biotin dosage/results


New Member
I started taking biotin supps a few days ago. But I'm taking the GNC Hair, Skin, Nails version which also contains stuff like vitamin A, horsetail, MSM, etc.

I did a search on biotin threads and read that most of you take higher dosages of biotin to get better results. On my bottle it says to only take two a day, so I was wondering if you were taking biotin only (with no added stuff) or what??

But I mean if its safe to take more than recommended, I will definitely up my dosage because I have been reading so many good things about this vitamin.

I guess for me it seems thusfar that I have more energy, and my skin glows. That's about it so far, but I have only been taking it for three days.

So let me know anything you can!
there are some people on this board who take 10,000 mcg a day. lI take 5,000. If I were you, I would just take the recommended dosage for a few months, gauge the results and adjust accordingly.
For health purposes I would only take 5,000 mcg (5mg). I know some on the board take more but I wouldnt recommend it....its harsh on the skin.
when i took 5,000mcg i couldnt keep up!!! too much to handle, and too many touch ups=too much heat for my standards

i take 1,000mcg and thats great with me :)

i have a feeling when its in 1's or 10s(mg) biotin works better at growing and thickening
5mg(5,000mcg) is too thickening for me and not enough growing

1mg and 10mg are growth n thickness (more so growth)

thats what i've found anyway...DSD was on 10mg biotin, not sure if she still is...her hair was growin fasssssssssst

Candy xx
Candy_C said:
when i took 5,000mcg i couldnt keep up!!! too much to handle, and too many touch ups=too much heat for my standards

i take 1,000mcg and thats great with me :)

i have a feeling when its in 1's or 10s(mg) biotin works better at growing and thickening
5mg(5,000mcg) is too thickening for me and not enough growing

1mg and 10mg are growth n thickness (more so growth)

thats what i've found anyway...DSD was on 10mg biotin, not sure if she still is...her hair was growin fasssssssssst

Candy xx

hmmm, I think that I may up my biotin intake.....
Taking 10 mg. I built up to this..... started at 2.5 mg, then 5 mg, then 7.5 mg........... 10 mg is the highest i feel comfortable going, period.

Ive noticed a definite increase in thickness..... I can def. say its helped with the thickness because my hair became noticeably thicker when i began this. In terms of growth.... its hard to say. Something in my regimen is working, because my hair is steadily growing. However, its hard to pinpoint if the Biotin has helped with that substantially.
I know that I take 2.5 mg and have been for about 2 weeks. My hair is definitely thicker but I don't know if that is the bioton...well wait there is some in my multi-vitamin as well, so I take a little more than 2.5 mg...when I get done with this bottle I will either up it to 5mg or stay at 2.5mg depending on how I feel...I say you are going to have to test it and see how it goes.
Candy_C said:
when i took 5,000mcg i couldnt keep up!!! too much to handle, and too many touch ups=too much heat for my standards

i take 1,000mcg and thats great with me :)

i have a feeling when its in 1's or 10s(mg) biotin works better at growing and thickening
5mg(5,000mcg) is too thickening for me and not enough growing

1mg and 10mg are growth n thickness (more so growth)

thats what i've found anyway...DSD was on 10mg biotin, not sure if she still is...her hair was growin fasssssssssst

Candy xx

This is useful info!
I just started back taking my biotin. I'm taking 3000 mcg's a day. But I also read somewhere that you body can't really metabolize over 1500 mcg's b/c of the amount of iron you need to metabolize it. Like in order to metabolize over 1500 mcgs you'd need more iron, however the amount of iron you'd need would be toxic. So you wind up flushing more than you're actually consuming.

Not enough to make me stop taking an increased dosage though :lol:
hmm i take 1000mcg of biotin a day regularly. Sometimes i mix it up to 2000mcg maybe i should up it to 2000mcg regularly my hair is growing in thicker but it could be from a number of things
Caramela said:
This is useful info!
I just started back taking my biotin. I'm taking 3000 mcg's a day. But I also read somewhere that you body can't really metabolize over 1500 mcg's b/c of the amount of iron you need to metabolize it. Like in order to metabolize over 1500 mcgs you'd need more iron, however the amount of iron you'd need would be toxic. So you wind up flushing more than you're actually consuming.

Not enough to make me stop taking an increased dosage though :lol:

I don't think this is quite right cause if it was I'd be a walking zombie right now!:lol: My body doesn't absorb iron so I have to take it by IV...yeah in my veins at the doc's office.:( Biotin actually helps maintain the iron level, that's one reason I started taking it. I jumped right in at 5 mg about 2.5 months ago and have been maintaining at that amount. By the Grace of God, I haven't needed an IV treatment since I started! After about 4 weeks on the biotin, my hair growth rate really increased as well.;)
2800 mcgs...been taking it on and off since oct 06 but 4 the past mth Ive have been taking it religiously...thickness definitely! grow definitely,the amt I'm not sure of...
i take 2000mcg/day, at 3000 mcg, my face exploded, and i drink damn near 4 liters of water a day! :mad: my hair is much thicker though, but it goes to show that different folks need different strokes when it comes to vitamins! ;)
Caramela said:
This is useful info!
I just started back taking my biotin. I'm taking 3000 mcg's a day. But I also read somewhere that you body can't really metabolize over 1500 mcg's b/c of the amount of iron you need to metabolize it. Like in order to metabolize over 1500 mcgs you'd need more iron, however the amount of iron you'd need would be toxic. So you wind up flushing more than you're actually consuming.

Not enough to make me stop taking an increased dosage though :lol:


i honestly never heard that, i take my biotin with my b50complex...without b50 complex, the biotin isnt working to its full potential because b's need to be balanced.

so whatever does you take, drink plenty water and add b50complex and BAM!
