Blessings of Prosperity and Healing In The Last Month - Must Read


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Hi everyone,

God has been so good to me. He is opening up the windows of heaven and pouring out blessings that I have not room enough to receive.

Miracle 1
First of all, my granny suffers from Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and her hand just gets cold sometimes for hours and she can't move it. Long story short, that spirit of infirmity was trying to come over her hand again and it was cold and she could barely move it. So, God led me to pray over it. A simple one minute prayer of complete faith and she ALSO had the faith too. A few minutes later, the healing manifested and her hand was so warm and she could move it and it's been like that since Sunday.

Miracle 2
My mom's eye was itching and hurting badly for about 3-4 hours Non-stop one weekend. She told me about it and God led me to pray over it. 10 - 15 minutes later, it completely stops. She forgot to tell me about it and but I'm like, "Please, let me know what God is doing."

Miracle 3
My grandfather was having sharp pain in his neck and they were giving him all kinds of medicine. I said, "No, He has faith and I have faith. God is going to use my hands for His glory." I prayed a simple 5 minute prayer and he didn't have a brace around his neck because the pain is gone nor does he take any medicine anymore.

Miracle 4
Something I had ate was hurting my stomach very badly for about 45 minutes and there was intense cramping going throughout my whole stomach. So, I was like, "Uh-uh! I'm a child of the most high God and there are blessings store for me to be healed by the stripes of his only begotten son Jesus Christ." Okay, that was what I was feeling not necessarily saying outloud. Said a simple prayer in complete faith and 1 minute later, the pain that was lasting for 45 minutes is GONE.

Miracle 5
So, my head was hurting all day and I took Tylenol and it still was pain there. Sometimes, I get tired y'all and I would like someone to pray over me and pronounce healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Well, I don't know if there is anyone around me like that but God did lead my mom to tell me to pray over myself and I did. A simple 1 minute prayer and a minute later, the pain that was there all day was gone.

Blessing or Miracle
The computer clinic was going to try and charge me $60 to get my internet connection working again. But God led this young man to get my ethernet started again for free.

Blessing 7
Comerica was going to try and charge me $5 to get a new ATM card and the lady said, "Well, since you didn't get your new card in the mail I won't charge you." I said, "Well, I did get it but I lost it." See, I didn't have to lie and say I didn't get it cause' I already told her I lost it but she forgot. But what I'm saying is that it was God's blessing for me to not pay. She said, "Well, I'll give it to you for free anyway."

Blessing 8
While talking to her, I said, "Do you know anyone that might need any pr work done...any small businesses?" She said, " I? I know alot of people." She then gave me the contact to this woman who is a part of a business association and to go to their meetings and tell her that I heard of her through her.

Blessing 9
Well, time after time God has been speaking to me through pastors and other people as well as personally. A young prophet spoke at my church the other day and was talking about young women' having a need to be dependent on having a man say, "I love you." But anyway, he reaffirmed that a man in my past was no good and God took them out of my life before they had a chance to really hurt me.

Financial Blessing 9

Soon I will be getting a car.

Financial Blessing 10

Remember I said that God told me to go to this place cause' I asked for a job. Well, He's done it again. Exceeding abundantly above what I could ask or think. Now, I am starting my own business and don't have to do a 9-5, I get to work from home, plan my own schedule meaning wake-up when I want, no stress in wearing professional attire unless I have meetings which I still plan around my schedule.

I got hired on a long-term (more than 3 month) project without ever speaking to the Executive Director in-person. He told me over the phone he wanted to take me on the team and 1st meeting he said, "You tell us what you need to make this event successful. Tell us what you want as far as hourly rate and put it in the proposal.":grin:

Small but means something to me:

People have just been so nice to me, giving me free drinks at Starbucks and I got a free bagel dog which would've cost me $4 and God told this lady to give me $20. She didn't even know me, but umm the $20 happened like three months ago not last month.

There are lots more blessings that have happned in the past month I just can't remember.:ohwell:
Oh and let me know if you want to know the kinds of prayers I pray for these healings to be manifest.

God is soooo good and true to His Word. It shall not return unto Him void but goes out and accomplishes that which it is intended to. Nor is He a man that should lie, nor the son of man to repent. So, if you believe this then you will see the power of God manifest in your life.

The only thing I believe which stops some people who believe from seeing the manifestation is power. Scripture says, "Now unto whom who is able to do exceeding abundantly above what you ask or think ACCORDING to the power that worketh in you."

You also can see these miracles happen on a regular basis but you've got to have the power. I used to see people getting healed and just believed that it was for "that saint" and really it was cause' at the time I didn't have the power. But once I stopped joking around and really seeking His face, God showed himself mighty and strong. He was alway mighty and strong for he never changes, I just was too blind to see it.
God has obviously blessed you with the gift of healing :grin:

I was so happy reading through your blessings and miracles.

I have a little that happened today. My church is having a life in the spirit meeting tomorrow 7pm - 10pm. I never get to go to these because I work evenings. Anyway I tried to book some time of work and I was flatly refused even when I offered to work an early shift, weekend, take it as a holiday. I was soo upset! Anyway I heard a little voice saying dont worry you will get to go. 5 mins later a girl from work comes in, asks me whats up and offered to that bit of my shift for me.

I am elated!!! God is soo good! I need to start realising and appreciating ALL of His blessings and not just the big things.

Thanks for this thread :yep:
Oh and let me know if you want to know the kinds of prayers I pray for these healings to be manifest.

God is soooo good and true to His Word. It shall not return unto Him void but goes out and accomplishes that which it is intended to. Nor is He a man that should lie, nor the son of man to repent. So, if you believe this then you will see the power of God manifest in your life.

The only thing I believe which stops some people who believe from seeing the manifestation is power. Scripture says, "Now unto whom who is able to do exceeding abundantly above what you ask or think ACCORDING to the power that worketh in you."

You also can see these miracles happen on a regular basis but you've got to have the power. I used to see people getting healed and just believed that it was for "that saint" and really it was cause' at the time I didn't have the power. But once I stopped joking around and really seeking His face, God showed himself mighty and strong. He was alway mighty and strong for he never changes, I just was too blind to see it.

Funny you added this.. I wanted to ask whether you felt it was something you felt was given to you as a gift or a testiment (sp?) to your faith? But didnt want to cause the thread to go O/Topic before it really started.
God has obviously blessed you with the gift of healing :grin:

I was so happy reading through your blessings and miracles.

I have a little that happened today. My church is having a life in the spirit meeting tomorrow 7pm - 10pm. I never get to go to these because I work evenings. Anyway I tried to book some time of work and I was flatly refused even when I offered to work an early shift, weekend, take it as a holiday. I was soo upset! Anyway I heard a little voice saying dont worry you will get to go. 5 mins later a girl from work comes in, asks me whats up and offered to that bit of my shift for me.

I am elated!!! God is soo good! I need to start realising and appreciating ALL of His blessings and not just the big things.

Thanks for this thread :yep:

Yes, girl. That is how God speaks to me. He will tell me stuff and I basically get an impression and it will end up being exactly that way. We have to consider when we get an impression and maybe are unsure, to take five minutes go to the bathroom and pray in the spirit. Then just ask God and that's how basically, I know for sure that I should do something or something is going to happen.
Funny you added this.. I wanted to ask whether you felt it was something you felt was given to you as a gift or a testiment (sp?) to your faith? But didnt want to cause the thread to go O/Topic before it really started.

Well, I think I have the gift of faith and the gift of healing. I believe that in order to have the gift of healing you have to have the gift of faith. But see, when you have that power the gift of faith is what gets things manifested that are in God's will. So, it's not just the healings that are manifested but financial breakthroughs and literally everything I step out on faith and believe God for according to His will and His Word which was spoken to me personally or in the bible.

See, I asked God for three inches of hair growth per month and I believe it is happening. I willl post pictures once I have something that really makes the doubters go, "Wow, there has to be something to this God that ChicaCanella talks about."
Well, I think I have the gift of faith and the gift of healing. I believe that in order to have the gift of healing you have to have the gift of faith.

I believe this!

But see, when you have that power the gift of faith is what gets things manifested that are in God's will. So, it's not just the healings that are manifested but financial breakthroughs and literally everything I step out on faith and believe God for according to His will and His Word which was spoken to me personally or in the bible.

See, I asked God for three inches of hair growth per month and I believe it is happening. I willl post pictures once I have something that really makes the doubters go, "Wow, there has to be something to this God that ChicaCanella talks about."

Now, that is interesting...

I'd love to see the pictures if you obtain the 3 inches
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Now, that is interesting...

I'd love to see the pictures if you obtain the 3 inches

Yes, girl. I am waiting. I said to God, "The bible is what you inspired certain chosen men to write and King David said, 'God will give you grace and glory.' King David also said that, "No good thing will god withhold from those who walk uprightly." God it says in the bible that long hair is glory unto a woman so I want longer hair, luxurious, beautiful hair." I also told him, "God, I know that you made Elijah run faster than a chariot and that you've done other miracles which men deemed impossible, so I'm just asking for three inches a month of hair growth on my scalp."

Now, I believe if it's God's will for me that it will happen. I believe with all my heart it's going to happen. "See God, now everyone is watching for you to bless me with my 3 inches of hair growth. Show yourself mighty and strong and never-the-less, not my will but may yours be done. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thanks OP!!! I so needed this. I have the power and somehow got soooo caught up in trying to handle things myself that I've forgotten to tap into it and use it. God is who he says he is!!!

You have wonderful testimony, I love it. :grin: What's so beautiful is that you don't forget to praise him in the small things. His word does say.. In all things give thanks.

Just wonderful. I really appreciate this.
Thanks OP!!! I so needed this. I have the power and somehow got soooo caught up in trying to handle things myself that I've forgotten to tap into it and use it. God is who he says he is!!!

You have wonderful testimony, I love it. :grin: What's so beautiful is that you don't forget to praise him in the small things. His word does say.. In all things give thanks.

Just wonderful. I really appreciate this.

No problem. It's just the fruits of the spirit and without God, all these blessings would be nada.

I believe that it is truly important to have complete faith in God and what he says and one thing that helps me to remember is to think of all he's created.

If you've attained a right standing with him, then when you pray you should:

1.) Know and pray according to His Will
2.) Apply His Word when praying to Him, over the situation or thing
3.) Don't stop until you see full manifestation. (Never stop for people but I mean things like praying for a new job but keep praying still after the job, just not about getting it. Okay, I think you understand what I'm saying.):lachen:
All I can say is that you are definitely speaking the truth! The power of God will be manifested in all those who truly have faith and know His will. Praise His name.