Biotin stopped working


Well-Known Member
I've been taking biotin since March now after about a 3 month break.

When I was previously taking it (same dosage, same brand Holland &

Barretts) I was getting really, really good growth and my NG was strong

and really wiry now I got nothing, no additional growth no stronger NG.

Has this happened to anyone else? I take 5mg I was thinking I may be

taking too much so my body is getting rid of all the excess? Or perhaps

too less to notice growth (as previously I was also taking a hair, skin and

nails supplement and silica (I am certain however that the increased

growth & stronger NG was from the biotin) and now I am taking the biotin,

b-complex and a multi). Help.. I just want the same results I got before
On another board I went to they said that Biotin only works if you are deficient in it. So, once you get in the hang of taking it over the course of a few mos your body is no longer deficient in it so it won't reap the growig benefits. They suggested that you stop taking them in periods of time. For example, take them 3 mos and then stop for a while (maybe a month or 2), make your body back deficient in it (it's okay, biotin is not an essential nutrient that our body absolutely needs) and start back. That's what I do and it seems to work.
oooh really? Oh thanks for that..

I Suppose its a good thing in a way :scratchch

I'll start back, the end of june

Thanks again
LocksOfLuV said:
On another board I went to they said that Biotin only works if you are deficient in it. So, once you get in the hang of taking it over the course of a few mos your body is no longer deficient in it so it won't reap the growig benefits. They suggested that you stop taking them in periods of time. For example, take them 3 mos and then stop for a while (maybe a month or 2), make your body back deficient in it (it's okay, biotin is not an essential nutrient that our body absolutely needs) and start back. That's what I do and it seems to work.

This is how I take most of my vitamins.
Wow, that's interesting. I guess I should start the same thing with my vitamins. Taking breaks. Is this only true of boitin or are silica and msm the same deal?
Guyaneek said:
Wow, that's interesting. I guess I should start the same thing with my vitamins. Taking breaks. Is this only true of boitin or are silica and msm the same deal?

Hmmm I wanna kno this too
LocksOfLuV said:
On another board I went to they said that Biotin only works if you are deficient in it. So, once you get in the hang of taking it over the course of a few mos your body is no longer deficient in it so it won't reap the growig benefits. They suggested that you stop taking them in periods of time. For example, take them 3 mos and then stop for a while (maybe a month or 2), make your body back deficient in it (it's okay, biotin is not an essential nutrient that our body absolutely needs) and start back. That's what I do and it seems to work.

I guess this (biotin) was never one of my deficiencies coz I got zero extra growth when I tried it. I've been taking b-complex for years and sometimes I do take breaks. This keeps my hair and nails strong and healthy but it doesn't result in faster growth.
Or you may need to try a different brand. I read somewhere that B-vitamins need to be constantly manipulated to work.
I agree with the different brands suggestion, I've read that in a few places about Vit. B manipulation, especially since you might not see the results of taking vitamins until 6-months of intake (at least that's what I've read everywhere).
hOnii said:
Or you may need to try a different brand. I read somewhere that B-vitamins need to be constantly manipulated to work.

Biotin ain't a B vitamin it is actually Vitamin H.

As far as MSM and other vitamins I am not sure if stopping and restarting will be beneficial. But it's worth a try.
Blackberry7 said:
I guess this (biotin) was never one of my deficiencies coz I got zero extra growth when I tried it. I've been taking b-complex for years and sometimes I do take breaks. This keeps my hair and nails strong and healthy but it doesn't result in faster growth.

Very much could be.
A little info from other threads on Biotin. Also it is sometimes referred to as Vitamin H.

Biotin: Biotin is actually a B vitamin, but it is the B vitamin for hair growth. Buy the pills in 1000mcg. Start at 1000mcg a day, and work your way up to 3000mcg if you want. Biotin makes the hair grow fast.

Biotin is a sulpur bearing B-vitamin. Biotin is one of the most widely known "beauty" vitamins. Biotin helps increase growth by contributing to the overal suphur content in out bodies and in aiding the breakdown of protein. Most people show improvement with a daily intake of atleast 5mg of Biotin. Some have taken up to 15 mg without adverse results. There are no know adverse reactions to large doses of Biotin. Some diabetics are prescribed "super" doses to help insulin issues. When taking Biotin it is usually more benefical to split up doses thoughout the day. Biotin sometimes has to be manipulated to see the growth results. One way to do this is to alternate brands. Pick two brands and alternate between them every other month. Another way to do this is buy your daily dose before bedtime. Sleeping on some water soluble vitamins sometimes helps with absorbtion. You can also do a "loading dose" with biotin. For example, lets say you desire an overall intake of 7mg. For the first four weeks you take 10 mg, then for two weeks you drop down to 5mg, and then stick to 7mg thereafter as your maintance dose.
Hmm i wasn't aware that they call it a B vitamin. The only B vitamins I know of are B 1,2,3,5,6,9,12.

I only knew they called it vitamin H. Hmph you learn something new everyday.

Here is some more info on Biotin for anyone who wants to know ( I just did a random google search so I cannot prove the validity of these sites):
SvelteVelvet said:
A little info from other threads on Biotin. Also it is sometimes referred to as Vitamin H.

Biotin: Biotin is actually a B vitamin, but it is the B vitamin for hair growth. Buy the pills in 1000mcg. Start at 1000mcg a day, and work your way up to 3000mcg if you want. Biotin makes the hair grow fast.

Biotin is a sulpur bearing B-vitamin. Biotin is one of the most widely known "beauty" vitamins. Biotin helps increase growth by contributing to the overal suphur content in out bodies and in aiding the breakdown of protein. Most people show improvement with a daily intake of atleast 5mg of Biotin. Some have taken up to 15 mg without adverse results. There are no know adverse reactions to large doses of Biotin. Some diabetics are prescribed "super" doses to help insulin issues. When taking Biotin it is usually more benefical to split up doses thoughout the day. Biotin sometimes has to be manipulated to see the growth results. One way to do this is to alternate brands. Pick two brands and alternate between them every other month. Another way to do this is buy your daily dose before bedtime. Sleeping on some water soluble vitamins sometimes helps with absorbtion. You can also do a "loading dose" with biotin. For example, lets say you desire an overall intake of 7mg. For the first four weeks you take 10 mg, then for two weeks you drop down to 5mg, and then stick to 7mg thereafter as your maintance dose.

Right, biotin is actually a b vitamin and a H vitamin.

Biotin, also known as vitamin H or B7, has the chemical formula C10H16N2O3S (Biotin; Coenzyme R, Biopeiderm), is a water-soluble B-complex vitamin which is composed of an ureido (tetrahydroimidizalone) ring fused with a tetrahydrothiophene ring. A valeric acid substituent is attached to one of the carbon atoms of the tetrahydrothiophene ring. Biotin is important in the catalysis of essential metabolic reactions to synthesize fatty acids, in gluconeogenesis, and to metabolize leucine.

biotin, vitamin H is a kind of:

B-complex vitamin, B complex, vitamin B complex, vitamin B, B vitamin, B — originally thought to be a single vitamin but now separated into several B vitamins

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SvelteVelvet said:
A little info from other threads on Biotin. Also it is sometimes referred to as Vitamin H.

Biotin: Biotin is actually a B vitamin, but it is the B vitamin for hair growth. Buy the pills in 1000mcg. Start at 1000mcg a day, and work your way up to 3000mcg if you want. Biotin makes the hair grow fast.

Biotin is a sulpur bearing B-vitamin. Biotin is one of the most widely known "beauty" vitamins. Biotin helps increase growth by contributing to the overal suphur content in out bodies and in aiding the breakdown of protein. Most people show improvement with a daily intake of atleast 5mg of Biotin. Some have taken up to 15 mg without adverse results. There are no know adverse reactions to large doses of Biotin. Some diabetics are prescribed "super" doses to help insulin issues. When taking Biotin it is usually more benefical to split up doses thoughout the day. Biotin sometimes has to be manipulated to see the growth results. One way to do this is to alternate brands. Pick two brands and alternate between them every other month. Another way to do this is buy your daily dose before bedtime. Sleeping on some water soluble vitamins sometimes helps with absorbtion. You can also do a "loading dose" with biotin. For example, lets say you desire an overall intake of 7mg. For the first four weeks you take 10 mg, then for two weeks you drop down to 5mg, and then stick to 7mg thereafter as your maintance dose.
Thanks for posting that excellent info! I'm taking notes.
Edie1 spoke about this in a thread a long time ago, she said she would take a week long break every month so her body would not get use to it...
I came across it several times that it is not good to take silica, as with many other herbs, over an extended period of time. I just take a week or two off after I finish a bottle, so approx. every 2-3 months. Silica has really given me phenomenal growth, BTW.
janeemat said:
This is how I take most of my vitamins.

Me, too! I was often told by my mother who is a pharmacist that vitamins/supplements "stop working" after awhile. It's like your body becomes resistent to them over a period of time. It's always best to take them for 3 or 4 months at a time, then stop for a short period: like one or two weeks. This "shocks" the body into working to adjust to the dosages again.
Also, I read that B vitamins work together. So you need to take Biotin with other Bs, like maybe in a B50 complex.
dillard said:
Also, I read that B vitamins work together. So you need to take Biotin with other Bs, like maybe in a B50 complex.

Yes! I believe Gymfreak stated this in a thread I read. I'm taking Biotin and Super B Complex.
hOnii said:
Or you may need to try a different brand. I read somewhere that B-vitamins need to be constantly manipulated to work.

Biotin is a tricky one. It does have to be manipulated for most people. There are many different ways to do that. For starters, make sure you are getting plenty of b-vitamins, biotin works better when taken with other b's. You can do what is called a loading dose method. You take a high amount of biotin for 4 weeks, then drop your dose down low for 2 weeks then take a dose, somewhere inbetween those levels as your regular dose. For example, take 15mg for 4 weeks, then drop it to 5-7 mg for 2 weeks then take 10mg as your regular dose. You can also switch up brands. Finish a bottle of brand a and then finish a bottle of brand b. Puritans pride and Freeda make really nice biotin. You can also experiment with the time of day you take it. Try taking all of it at night for a while to see if that helps. Since you are asleep, it stays in your system longer.