BKT while Pregnant??


New Member
I am a Natural and Im 22 weeks preggo, and im REALLY fed up with my tangles and knots!...So i was considering getting the BKT but then i kept reading about the fumes and how strong they are SO...is it safe (or recommended) to get done while pregnant? :perplexed
I wouldn't do it, the fumes would probably aggravate you too much. You are halfway through with your pregancy I would just wait until you have the baby. Maybe try a henna treatment or the coconut/lime treatment.
I agree with the previous posters. I definitely wouldn't try this while pregnant or nursing. (I happen to be both!)
OMG..Not while nursing either!...well okay, i guess i'll have to keep trying different things for my knots. What about a relaxer once i have the baby (i will be breastfeeding)?
OMG..Not while nursing either!...well okay, i guess i'll have to keep trying different things for my knots. What about a relaxer once i have the baby (i will be breastfeeding)?

What kind of knots are you having? Single strand or large multi strand? And what do you think is causing them?
OMG..Not while nursing either!...well okay, i guess i'll have to keep trying different things for my knots. What about a relaxer once i have the baby (i will be breastfeeding)?

From what I have read, there is no evidence that a nursing mother's use of relaxers will harm her baby (although your body will absorb some amount of anything that winds up on the scalp).

Here are a couple of links to articles I found helpful:

I am a Natural and Im 22 weeks preggo, and im REALLY fed up with my tangles and knots!...So i was considering getting the BKT but then i kept reading about the fumes and how strong they are SO...is it safe (or recommended) to get done while pregnant? :perplexed

Have you considered getting you hair braided? That way you can just leave your hair alone. When was the last time you trimmed your hair? That can contribute to issues w/knots?
Bottom line is that nobody really truly knows...and if you are questioning I would follow your motherly instinct and don't do it. It's only 9 months :)