BLACKBARBIE!! Has anyone called you out yet?!....


Well-Known Member
Cause your hair looks FANTABULOUS!!!

I was in awe staring at your siggy just now! I've been admiring it for some time now. I always love looking at how thick, even, HEALTHY and long your hair looks.... AND it's colored! :drool: :love:

I was gonna send you a pm but I just had to start this thread!

I want to say CONGRATS on achieving such beautiful hair! :clap:
secretdiamond said:
Cause your hair looks FANTABULOUS!!!

I was in awe staring at your siggy just now! I've been admiring it for some time now. I always love looking at how thick, even, HEALTHY and long your hair looks.... AND it's colored! :drool: :love:

I was gonna send you a pm but I just had to start this thread!

I want to say CONGRATS on achieving such beautiful hair! :clap:

I am a color junkie. How do you do it!! Spill the beans please:grin:
O.K. girl I just picked my heart up off my keyboard!!! I just finished stalking somebody's fotki and I came back to the list of threads and saw my name in big letters and i was like:eek: !!!

Thanks so much for the compliment too! I first got highlights about 2 years ago and was instantly hooked. I'm still trying to grow some layers out and my hair is really fine, so I've been wearing a curly look to keep from getting frustrated over the little hairs I see everywhere (they're more evident when I wear my hair straight)
Let's give it up for BlackBarbie:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: If you look in the member photos you can see the awesome progress she's made. And she stretches something fierce:eek:

Many congrats and thanks for all the great pics!!!
I totally agree, and BlackBarbie JUST caught me stalking around in her album!:D :D :D It is SOOOO beautiful!

Oh, trust me, there was some trial and error, but more trial before error though!!

When I first got them, I was really excited and let my brother experiment on me by giving me a blended layer cut and new highlights. I really liked the highlights, but I got a lot of shedding at first. I didn't think that much of it and thought it was b/c I hadn't been taking my thyroid medicine. He never told me about the importance of moisturizing. I think he assumed I already knew. (my old stylist used to fuss at me, but i confused moisturizing with greasy looking hair and never did it b/c i liked that "swangin in the wind" look)

I have never had problems growing my hair and would occasionally cut up to chin length and grow it right back out to mid back. Couldn't figure out why my hair was staying the same length after going to my brother for an entire year and letting him relax every 8 weeks.(when i first moved to ATL) After letting him do my hair in a hair show, he cut me again after me specifically telling him i was growing my layers out.....That fool was cutting all my growth at every retouch!

I found LHCF b/c I was determined to show him that I was going to grow my hair WITHOUT him. That's when I realized that there were some moisturizers that don't leave your hair greasy looking and when i also learned the importance of protein treatments.

I have been so happy with all the knowledge from everybody, but now if i could get someone (dlewis i'm looking for you!)to do my rollersets:confused: ...
Your hair looks beautiful! You have always been an inspiration to me. I always look at your pictures and tell myself....I can have long, healthy hair that is colored treated too! :D
Yes, your hair is beautiful. I loved it straight (the last picture in your siggy) and my jaw dropped at the curly look (beautiful)!

*Off to check out the fotki.*
Ambitious1013 said:
Your hair looks beautiful! You have always been an inspiration to me. I always look at your pictures and tell myself....I can have long, healthy hair that is colored treated too! :D

Oh girl at the rate of growth you're getting right now, based on your comparison pics, don't worry at all; you will be there pretty soon:)
it's definitely very gorgeous, thick, healthy, and the color is beautiful! i was looking at your album earlier today, it's such an inspiration!
Blackbarbie's hair is amazing.

I've always been impressed that she can lift her color several shades and still be long. I don't know many who could be relaxed and colored. Seriously, I've never seen it.

Much respect. AMAZING.
Letitia.....thanks! That style "occured" while experimenting with 2 flexi rods. I am going to make that a signature style for a minute.

2cute2B4gotten.....thanks for the compliment and I have to admit that I still love the strength and thickness of your hair too. Hurry up and add some more pics to the fotki so i can stalk some more!!

missvi....:) thanks chica!!

undefeatedqueen.....that mesh thingy is a life saver (and an edge saver too; don't get caught without it!).....thank you for the compliment!'s comments like these that I remember when I am frustrated and my hair won't "do what it do". You guys are all an inspiration too!...thanks!
I had just PMed her ealier today. It's so pretty and long it almost looks like it's not real, it's so prefect.:D I'd be more than happy to do your rollersets, though I've only done mine.
I'm waiting on a full album, we need to see more of that hair. One picture every once and a while, won't do. ;)
awwww, Thanks for all the love ladies!

dlewis....girl don't make me take you up on that offer! I'll be traveling with rollers from now on every time I come through MS just in case I roll through Natchez Thanks in advance for my rollerset

good2uuu.....thank u!...although I am not natural, if i were to go that route (have seriously thought about it) you and that head of curls would definitely be one of my inspirations!

synthia.....girl the fact that my hair is lifted so many shades (some of it is actually blond)and still long is amazing to me too! I didn't know what I didn't know and thank God I came to LHCF and figured out that I could potentially be setting myself up for damage if I didn't do the right things. I love all you ladies! <<<<<HUGS>>>>>

victorious.... thank you ever so much!

jrae...thanks for co-signing the curls; I'm glad you like them

caribeandiva…..thank you!….why are u waiting 3 years? Girl do your thing!!

dlewis said:
I'm waiting on a full album, we need to see more of that hair. One picture every once and a while, won't do. ;)

:lol: :lol:
Girl, I told you it was a major challenge just trying to put a pic in my siggy! Now talk about doing an entire fotki?? I am not tech saavy and don't know if I can pull it off.:confused:

Would you settle for me uploading more pics in my photo gallery here??:)