Black Women Don't Have Thick Hair

I am still relatively I don't know where this post would even go. I looked around, and I am still unsure. So If i Put it in the wrong place I apologize.

Now to the point.

I was on facebook just earlier today-Kim Kardashian's fan/profile page. And they had this thread going in the discussion board entitled Light Skin vs. Dark Skin Women.

Now....I know I know....sigh...I wasnt falling for the trap. I just went in to inform the fools that it really is a moot point and has no bearing. (It still drives me crazy people are arguing and getting mad over people and their personal preference. I don't even care.)

But as I was posting that I noticed that this female above me had proclaimed that "Black women do not have thick hair". .....I just sat there reading it like this is ridiculous. :lachen:

Her exact words:

and btw, black women do not have thick hair. they get hair extensions and weaves to make their hair appear like ours[My note: She meant ours as in white women]... i don't curl my hair to make it look thicker."


And I went from not participating, to nicely explaining to her about black women and our hair. About the varieties in textures, and how we do in fact have thick hair. She was just misinformed...the poor girl...

I probably will send her a link to LHCF, and all the other sites and youtube channels. Show her that yes indeed, we have thick hair. And we do not all wear weaves and extensions all the time. sigh. Thank God for this community, because outside of LHCF, nappturality, fotki, and youtube....I think I might have been banging my head against the wall.:wallbash:

Sorry for the long post, just had to vent

-Saving the world one uninformed person at a time....-
I wouldn't worry about it. It's a lie and you know it. Looking on this site there are plenty of women with super thick hair.
Yes, unfortunately many people of all races including AA are misinformed about black people's hair. I am glad you educated her.
Me too. But I am hoping the web will educate the masses that think black ppl don't have thick hair, or long hair...and etc....

Lol I am in different country right now. So the web is my life line to vent. Lol. Unfortunately, there is only one other black female studying abroad in Ecuador at this university here.
I am still relatively I don't know where this post would even go. I looked around, and I am still unsure. So If i Put it in the wrong place I apologize.

Now to the point.

I was on facebook just earlier today-Kim Kardashian's fan/profile page. And they had this thread going in the discussion board entitled Light Skin vs. Dark Skin Women.

Now....I know I know....sigh...I wasnt falling for the trap. I just went in to inform the fools that it really is a moot point and has no bearing. (It still drives me crazy people are arguing and getting mad over people and their personal preference. I don't even care.)

But as I was posting that I noticed that this female above me had proclaimed that "Black women do not have thick hair". .....I just sat there reading it like this is ridiculous. :lachen:

Her exact words:

and btw, black women do not have thick hair. they get hair extensions and weaves to make their hair appear like ours[My note: She meant ours as in white women]... i don't curl my hair to make it look thicker."


And I went from not participating, to nicely explaining to her about black women and our hair. About the varieties in textures, and how we do in fact have thick hair. She was just misinformed...the poor girl...

I probably will send her a link to LHCF, and all the other sites and youtube channels. Show her that yes indeed, we have thick hair. And we do not all wear weaves and extensions all the time. sigh. Thank God for this community, because outside of LHCF, nappturality, fotki, and youtube....I think I might have been banging my head against the wall.:wallbash:

Sorry for the long post, just had to vent

-Saving the world one uninformed person at a time....-

:fistshake: :bat: :badidea:

We don't want her a$$ here. Let her stay right where she is and wallow in her ignorance!
Will someone please tell the back of my head that black women don't have "thick" hair? I don''t think it got the memo on that one... :yawn:
It amazes me how stupid people can be. Just when I think the world just isn't big enough for all this stupidity, someone comes along to prove me wrong. Ho-hum.

I think if some people don't know anything about black women's hair or black people in general, they should just keep their mouths shut.

Better to say nothing and have people think you're an idiot than to open your mouth and prove them right.
It amazes me how stupid people can be. Just when I think the world just isn't big enough for all this stupidity, someone comes along to prove me wrong. Ho-hum.

I think if some people don't know anything about black women's hair or black people in general, they should just keep their mouths shut.

Better to say nothing and have people think you're an idiot than to open your mouth and prove them right.

My point exactly!
We all know that most black women have very thick hair naturally.

To be fair, though, a lot of black women have very thin hair from over-processing due to chemical treatments & plenty of black women "add tracks" for she is ignorant and should not have over-generalized an entire race, it's not completely inaccurate. :hide:
I'm not sure whether sending her a link to this site would be conducive to be honest. All she might end up seeing are black women having to use 'coochie' cream and a million other things just to attain the amount of growth white women gain without doing much. I think Youtube tutorials would better serve the purpose.
That's just ignorance....she made a comment about something she knew nothing about. Of course that sort of ignorance isn't confined to clear folks, some black folks say the same thing.
Funny you'd see that on a Kim K board lol, Kims hair is very limp and thin and she nearly always if not always has extensions in for thickness, the same for her sister Kourtney...
That's weird because if anything I would think other races would assume we had the thickest hair that breaks combs. But little do they know textures and thickness of black hair vary so much you cannot generalize it.
I'm not sure whether sending her a link to this site would be conducive to be honest. All she might end up seeing are black women having to use 'coochie' cream and a million other things just to attain the amount of growth white women gain without doing much. I think Youtube tutorials would better serve the purpose.

Lol I am good, I didn't send her a thing. I think the post was enough.
She got the point.
Lol, that's funny because when I was young, I thought all Black people had thick hair because that's how our hair is so often described: thick, wild, coarse, etc. Every so often they have to change the stereotype on us, don't they?
When clear people make comments like that and being from a place that is full of black people then I tend to call that jealousy of some sort. Sorry but that was a very ignorant statement to make. Hehe, I guess a black woman took the man she wanted and now she is Kim Kardashian's wannabe understudy......
On the board, a lot of black women have really thick hair but in real life most women I know have very thin broken whether it is natural or relaxed. They just don't seem to care about their hair anymore and gave up a long time ago.
Lol, that's funny because when I was young, I thought all Black people had thick hair because that's how our hair is so often described: thick, wild, coarse, etc. Every so often they have to change the stereotype on us, don't they?
Thank You :lachen: They really need to make up there mind
Lol, that's funny because when I was young, I thought all Black people had thick hair because that's how our hair is so often described: thick, wild, coarse, etc. Every so often they have to change the stereotype on us, don't they?

I guess that's what happens when you try to put people in a box.