So I was having a conversation with a female the other day and she had decided to go "natural" and is boycotting getting a relaxer or perm or practically any other chemical in her hair. She asked me what I thought about her hair. Now it isn't unlike myself to volunteer my opinion without being asked for it, so she was particularly lucky that I kept my opinion to myself as long as I did...but when she asked, I was forced to let her know! I told her that I didn't like it, and that it looks dry and nappy! She got pissed and started on this whole long tangent about going "natural" and that society has created this image of "good" hair among women especially of African American ethnicity. So I responded with a very emphasized "Whomp, whomp, whomp!" Of course, the sheer assholedness of my response further infuriated her and she asked me if I agreed with the whole "good" hair image. I said yes, and here is why:
Firstly, to be true to the definition of "natural" then she would have to go without doing anything to her hair at all, not even combing it. If I just let my hair grow out uncontrollably and let it roll up into beedebees and buckshots all over my head then she would have had something to say. Secondly, of course society has created an image of "good" hair...society creates an image of everything. They even created an image of cleanliness and good hygiene. I don't see her or other women boycotting deodorant, soap, body wash, lotion or anything else that society deems as normal. She still gets her nails and feet done, that's not "natural." She drives a car, and talks on a cell phone all the time.
If you like your nappy, spider infested looking doo then do you...don't live your life based on other's opinions if you don't want to...especially mine. And finally, I prefer long silky or curly hair...this is my preference. I am perfectly entitled to like whatever I do. When I run my fingers through my woman's hair, I don't want my knuckles to crack and pop like I'm eating a bowl of Rice Krispies. That's just my choice. Get over Yourself!