables. he's short and he was looking up ways to see if he could gain some height. he came to me with this because he said one of the guys said his hair started to grow faster. he knows i'm trying to grow my hair out. i was like, "that makes sense since he has more blood circulation going to his scalp."
Try scalp massages...does wonders....also,as the other members said...Cardio is the BEST! if it's growth you are looking for cowashes :yep:
why does this sound like u can get light headed from doing this? lol. oh well :ohwell: still going to be trying it.
why does this sound like u can get light headed from doing this? lol. oh well :ohwell: still going to be trying it.

I don't get light headed afterwards. If you feel you will get light headed, come up slowly so the blood won't rush down too fast. I've been doing this anyway since I started so I don't know if I would get light headed or not.
bumping for updates....:bump: if you do this, are you consistent? notice a lil' spurt. may be to soon for reviews? I do it when i member :blush:. LOL.
If i'm not mistaken Cathy Howse talks about this in her book, Ultra Black Hair Growth. I read it early last year but I think I re-call a section on growing your hair by stimulating your scalp and one such way was lying upside down and lightly tugging on your hair.

I know bc I tried it a couple of times...
So now, on top of all the concoctions we put on our scalps and all the techniques we use there will be members of LHCF all around the world attempting to do as much as possible upside down to attain maximum growth.

Yes, that includes me

I'm there. It doesn't take much to lean over my bed for a few minutes. Why not? What's it going to hurt!
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I bend over and massage my scalp 3-4x a week. Yes it does bring circulation to the scalp which can be very stimulating.
I tried this a couple of times but never consistently. I increase blood circulation to my scalp by massaging with EOs (rosemary or peppermint) every few days, and EXERCISE - which I do need jump on again, I've been slacking :spank: