Bleached hair


New Member
Well it's been about 4weeks since I bleached my hair!! I love the color etc but I was wondering if its to early to relax now? I'm not a fan of stretching my hair far at all, it does more damage than good since two textures are harder to manage with fine hair stands, yet densely backed together, so it's been pretty think and full lately. I've noticed my hair has been shredding a lot. My paddle brush is filled and this is for some reason normal for me. Yes I know it's abnormal but I mean it as its been happening for years. Not when I was natural but when I'm relaxed I shed like a dam dog or cat which ever shed the most. I've haven't been conditioning twice a week like I should. I joke with color treated (especially) bleached hair you should do it at least two to three times a week. Let me know if you think I should condition and flat iron or relax ... Thanks
I shed like crazy, but I still retain and since I'm doing the best that I can (DC'ing, co-washing, chelating, no heat, no ponytails) there's no point in me working about it.

If any of that relaxer get's on your bleach hair it WILL breaking off. No doubt about it. So the question is really whether or not you can relax at this point without getting ANY relaxer on your bleached hair.
I shed like crazy, but I still retain and since I'm doing the best that I can (DC'ing, co-washing, chelating, no heat, no ponytails) there's no point in me working about it.

If any of that relaxer get's on your bleach hair it WILL breaking off. No doubt about it. So the question is really whether or not you can relax at this point without getting ANY relaxer on your bleached hair.

Didn't think of it that way... It's been exactly 4weeks since the bleaching and 4weeks from them for relaxer so it's been about 7-8 weeks I believe. Well guess that's out for me