Black lady with type 2 hair PHOTOS


New Member
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There was a hair type thread awhile back and some people were asking people with type 2 hair to post photos. I don't know if anyone did, so here are some photos of my mom's "new" hair.

She was previously a type 1A (I thought it was type 1C, but it was just coarse from coloring) all of her life but recently had chemo and lost all of her hair.

She was completely bald for months and her hair started growing back in May. I had pictures of her "baby chick fuzz" when it started growing back, but my computer had a virus and I lost everything.

It started growing back straight, like always, but when it got longer, the texture began to change, like the doctor said it would. Hence, the new type 2A hair.

It's only 1-2 inches long right now, and she's planning to grow it out really long like she used to have it before a stylist chopped it off.

Her hair is completely natural except for her "wings" (Sopranos) that she colors to get rid of the gray. All she does is shampoo, brush it down, and slap a skinny headband on it.

She says that it's dry and I've been trying to get her to used NTM shine serum and all sorts of things, but she just won't let me make a PJ out of her. /images/graemlins/assimilate.gif

She is, however, letting me photograph her progress so I'll keep her photos with mine in my monthly album folder.
So thats type 2 hair! Okay, my brother has type 2 then. Not that he can appreciate it the way he gels it all up stiff like, LOL!

Haha, your mom sounds like mine about rejecting offers into the world of PJism!
Your Mom does have pretty hair. It looks so soft.

OT: My prayers are with you both, I know going thru chemo is rough.
@Cowgirl: Thanks! She is doing fine now and is completely cancer-free!

[/ QUOTE ] GREAT NEWS! GOD BLESS YOU ALL! /images/graemlins/littleangel2.gif
Thanks again, ladies (and my mom said thanks, too). I'll put up more pics in November!

OT: Gigi, what is Kirara hitting in your avatar? Is it Myouga?