Black guy loving natural hair


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this has been posted already. It's this black guy talking about how he likes natural hair :) Something positive for the new year. And he's cute too...although I think he looks a teensy bit better in black & white :giggle:

Watch here: YouTube - Natural Hair

And here's a follow up vid (he has his shirt off in this one :lick:: YouTube - Natural Hair - Thank You

Enjoy! (again, sorry if it has been posted)
he's cute! :)

he knows his stuff tho! talkin bout prepoo'ing,oil rinsing and reminding to seal with oils?! cute :)
Welp, the expected attraction just went out the window! He looks and sounds just like my brother. It did make it easier to pay attention to what he said though.
Yes i have seen this, yes i have subscribed, and babbbyy when i tell you he is wayyyy more than cute! Lawd please check out his twitcon cuz GGGOOTTTDAMN!
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Nice positive videos :yep:

There you go ladies, there are BM that love natural hair and search out for those type of women.

I know the ladies have been trying to get with him since the videos---bet his email box was overloaded with propositions :lol: That's why he did that follow-up practically nude :lol: