Bless My Mother's Heart!


With Love & Silk
In a recent cell phone conversation:

Mom: Where are you?

Me: Driving

Mom: Where ya headed?

Me: To the beauty supply (I'm kind of embarrassed to say this because this answer is all too common)
Mom: What are you going to get?

Me: Moisturizer (sometimes I'm not going to get anything, but I was on the prowl for the kids organic shea butter detangling moisturizer that an LHCFer raved about)

Mom: Really? Maybe I need some moisturizer because this oil that I use just isn't getting it.

Me: What kind of oil mother? (I know what's coming)

Mom: Ultra Sheen

Me: Mom, are you talking about grease?

Mom: Yes

Then I have to go into educating mom about how grease is not a moisturizer. I tell her it's okay to use grease, but it's not okay to expect it to moisturize her hair. I tell her it's great for adding sheen and maybe a little softness, but not moisture. I tell her it might actually keep moisture out.

She asks what I recommend. I tell her all about NTM Silk Touch of course! Later in the week, she makes a trip to Wal-Mart and then calls me to tell me that she picked up Motions Oil Moisturizer (because she wasn't spending $6 on NTM :lol:) She says she's happy with Motions. But Ima still surprise her with some NTM one day!

Aren't moms the cutest? :D
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Lol, yes moms are the best!

I gave my mom some Nexxus poo, conditioner, and leave-in. She ran out of the conditioner. Now this is the same lady who always uses anything that is under a dollar on her hair. She calls me one day like "ummm, i need some more nexxus!":eek: She finally discovered quality:lol:
Yay MOM!! I am still working on least for my sister's sake.
She is still bugging me to get a perm cause "you shouldn't wait so long in between or it'll break." Which is true, it's the one thing she has learned from me so far. But the problem is....I'm only 8 weeks post!!! I keep trying to tell her all about stretching and stuff but she's caught up in the two textures cause breakage mode.

Ahh least she started using wide toothed combs on her and my sis's hair.
MizaniMami said:
Lol, yes moms are the best!

I gave my mom some Nexxus poo, conditioner, and leave-in. She ran out of the conditioner. Now this is the same lady who always uses anything that is under a dollar on her hair. She calls me one day like "ummm, i need some more nexxus!":eek: She finally discovered quality:lol:

Girl you better hook your momma up again:D
TeeKay21 said:
Yay MOM!! I am still working on least for my sister's sake.
She is still bugging me to get a perm cause "you shouldn't wait so long in between or it'll break." Which is true, it's the one thing she has learned from me so far. But the problem is....I'm only 8 weeks post!!! I keep trying to tell her all about stretching and stuff but she's caught up in the two textures cause breakage mode.

Ahh least she started using wide toothed combs on her and my sis's hair.

My mom is in the same boat. She's always telling me too relax, but the last time I got a relaxer, she complimented me on the length. Yet and still, she still says, "you better get a relaxer or your hair will break!"
Wishin4BSL said:
My mom is in the same boat. She's always telling me too relax, but the last time I got a relaxer, she complimented me on the length. Yet and still, she still says, "you better get a relaxer or your hair will break!"

They are just the cutest some times.

My mom still believes.....

1.Dirt make your hair grow.
(Needless to say she thinks I wash mine FAR to often.)
2. She still wears a Jheri curl. Yes, in 2006!
(no wonder she thinks I wash to often)
3. She doesnt understand the moisturizer and grease difference either.
4. She will mix 2 or 3 box color together to make her own hair color.
5. This is funny but not funny all at the same time...She talked to me on the phone with hair color in her head and it started to SMOKE! She hung up that phone quickly. I kept saying, Mom go wash that stuff out your head. She kept saying, it wont hurt anything to leave it in longer. The color will just look better. Yeah, she lost alot of hair behind that one. She blamed it on Old Product. (Not her playing Mixtress!)
6. She think you MUST trim your hair for it grow.

But I still love her!
My mom has turned around, but that is only because I am her hair slave. I relax it, condition it, she even makes me comb it at times. :lol: She's kinda worried now because I'm moving out for law school next month.

Her: "why do you want your mama to become bald?" :perplexed
Yeah, I can relate. My mom is a big fan of Ultra Sheen grease. I can't get her to use moisturizer at all :lol: Then she tells me that I should use Ultra Sheen instead of moisturizer, and how I had so much hair when I was a little girl all because of grease :lol:
goldensensation said:
My mom has turned around, but that is only because I am her hair slave. I relax it, condition it, she even makes me comb it at times. :lol: She's kinda worried now because I'm moving out for law school next month.

Her: "why do you want your mama to become bald?" :perplexed

This is me and my mom. She "stretches" her relaxers but only because she'll wait for me to come home to do her retouches (I'm in school a few hours away).

I started giving her little care packages of all the products that don't work for me, so now she's in love with Keracare Humucto (this is from a woman who refused to buy anything more expensive than Suave), and when I see her she's like "what have you got for me?" like I'm the hair fairy :lol:
misspriss said:
This is me and my mom. She "stretches" her relaxers but only because she'll wait for me to come home to do her retouches (I'm in school a few hours away).

I started giving her little care packages of all the products that don't work for me, so now she's in love with Keracare Humecto (this is from a woman who refused to buy anything more expensive than Suave), and when I see her she's like "what have you got for me?" like I'm the hair fairy :lol:

:lol: They sound identical.

By the way, I just checked your hair album and your hair is beautiful! I love your twists and cornrow puff!;)
my mom is all into hair care now! she's always had great hair or whatever, but now she takes extra care of it. This lady goes to the salon more than I do! and im like why don't you give ME money to go get my hair done??? :lol:

she said, i'm trying to be all long-haired like you now. She's about armpit length, and her hair is colored. It looks really healthy though... and i'm SO hating on her ends!!!! my gosh!! i don't know how she keeps her ends looking this good when mine don't. It's sad... but then again, she trims more often than I do. Her ends are always blunt and perfect.
Ok, yall gotta pray for my Mom, cause she just won't get it. I have been trying to tell her for years about haircare! I am like ma, you can't fry your hair everyday with grease and a curling iron on 9 and think that it's going to grow. Recently, she went back to a short haircut, even thought I bought CON, CPR, Moisture plus, WGO and a bunch of other products for her. She still won't catch hold of healthy hair practices. She washes her hair like every two weeks!
