Black Babies with no hair in the back...


New Member
I am just curious why a lot of little black babies that I have seen recently have a full head of hair decorated with bobbles and barrets that make the child's head look like a christmas tree or a fruit basket. Yet the child's hair in the back is gone licked clean or hella short. What is even more shocking is that these kids at some point had the same amount of hair in the back that there was in the front. :blush: What is happening? Are parent's putting too much stress on the hair? What can be done?
For some its how they sleep..babies cant roll and move around like we if u lay them on their back (which is the preferred position)..and they lay like that for 12+ hours a day(u know babies sleep alot) thins the hair..this has never happened to any of my children..but I know its quite common..
I agree with Qtee. I think it's from the sleep position. Pediatricians tell parents to have babies sleep on their backs.
Additionally, in some cases the hair has yet to grow a particlular spot. I agree with you on the overuse of hair accessories, i'm not a big fan of 'em & I see how they could stress a tender new scalp. Better choices regarding haircare & accessories are needed in the black starts with us :) !
Sleep position. Babies roll over on their backs or parents place them on their backs and it stunts hair growth...can't do much about it. When I had my son I put him on his back as instructed to prevent SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). He rolled over on his stomach on his own; therefore, he did not lose his hair in the back.

I don't know about all the hair accessories since I had a boy.
For some its how they sleep..babies cant roll and move around like we if u lay them on their back (which is the preferred position)..and they lay like that for 12+ hours a day(u know babies sleep alot) thins the hair..this has never happened to any of my children..but I know its quite common..

I happened for my niece. If my sis had just put down a silk scarf or whatever on the car seat then it wouldn't of happened. Most of her nape is literally licked clean off.

It'll grow back hopefully.
I never put any of my babies on their backs to sleep and none of them were bald on the back. So its definatley the sleeping position.
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This happens alot babies hair is so fine that because the backs or their heads rub against things the hair just rubs off it grows back when they are older. Also I dont think it has anything to do with barrettes because I see it as often in boys as I do girls. Its also happens with babies of other races and they dont tend to do much to their babies hair at all. My baby is due in less than 5 weeks and my Dr has recommended back sleeping to prevent SIDS I dont care if the back of his lil head is so bald its shiny he will be sleeping on his back for safety.
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If the sleep position is the problem, maybe the parent should get the child a silk or satin pillow case.
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It is definitely sleeping on the back. I have a son and a daughter both of them slept on their backs and had no hair in the back for the first 2 years. It isn't the accessories, at least not with my kids because of course my son didn't have them in. Outside of having them sleep on their stomachs there isn't much you can do. My daughter is 10 and her hair is WL, so it comes back.
If the sleep position is the problem, maybe the parent should get the child a silk or satin pillow case.

With infants doctors advise against putting pillows in the baby's bed at all and recommend cotton sheets. You rarely ever see a child older than 3 still with no hair in the back. It comes back when their hair isn't as fine.
Really, in all honesty, no one should be worrying about a babys hair like that. Its a baby. Their hair hasnt even grown in yet. Give nature a chance. Trust me, the hair will grow in.
Like everyone else has said, its because babies sleep on their backs. My son didn't lose any hair but my daughter didn't have any hair in the back for a while. It grew back very quickly. It wasn't serious enough for me to get her a satin pillowcase, its just hair, it grows back.
This isn't a black baby thing. It happens to most babies of all races. Many are born with hair only on the crown, and that's perfectly normal. The hair will grow in as they get older.
Additionally, in some cases the hair has yet to grow a particlular spot. I agree with you on the overuse of hair accessories, i'm not a big fan of 'em & I see how they could stress a tender new scalp. Better choices regarding haircare & accessories are needed in the black starts with us :) !

Yessssss..I have a niece (will be 1y/o this Sun woot woot) who's Grandma (my sis fiance) likes to put all these ball balls in her hair. Soon as she came to visit me..I looked at her and said, "aiight Mini, these are coming out" :yawn:

She sat there and let me take them out. There was at least 10 of them in that childs head!!

How about this mad woman not only had my niece hair in ball balls, but ALSO they were *gasp* rubber-banded first?! Not to mention barretts were on the end?! I was furious. I told my sister that if she allows these people to do all this destruction to my baby..uh I mean my niece hair..she will have nothing left.

*grumbles* Ol' crazy arse family :look:

ETA: lol, wow that's my niece in my profile lol...That's my mini me! :lol:
This happened to my little brother and sister, and probably me too. It does grow back, but I saw somewhere on the interwebz in the past two years some kinda sheet or car seat thingy with a satin panel where the baby's head lays to prevent....uh, premature balding.

If the sleep position is the problem, maybe the parent should get the child a silk or satin pillow case.

I would think that a baby's chance of suffocating would be increased. It's just baby hair, and it mostly happens when a child is months old (less than a year). It grows back.

Health>Aesthetics :)
I am just curious why a lot of little black babies that I have seen recently have a full head of hair decorated with bobbles and barrets that make the child's head look like a christmas tree or a fruit basket. Yet the child's hair in the back is gone licked clean or hella short. What is even more shocking is that these kids at some point had the same amount of hair in the back that there was in the front. :blush: What is happening? Are parent's putting too much stress on the hair? What can be done?

@ the bolded...NOT TRUE. My 18 month old daughter's hair is shorter in the back than it is in the top and front. She has the Kid N' Play thing going on but it has grown out now. The back of her hair was NEVER the same length as the front. So its nothing that I did, its just the way her hair grew in. Also, tight pony's or barrettes weren't used in her hair either. Sometimes, "it just is what it is".

Also, in many cases a child's hair can be rubbed thin from sleep positions but this wan't the case for my daughter. Everyone is different.

If the child is under 3...let it be. Their hair will come in when it wants to.
My son had a natural mohawk! And truth be told he did very little sleeping on his back or otherwise :perplexed

Really, for some kids hair just grows in its own pattern. He's 4 now with a headful of thick hair. :yep:
It's not such a big deal that I think folks need to be putting satin anything down to protect their child's hair, lol. That might be a bit much.

I have little brothers and forget about sleeping, when they get to a certain age where they're more active but not yet strong you'll watch them furiously rub their heads back and forth when they're awake and on their backs creating friction on the back of their heads and breaking that baby fine hair down. But it's good for babies, it's more important their bodies get work and their neck muscles form.

Besides baby hair rarely lasts, when I look at the little baggy with my brother's first hair cut the hair is TOTALLY different in terms of color and texture. I highly doubt even if we didn't cut it the hair would have come out on it's own.

And it's all babies, not just blacks, I see it with plenty of white babies.
It has absolutely nothing to do with race. All babies get it if they lay on their backs a lot. That part of their hair simply rubs off. It soon grows in to a full head of hair. It's not neglect or anything like that at all. It's normal.
Babies have exremelly fragile and fine hair that gets rubbed out by being laid on their backs during sleep and wake periods. Even if they aren't put to sleep that way strollers and carseats and swings are designed so that they are reclined so their hair gets rubbed out.
It's not always the way the baby sleeps (although it's the culprit probably most of the time). A lot of times it's the growth pattern as well. My sister was bald with a single braid in back until I think 2 or three. My DD had it until maybe 6 months ago? My sister slept on her stomach (this was before the put baby on their backs studies) and while DD slept on her back occasionally she'd roll onto her side or her tummy. I also had it and I was a tummy sleeper. Sometimes it's the growth pattern and it's not just black babies. Its babies in general.

Honestly, it's not that serious. For the longest I complained about DD's hair. I wanted it to grow so quickly so I can do styles. I've stopped that. Mainly because I'll be doing her hair for about the next 10 yrs. Then Ill be complaining about how much hair I have to do LOL Ive learned to relish not having to do much with her hair for the time being.