You are so right! I should have walked out but no I wanted to try the BKT , I wanted my hair straight while transitioning I thought this was going to be the best thing since slice bread. Another thing is Im not that bold to just walk out while I already made an appt. drove 40 minutes and had a Christmas party that same night. I just sat there and now my hair is paying the cost.:nono: I really feel like pulling a Britney, but I know i might cry when my eyes glaze back over.:lachen:

semi :ot: i had an experience when the stylist's assistant was basing my scalp and went ripping through my hair, and i turned completely around (said nothing) and looked her straight in her eyes like, "what is wrong with you?"

i offered her my wide tooth comb, and she showed me she had one and that my hair was tangled (it was, obviously since i needed the perm). nevertheless, due to lhcf, i know how to detangle my hair without ripping (didn't bother to discuss further, i let the look say it all). she was definitely on the defensive after that to know that i was watching her.

also, the lead stylist is naturally very bossy, but i interrogated her with a few key questions so that she would know that i was watching her too and had certain concerns of how I want my hair to look, in spite of her "expertise". you really have to establish an "understanding" with stylists in advance...
How should I prepare it, im still fairly new to henna. Right now i mixed 3/4 cup henna , tablespoon of water, some oil(africa's best), castor oil and mixed. <~~These are guestimations. After applying to my strands I put aussie moist(3 min. miracle) over the henna. I dont know, we'll see how it turns out.:ohwell:

If you aren't familiar with henna just yet, why put your hair through it and risk more damage? You have me scared for your hair! Hoping for the best, but ultimately, you should just let your hair rest. Henna is a protein and that with BKT may cause protein overload. If its just thickness that's a problem, maybe you just aren't comfortable with the effects of the BKT or wasn't expecting the outcome. Some, like Global, give relaxer straight results. If your hair isn't breaking or shedding a lot, I'd leave it alone and just stick to your regular regimen and DCing. Did you ever say which BKT he used? Also, other than the lack of thickness, what else can you tell us about your BKT'd hair? How else does it feel? Would you consider doing it again but with a different stylist or even on your own?
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I'm sorry to hear of your hair loss.
I thought BKT was only designed for Asian and Caucasian hair because of the harshness of the product. :perplexed
If you aren't familiar with henna just yet, why put your hair through it and risk more damage? You have me scared for your hair! Hoping for the best, but ultimately, you should just let your hair rest. Henna is a protein and that with BKT may cause protein overload. If its just thickness that's a problem, maybe you just aren't comfortable with the effects of the BKT or wasn't expecting the outcome. Some, like Global, give relaxer straight results. If your hair isn't breaking or shedding a lot, I'd leave it alone and just stick to your regular regimen and DCing. Did you ever say which BKT he used? Also, other than the lack of thickness, what else can you tell us about your BKT'd hair? How else does it feel? Would you consider doing it again but with a different stylist or even on your own?
He used Global. I feel my hair is weak and damged so I thought Henna would help, I didnt use alot, I put lots of oil in it and im dcing for at least an hour with a super moisturizing dc. If it causes more damage Im cutting my hair off ..I really dont care anymore.:ohwell:
He used Global.

That's it! Global gives relaxer straight results!!! It doesn't leave much texture and will get your hair really straight. If it isn't breaking or shedding like crazy you should be ok after a few regular washes. It just takes some time getting use to especially if you've gotten use to your transitioning texture.

On the other hand, if your stylist ripped through your hair with a rattailed comb then that's another issue you will have to recover from but I don't think the BKT damaged your hair. You just weren't expecting the relaxed look. I'd love to see pictures as I'm sure it's better that what it seems. Has anyone else commented on your hair - good or bad - since the treatment?
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Global is one of the brands I use too.

As far as the henna I would use more than a tablespoon of water maybe a half cup it thickens up after a while.
For texlaxed hair, the entire truth would be that results vary. Some have experienced sucessful reversion and others haven't and won't.

My pre-BKT texlaxed hair is still bone straight after 8 months, I would say that's permanent.

Wow, I guess you are right results do vary. My texlaxed hair has been bone straight too so I decided to see if the BKT really would "wear off" so I commenced to washing with a "chelating" shampoo (ORS) then Pantene Clarifying. BKT is excellent for those wanting bone straight hair without using a relaxer if they are use tons of bleach or texlax. On my new growth (3b/c) it doesn't get straight and it wears right off.
Sorry that your experience went bad. However I must say this, You allowed him to tear and rip through your hair.

You were supposed to get up the first time he snatched through your precious locks. And thank him for his time and leave.

I cant feel that bad bc we as women do not have to beg anyone to take our money and mess up our hair.

i totaly agree. i protect my hair like i would my child. and i dont understand those women that let stylist cut their hair and then complain about it later. you have all the power not the stylist. i think some women go to the salon with a blindfold on or somthing. i dont get it. im sorry this happend to you but smhhh, c'mon
semi :ot: i had an experience when the stylist's assistant was basing my scalp and went ripping through my hair, and i turned completely around (said nothing) and looked her straight in her eyes like, "what is wrong with you?"

i offered her my wide tooth comb, and she showed me she had one and that my hair was tangled (it was, obviously since i needed the perm). nevertheless, due to lhcf, i know how to detangle my hair without ripping (didn't bother to discuss further, i let the look say it all). she was definitely on the defensive after that to know that i was watching her.

also, the lead stylist is naturally very bossy, but i interrogated her with a few key questions so that she would know that i was watching her too and had certain concerns of how I want my hair to look, in spite of her "expertise". you really have to establish an "understanding" with stylists in advance...

good for you, show them whos boss!!!!
i totaly agree. i protect my hair like i would my child. and i dont understand those women that let stylist cut their hair and then complain about it later. you have all the power not the stylist. i think some women go to the salon with a blindfold on or somthing. i dont get it. im sorry this happend to you but smhhh, c'mon
im sorry to hear this. I did the BKT last year December. It was great while it lasted, i did the chocolate so my hair was more manageable with less frizz but i still had my kink and texture. I decided not to do it again. I have an area around my ears that never reverted; i can't say that thats completely the BKT or the flat ironing. Not sure; however i flat ironed my hair myself last week and had no issues.
Personally, i realized that after doing the BKT, my twists weren't feeling or looking the same. I missed my shrinkage and my coily ends. so for me, im learning that patience is a virtue. I've grown it out for officially a year and you can do the same.

continue to moisturize, deep condition and baby ur hair. It will be fine!
I'm sooooo sorry that this happened to you. Take pictures and document everything. My butt would be on the horn to Mr.Man to fix the mess he made.
Thank you to everyone who is sharing their experiences with BKT- positive and negative. Initially I was against BKT even before I knew the details about it. I did some research and it sounded tempting, but ofcourse the companies aren't giving us the whole truth. I dont think BKT is needed to have healthy hair- with all the stories about hair not reverting back, ends exploding, and texture loosening there's something not right about this process. I dont know if its the BKT or the excessive heat/multiple passes with a flat iron. :sad:
It looks like you have color on your ends. Plus the ends are relaxed so they were made even straighter than the transitioning roots. Double processed ends plus the heat. Just condition and moisturize. Maybe try baggying the ends. How did the henna work?
i thought that i was the only one who had bad things to say about BKT. I used it and my hair was so wonderful for about 3 weeks. then all hell broke out. My hair became so thin and the breakage was ridiculous. and the final result, a huge bald spot in the front of my head, one side of my hair line started about 2 inches further back then the other side. and the damage was almost unbelieveable.
i totaly agree. i protect my hair like i would my child. and i dont understand those women that let stylist cut their hair and then complain about it later. you have all the power not the stylist. i think some women go to the salon with a blindfold on or somthing. i dont get it. im sorry this happend to you but smhhh, c'mon

I'm sorry but :laugh::laugh::laugh::lachen:
i thought that i was the only one who had bad things to say about BKT. I used it and my hair was so wonderful for about 3 weeks. then all hell broke out. My hair became so thin and the breakage was ridiculous. and the final result, a huge bald spot in the front of my head, one side of my hair line started about 2 inches further back then the other side. and the damage was almost unbelieveable.

It would be really helpful if you could specify which BKT brand is damaging hair AND whether you did it or got it done at a salon. There are different brands and different formulas based on formaldehyde levels. I'm wondering if there is a certain brand and/or formaldehyde combination that's more prone to damage hair rather than help. The same with stylists. I think the majority of us who have done our own got better results than stylists (except for Don'tSpeakDefeat - she's definitely the exception to the stylist suck rule!).
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The thing with bkt is that you have to be sure your stylist is able. There are many do it yourselfers here that are able and have successful results. Then there are some stylists that are clearly lacking in their ability to apply this treatment. Just like relaxers, when in the wrong hands they will jack your hair up! And even when you think they're able look what happens! It sucks but your hair will revive.

I was interested in this for a second myself but decided it wasn't worth it. In time your hair will recover and gain it's thickness back. I say hide it for a while.
I had Bkt about 6 months ago. I had it done at a salon. I did not like it. My hair was thin and it was really oily. It was weird bc back then I never put ANY product on my hair until my follow up salon visit, two weeks later. However, after two days, my hair looked like someone rubbed grease on it. Ewwww!!!

My hair still looks thin and I'm hoping to thicken it up in the next year! No BkT for me!
The thing with bkt is that you have to be sure your stylist is able. There are many do it yourselfers here that are able and have successful results. Then there are some stylists that are clearly lacking in their ability to apply this treatment. Just like relaxers, when in the wrong hands they will jack your hair up! And even when you think they're able look what happens! It sucks but your hair will revive.

I was interested in this for a second myself but decided it wasn't worth it. In time your hair will recover and gain it's thickness back. I say hide it for a while.

This is very true! Relaxers, BKT, and even henna have gotten a bad wrap because people or stylist did not apply properly or follow directions. Now that I look back at it I probably could have had thriving relaxed hair had it not been for a stylist who applied it all over combing it through and severely over processing my hair each time. I swore relaxers were the devil but maybe it was just the devil applying them.

Everyone has to remember that BKT is a serious debulking treatment. If done properly your hair will not appear as thick as it was before. There are many before and after pics that display this. Usually after each wash you gain more 'poof'. This treatment is more for people who are trying to tone the thickness down. Global is a strong treatment. Maybe the 'Keep the Curl' formula would be better for those who do not want to lose any thickness.
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I am bumping this thread, in the hopes that NinasLongAmbition, or anyone else with similar keratin-caused hair breakage experience, and post what worked for them to recover from a keratin disaster.

I'm currently undergoing a keratin disaster. My stylist applied a formaldehyde-free brand (NOT BKT), the name of which I'll have to get back to you on. My hair was completely natural, baby-fine 3a/3b when she applied it the first time, no problems. The second time? Hair started breaking to the touch within 6 days. I've been applying Dudley's DRC 28 followed by Dudleys Hair rebuilder to moisturize/soften. It helps some but I have to wash/condition every other day otherwise it breaks to the touch. Can't use DRC 28 daily, that is too much protein, I'm sure.

I will post more details later, I have to catch a plane.

I'm po'd because it took years to get my hair past bra-strap and now I feel like a chihuahua!

Please let me know. There is an entire thread on Oprah's site where various people had bad experience with Keratin. Before I try what they tried, I thought I'd post here.

Thanks in advance for your help!

I wish I had pictures to show you how thin and lifeless my hair is. Im a 4a/4b transitioner who went into the salon last friday to get my bkt done after reading so many positive reviews.

First off the guy did not know how to deal with AA hair as well as he said he could. He ripped through my kinks and i felt my hair dying with each flat iron. I was cringing the whole time, there was a point where I took out my big comb that i brought with me and started detangling my own damn hair! The whole problem was he told me to wash my hair before I came with shampoo and use no conditioner that does not work for 4a/4b hair so my hair was not in its softest state.


^Most recent pic of my hair rollerset on close to 20 wk post hair Thanksgiving 09

Now my post(not so groomed) BKT hair:nono::nono:


I washed hair with a neutralizing shampoo ,henna'd(pic below), followed by a DC (4 HRS)

Freshly rinsed hair



Wow, I have only had this done once. I love it tis far. I have only had it flat ironed the time I did the BKT and haven't since then. I am wearing protective styling. But I do blow dry my hair as normal and just enjoy wearing it as normal :)
I won't be trying this again until March 2011 I hope all goes well. :)