Black & Hispanic: Mixed Hair; What are your techniques?


New Member
:confused: :confused: Hello All,

I am new to this forum, and i hope that you guys can help me. I am Panamaian, mom hispanic, dad blk-latino. My hair is naturally wavy (medium) but VERY thick. This thickness can quite often become nappy, but not because it is coarse, but because while it is natural, it is so thick. Therefore I put a relaxer on my hair to ease this pain. I do not like going to beauty shops, because despite what I tell them, my hair is treated like it is coarse, which I have learned is too harsh on my hair. does anyone else have this problem? And if so, what are your techniques on upkeeping your hair? What products do you use?
PanamasOwn said:
:confused: :confused: Hello All,

I am new to this forum, and i hope that you guys can help me. I am Panamaian, mom hispanic, dad blk-latino. My hair is naturally wavy (medium) but VERY thick. This thickness can quite often become nappy, but not because it is coarse, but because while it is natural, it is so thick. Therefore I put a relaxer on my hair to ease this pain. I do not like going to beauty shops, because despite what I tell them, my hair is treated like it is coarse, which I have learned is too harsh on my hair. does anyone else have this problem? And if so, what are your techniques on upkeeping your hair? What products do you use?

The bolded isn't makin much sense to me at all.....
I get what you are saying. I would suggest weekly deep moisturizing treatments, monthly protein treatments, mild relaxers with infrequent touch ups, laying off the heating, and wearing a silk cap or scarf over your head at night. My hair has completely turned around after following this basic regimen.
I also get what your saying...although I'm not hispanic, I am mixed and have a mixture of hair textures also. I agree with Buttafly, upping your deep conditioning and adding daily moisture will really help soften and loosen up the curl pattern.
Although i'm finding it quite difficult to comprehend your post fully, I'm sure that the relaxed ladies on this board will be able to help you, more so than simply those who are mixed race/black latino since to my knowledge there is no single hairtype attributed to the two above categories. Maybe you should rephrase your question?
sweetwhispers said:
Although i'm finding it quite difficult to comprehend your post fully, I'm sure that the relaxed ladies on this board will be able to help you, more so than simply those who are mixed race/black latino since to my knowledge there is no single hairtype attributed to the two above categories. Maybe you should rephrase your question?

ITA. Blacks and hispanics both have a wide variety of different hair textures so ethnicity is not necessarily important in trying to find the best products for your hair. You should first try to "type" your hair to the best of your ability. This will give you a better reference to go off of. Next, find a stylist that will listen to you and who knows how to handle a variety of textures. Most people have a variety of textures on their head, and a good stylist will know how to treat different types of hair. As far as products go, once you know your hair type and what your hair is lacking (moisture, protein, etc...) you can start trying different product that can make up for anything you are lacking. I think a great place for you to start would be looking into relaxed threads since you are relaxed. I believe you will be able to find a lot of information that can get you started on how to properly care for relaxed hair. Good Luck and welcome !!
I understand what you mean also. My father is from Panama and I visited there in 2000! Gorgeous country, people, food and water!

Now back to hair - I tried several products over the years when I used to be relaxed b/c I have kinky/curly hair that is also VERY thick. I would get medium relaxers when I used to get them.

If I were you I would keep it real simple (shampoo, condition and style). As suggested previously use minimum heat to dry your hair. Air dry instead if you can and then curl with a curling iron or flat iron only ONCE a week. I used to do this when I was relaxed years ago and my hair grew quickly and long. I just never knew that is what I was doing.

If you can bun your hair so it doesn't brush up against your clothes and break off. As far as products, search this forum, folks love Dominican products, Aveda products, KeraCare and Design Essentials. I use Curl Junkie and Aveda products.
Welcome to the forum! You should discover the particular hair type you are first though - it really doesn't matter whether you're a mixed race or not...there are many different hair textures across races, but I believe I understand what youre saying. Explain futher of what you mean when you say stylists treat your hair as if it's course - what do they do to your hair?
I get what you're saying. Many hairdressers tend to "manhandle" thick hair. Personally, I've never had much success at traditional AA salons. I prefer Cuban and Dominican salons who have probably more experience with a wider variety of afrocentric/latina textures, 2a - 4z the whole kit and caboodle. Along with the weekly deep conditioning, I think bunning or some type of protective styling daily that doesn't require much manipulation will help.
Thanks to everyone for replying. I wasnt really sure how to formulate my question and explain what I meant. (Newbie) According to Andre Walker I am a 2b. I never knew how to catergorize my hair, so the best way to describe it was stating my race. Im glad so many people were able to decipher what I meant. Thanks for the info. guys. Thank GOD for LHCF!:D
PanamasOwn said:
:confused: :confused: Hello All,

I am new to this forum, and i hope that you guys can help me. I am Panamaian, mom hispanic, dad blk-latino. My hair is naturally wavy (medium) but VERY thick. This thickness can quite often become nappy, but not because it is coarse, but because while it is natural, it is so thick. Therefore I put a relaxer on my hair to ease this pain. I do not like going to beauty shops, because despite what I tell them, my hair is treated like it is coarse, which I have learned is too harsh on my hair. does anyone else have this problem? And if so, what are your techniques on upkeeping your hair? What products do you use?

Just to say: Welcome Panamas :wave: I know Somebody will lead you to the right path.
do u mean your hair is a 2b after u relax it or before????

My friend is panamanian and we have the same hair texture. thick 4a-b relaxed.
My hair is really weird.. When I have new growth I have waves that are fairly soft but once combed out, frizzy. Once I have alot of new growth, it becomes harder to comb through and I can no longer style it. Not even using a ceramic iron helps it. But the second that I put water on my hair, it becomes very soft and you can see all the waves in my hair. I air dry my hair and it gets poofy. What do you think is the best category to put myself in?
artemis_e. said:
Can you post a pic of your hair? That may help.

BTW, Welcome to the boards :)

IA. For more advice you really should post pictures of your hair in different states. i.e natural or roots, relaxed, hair after washing without distrurbance from combing, etc.

IA. with the other posters, it's probably easier to gather hair advice based on typing rather than race. I have Jewish friends with 4b and African friends with 2b; hair types really run the gammet.
PanamasOwn said:
My hair is really weird.. When I have new growth I have waves that are fairly soft but once combed out, frizzy. Once I have alot of new growth, it becomes harder to comb through and I can no longer style it. Not even using a ceramic iron helps it. But the second that I put water on my hair, it becomes very soft and you can see all the waves in my hair. I air dry my hair and it gets poofy. What do you think is the best category to put myself in?

And there you go, that is your problem. Don't feel bad tho, i have a problem putting the comb down too and its contributing to my breakage. Usually Wishin4Bsl snatches the comb out of my hair, but i am going to force everyone who knows me to stop me from combing and brushing. I am going to try and bump up a bunch of old school threads to help you and others out. Here is dontspeakdefeat's fotki
This wil explain everything to you. Also, i have a siggy up top that has compliation of a lot of the info you need. You will also need this link for help on how to comb your hair, shampoo and such,
Welcome to the forum!!!....I am of multicultural background as well but as u know we all still have different hair types from 1a to 4z so its best to correctly type ur hair to get the best advise to what ur needs are. Or if u have pics of ur new growth and need help typing urself we can help.
PanamasOwn said:
:confused: :confused: Hello All,

I am new to this forum, and i hope that you guys can help me. I am Panamaian, mom hispanic, dad blk-latino. My hair is naturally wavy (medium) but VERY thick. This thickness can quite often become nappy, but not because it is coarse, but because while it is natural, it is so thick. Therefore I put a relaxer on my hair to ease this pain. I do not like going to beauty shops, because despite what I tell them, my hair is treated like it is coarse, which I have learned is too harsh on my hair. does anyone else have this problem? And if so, what are your techniques on upkeeping your hair? What products do you use?

You don't have to look any particular way to speak spanish as a first language or to be the child of someone who speaks spanish as a first language ... anymore than you gotta look any particular way to speak english as a first language. But I'm sure you know that already. If you trowel this board long enough I'm sure you'll find your "hair twin(s)" plus all kinds of tips and techniques for healthier hair. It sounds like you're having trouble finding a knowledgable stylist. If you live in or near a metro area - or if you're willing to travel, I'll bet there are ppl here who can recommend someone who knows how to handle your hair - or you might get good at doing it yourself and not need a stylist anymore.

Good luck!
Welcome, my daughter has 2a/2b hair. her hair doesnt frizz, its not course. nor is it hard to comb at all. so i was wondering if maybe you might be a 3a or 3b instead because of what your describing or maybe even a 2c??

do you have any hair photos?
I dont want anyone to misunderstand what I am saying that by being mixed with hispanic or any other race that I am saying my hair is supposed to be one way opposed to another. Stating my race was the only way that I ever been able to identify my hair to anyone. And I have not been to very many stylists that have been able to explain my hair type to me. I was simply ignorant of how to catergorize it and did not know the varying types. Therefore I always said, I am black-hispanic, assuming that people could figure it out from there. Now that I have joined LHCF, i know the difference. But before I did not. I havent met many people with my hair type, my own mother does not have hair like mine. So you can see my dilemma.
PanamasOwn said:
I dont want anyone to misunderstand what I am saying that by being mixed with hispanic or any other race that I am saying my hair is supposed to be one way opposed to another. Stating my race was the only way that I ever been able to identify my hair to anyone. And I have not been to very many stylists that have been able to explain my hair type to me. I was simply ignorant of how to catergorize it and did not know the varying types. Therefore I always said, I am black-hispanic, assuming that people could figure it out from there. Now that I have joined LHCF, i know the difference. But before I did not. I havent met many people with my hair type, my own mother does not have hair like mine. So you can see my dilemma.
Wave Novou (sp) is a chemical texturizer, correct? If so-you are/were not natural.

Natural is chemical free (although heat pressed hair can be natural). I guess you were texturized?

I still cannot tell what texture your hair was/is from the pictures, because I don't see any pics of your new growth or chemically untreated hair...and the pics aren't too clear either :sad:

Like silvergirl said, her daughter has 2a/b hair...silvergirl herself has 3a hair. Does your hair fall into either category? Meaning your hair in it's nautrally, chemically unaltered state-not your relaxed hair.

I think folks were put off by the black/hispanic, because it is nto a good idnicator of what type of hair you have. Your hair could be completely straight with a little wave, or 4b. But-now you know and WELCOME to LHCF.
PanamasOwn said:

I finally put up some photos of my hair. When I was natural and the more recent ones. I hope someone can help me better identify my hair type.

Welcome! :wave:

Quick question, are the pictures in your natural folder of your natural hair or texurized?

It's hard to type your hair without seeing it in it's natural state without any relaxers, texturizer, ect...

I'm not good with hair typing anyway :lol: , but you might want to try a moisturizing leave in and seal with a tiny bit of oil or butter. Avocado butter is one of my favorites, just a little dab really combats frizz for a nice sleek look.
I do not mean to offend anyone. Or come off in a harsh manner, but stating that I was black-hispanic was how I indicated my hair type as I stated in a previous post. I have not gone to many hair dressers and those that I have gone to, have not been able to explain my hair type to me. By me stating that I am black-hispanic, most people kinda understood what I was talking about. Until LHCF, I really didnt know the varying hair types, so I identified myself with what I knew my culture, no harm in that right? I came on here to get help with my hair and get educated on the things that I did not know so that I can better understand my hair. My own mother does not have the same hair texture as mine, so you can see my fustration. I dont have many friends with my type of hair either, and whatever catergory my hair falls into, I clearly still do not know it yet, that is why I used my culture as the opener to my hair situation, not to offend anyone or appear better, but if thats all I know, and have never been told anything different, even by a professional, how am I genuiely supposed to know? I found LHCF on accident, while looking for a new hairstyle. Hoping to find other girls with my type of hair to see if they have had/ or are having the same issues I have fell upon becasue I was finding no answers by myself.
PanamasOwn said:
I do not mean to offend anyone. Or come off in a harsh manner, but stating that I was black-hispanic was how I indicated my hair type as I stated in a previous post. I have not gone to many hair dressers and those that I have gone to, have not been able to explain my hair type to me. By me stating that I am black-hispanic, most people kinda understood what I was talking about. Until LHCF, I really didnt know the varying hair types, so I identified myself with what I knew my culture, no harm in that right? I came on here to get help with my hair and get educated on the things that I did not know so that I can better understand my hair. My own mother does not have the same hair texture as mine, so you can see my fustration. I dont have many friends with my type of hair either, and whatever catergory my hair falls into, I clearly still do not know it yet, that is why I used my culture as the opener to my hair situation, not to offend anyone or appear better, but if thats all I know, and have never been told anything different, even by a professional, how am I genuiely supposed to know? I found LHCF on accident, while looking for a new hairstyle. Hoping to find other girls with my type of hair to see if they have had/ or are having the same issues I have fell upon becasue I was finding no answers by myself.

It's okay!:)

I don't think you offended anyone. Hair typing can be tricky (to me anyway :look: ) I'm not 100% sure of my own type, let alone anyone else's.

When you first find LHCF there can be such a ton of information that it really overwhelms you. I'd suggest making sure you keep your hair properly moisturized, that was key for me in getting my hair on the track to health. Take a look at some of the ladies albums or siggy pics and try to find someone with hair similar to yours, that might help also.