Black Greek Lettered Orgs=Idolatry???


New Member

There are 8 intsallments in the series, but I believe the 1st is the most significant. If you don't feel like watching it, here's a brief summary: all of the organizations in the Divine 9 (National Pan Hellenic Council) are associated with Greek Gods and Godesses. The author of the video believes that members of these organizations worship their respective God or Godess, and obviously that is a form of idolatry.

My question to you all is how should someone who's considering joining one of these organizations take this information? I understand research is imperative, but there's only so much you find out before you enter the realm of fact vs opinion or so called "common knowledge". Yes, these particular Gods and Godesses are on particular sheilds and emblems, but so what? Is this really a threat against the Christian wals and lifestyle, or is this just another person nitpicking at something they don't agree with?

I would really love feed back from members and non members. I do understand that a lot of opinions will be posted as a result of this thread, but I don't want any arguments to start, nor do I want anyone to be offended. If you are sensitive to this topic, or believe that you may become offended, I would suggest you press the X now to avoid any conflict.

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Anything can become an idol- kids, spouses, jobs, organizations, sports, sex- you name it. We might not chant out loud and sacrifice ppl (oh wait- yes we do:blush:) but IRL we all usually have some type of idol. I agree with you. I think education is key in this and all scenarios. I think symbols do have significant meaning not in some hokey kinda you get zapped and aren't yourself way but they do matter.There have been similar threads to the one you have here. The most recent I think in Sept. I have included the link.
Do a thread search using the word 'sorority'. It will pull up lots of info:yep:. Seek God. He has all of the answers you need.
If you believe that this is true, it's simple, do not join. It is not anyone's job to convince you otherwise.
I am not Greek, but what about the white Greek letter organizations? What about academic fraternities? What about labor unions? I am just asking.