Biotin Doesn't Grow Hair Faster...


New Member
Lately I have been doing research on biotin since I have been taking 10 mg of it since November. The only thing I found was that it helps to strengthen and thicken nails by 25% (which I noticed), but nothing about hair growth. It did say that it helps with cradle cap in babies and that a biotin deficiency can cause hair loss (but so can iron deficiency). I kind of suspected something was up because my hair didn't seem to be growing any faster than usual but my nails look great :). Anyone else noticing this? Here's a link about it If you do a search on biotin studies you'll see there is only stuff about nails but nothing conclusive on hair, if anything at all.
Check out this link:

But you’re most interested in how it works for hair growth. Well, Biotin participates in the synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids, aids in cell proliferation, and can help with connective tissue repair. All of these functions are essential in maintaining and re-growing healthy, lustrous hair.
Check here also:

Biotin Uses & Scientific Evidence For
An adequate amount of Biotin is needed for healthy hair and skin. Taking this vitamin supplement can prevent hair loss in men. Biotin also helps relieve muscle pain, alleviate depression, and reduces the effects of dermatitis.

Biotin Dosage Information
The recommended dosage for treating hair loss is 100 mg per day. For other uses, read and follow product label directions.
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For instance, the people who are trying to grow in more hair: their hair won't grow in any faster than the next person's, you feel me? The biotin just allows for their hair to actually come back. But if we already have our hair, what will it do for us? It's done it's job of connective tissue repair for the balding person, so what will it do for the non-balding person? Not saying it doesn't have other functions, but I mean solely related to growing long hair.
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Neen- I don't understand what you mean regarding helping people who already have hair that they want to grow longer. My understanding from the biotin purpose posts is that it helps increase new growth so in essence the more new growth you have the longer your hair will be.
Hey SBaker :wave:

Well, from what I'm reading, it doesn't sound like it increases new growth. It sounds like it is repairing those tissues that were damaged (causing the hairloss) therefore allowing the hair to grow back. But I don't see where it would do anything for hair (or undamaged tissue) that is already there . Do you see what I'm saying? Kinda like "If it ain't broke, it won't fix it"
Okay, I am seeing where you are going with this. I am just kinda randomly speaking out loud. I guess I am thinking that in order for it to repair hair loss won't it start at the root and by starting at the root it bring about hair growth which will push the old strands or damaged strands out farther to give the appearance of longer hair. I hope I explainging it right.

Also trial and error has taught me that it is hard pinpointing which technique causes me hair growth becasue I do some many things. Just like when I lose weight. I can't say it is one thing that caused me to have the results because I do several things in an effort to lose weight. So I say all this to say that I don't think one thing will be the magical cure all for healthier, longer hair. It is a series of good practices, i.e. vitamins, frequent washings, deep conditioning etc. This is not directed at you. I just think we sometimes think a bottle of the next best thing or new vitamin will do the trick. But from reading the ladies with the most hair success it seems they are doing many good deeds.
I agree. I think that many times we may think the magic is in the pill when it may really be in our diets, regimen, etc. I know that hair grows when it gets enough oxygen and blood supply, which is why they say scalp massages and stuff like that. But really It may boil down to the boring stuff like drinking water, eating a balanced diet :yawn:, taking a multi :sleep:, along with your hair regimen. I'm gonna stick with the 2 mg of biotin though because my nails are BEAUTIFUL :love: .

Hey Girl, Have you thought about putting up your dosage, I take 25mg per day and hair is def growing a lot faster. However I have the roots but my ends are breaking :( . Sorting them out
But as sbaker has mentioned I can not put all this growth down to just biotin. For the first time in my life I have taken a vitamin regime That consists of many supplements. Maybe I have just found he right balance that works (FOR ME).

Also I know that I have been taking care of my hair better than ever before and thats the reason it growing and retained length.

Hang in there Girl, it takes everyone a different amount of time for supplements to kick in

Are you going through breakage or shedding

Good Luck
kizzylonghair said:

Hey Girl, Have you thought about putting up your dosage, I take 25mg per day and hair is def growing a lot faster. However I have the roots but my ends are breaking :( . Sorting them out
But as sbaker has mentioned I can not put all this growth down to just biotin. For the first time in my life I have taken a vitamin regime That consists of many supplements. Maybe I have just found he right balance that works (FOR ME).

Also I know that I have been taking care of my hair better than ever before and thats the reason it growing and retained length.

Hang in there Girl, it takes everyone a different amount of time for supplements to kick in

Are you going through breakage or shedding

Good Luck

That was not a type-o? 25 mg of Biotin?!!! :eek: I know it's not bad cause it's not a toxic vitamin, I've just never seen that amount listed before! Well, either way, I'm glad your regimine is working for you!! ;)
Actually I do have the breakage but that's due to a recent hair salon mishap :p. I just pay attention to the new growth. It's always grown at a decent rate though so I'm cool :cool:.
It does seem that biotin's properties seemed aimed at those experiencing hair loss, but I think some of us may have some areas where we need new hair growth from relaxer or braids (e.g., temples/edges and kitchen).

"Biotin is a major component in the natural hair manufacturing process -- it is essential to not only grow new hair, but it also plays a major role in the overall health of skin and nails," says Andrew Lessman, clinical researcher and creator of Your Vitamins, an all-natural supplement line manufactured in Henderson, Nevada.
Neen said:
How long have you been taking it? It took a couple months for me to notice it in my nails, but I bite my nails. So, I actually had to grow them out and that took a little while.
Only about two months, I know it takes about three months before you start seeing results
Okay. Your not tripping. I deleted my post b/c I didn't see yours and thought you deleted yours :confused:. Anyway, I was taking 10mg (10,000mcg) so that may be a factor as well.
Neen said:
plus, I can't afford 25mg. I'm soooooo broke :nono:

Neen, I have the same 10 mg bottle. But just take 2 tablets instead of one.
Plus I take a GNC hair Suppliment that has other ingrediaents for hair growth and happens to also have biotion. Bringing me up to 25mg
Actually I have 5mg capsules and was taking 2 capsules a day and recently, like 2 days ago, backed down to 1.

I am new to this vitamin regime myself, So to start with I am gonna take as much as I can and see what results I get. After a few months I will start to know what I do need to take and what I need to take less. I may lower my biotin but now everything that is working is a keeper.
My question is, can you body absorb that much biotin. Just because you put it in your body doesn't mean it's going to use it all. Who really knows at what point you stop absorbing it and it just goes down the toilet (literally)?
I've heard your body stores the excess and continues to use it but that came from a site that was selling it so...
Well I tend to agree w/Neen's original statement. A friend of mine had cancer treatment before I knew her. She claimed that her hair was 'long' (past shoulder, but certainly not @ even armpit) in the past and she was staying around the same length (at shoulder or just below). She also said her hair had thinned alot. Anyhoo, I noticed that her hair had thickened and was getting longer "all of a sudden". She told me her stylist had put her on Biotin and he was great w/hair (he burned a plug of hair out of my head :mad: , but I digress). So I start taking biotin, same # of mgs she was (5mg) and it did absolutely nothing for me. I mean nothing. I think if your body is sufficiently deficient that u do get more benefit from such supplements. But if you have a healthy diet and therefore scalp and hair, most of it is just re-fortifying. Biotin gives me no 'extra' growth, but it doesn't mean it isn't beneficial, just not a benefit in terms of increasing the hair growth rate for me.
Thats as we say in the UK bollocks,just a marketing ploy to get you to buy thier stuff. I have done my research. If that was the case here wouldnt be such a thing as biotin defieciency. People not eating the right food causing skin dermatatis etc. But you cant believe everything you read

Have checked out what foods contain Biotin you could dose up on those
sengschick said:
Well I tend to agree w/Neen's original statement. A friend of mine had cancer treatment before I knew her. She claimed that her hair was 'long' (past shoulder, but certainly not @ even armpit) in the past and she was staying around the same length (at shoulder or just below). She also said her hair had thinned alot. Anyhoo, I noticed that her hair had thickened and was getting longer "all of a sudden". She told me her stylist had put her on Biotin and he was great w/hair (he burned a plug of hair out of my head :mad: , but I digress). So I start taking biotin, same # of mgs she was (5mg) and it did absolutely nothing for me. I mean nothing. I think if your body is sufficiently deficient that u do get more benefit from such supplements. But if you have a healthy diet and therefore scalp and hair, most of it is just re-fortifying. Biotin gives me no 'extra' growth, but it doesn't mean it isn't beneficial, just not a benefit in terms of increasing the hair growth rate for me.

Try a different dose, Look at it this way. Why would GNC and other Supplement companys put Biotin in if it had no benefit. Your friends body will be very different to yours. I would at least give not just biotin. Cuz you really cant take it alone and expect to see a difference!!! Start with a good supplement just for hair and take your 5mg For a good 6 months and c what happens.
Biotin works for me but I dont expect a miracle from any one thing in particular. My nails already grow long but my skin has really improved. I love it!! Plus the pills are cheap and small so I will continue to take them (3mg a day.)
Interesting study I found concerning Biotin and what it helps.

The uncombable hair syndrome, also known as spun-glass hair and cheveux incoiffables, is a rare congenital disorder. It is characterized by a longitudinal grooving of the hair shaft resulting in a triangular cross section (pili trianguli et canaliculi). There is a report of biotin reversing scaling, hair loss, hair fragility, and uncombability in a two-year old boy with the syndrome. The hair remained combable even after one year. The mechanism of action of biotin in this condition is not known. Perhaps some cases of uncombable hair syndrome are biotin-responsive. The uncombable hair syndrome should not be confused with cowlicks, localized patches of hair that will not comb down. The cowlick is not a forme fruste of the uncombable hair syndrome, nor is there any evidence that biotin has any effect on cowlicks.
Well I wish somebody would get Christina Aguilera a bigggg bottle of Biotin. She needs it real bad with all those thinning spots. :lol:
kizzylonghair said:
Try a different dose, Look at it this way. Why would GNC and other Supplement companys put Biotin in if it had no benefit. Your friends body will be very different to yours. I would at least give not just biotin. Cuz you really cant take it alone and expect to see a difference!!! Start with a good supplement just for hair and take your 5mg For a good 6 months and c what happens.
I'm not saying that it has no benefit, but it doesn't increase my hair growth rate. Wheatgerm is great for hair, it doesn't cause the growth rate to speed. The Olive Leaf Extract I take is probably great for my hair in someway too, b/c my hair is growing from a solid diet/mineral base. But it doesn't increase my hair growth rate. I started taking it again along w/a few other things that do increase my growth rate. I think it maybe essential for healthier hair, but not for grow... for me.
Okay so I was reading some more studies. One on rats, another on pregnant women.

One group of rats were given biotin supplements while the other's weren't. The one's who were deficient showed signs of deficiency including alopecia. The ones who had supplements were "normal" and had excess biotin in their urine.

One group of pregnant women was given biotin supplements (300mcg) while the other was given a placebo. Those given biotin (you guessed it) had a "significant" increase of biotin in their urine, while the placebo group showed "no change". Does that mean all that extra biotin goes down the toilet, literally? Unless you are really biotin deficient, I think so :(.

Btw, this study is about birth defects and something else entirely but you can read it here.
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Neen said:
I've heard your body stores the excess and continues to use it but that came from a site that was selling it so...
"Water-soluble vitamins must be taken into the body daily, as they cannot be stored and are excreted within one to four days. These include vitamin C and the B-complex vitamins" -Prescription for Nutritional Healing

If it's like vitamin c, your body only uses so much then you pee the rest out, that's why they are non toxic. Hum...I think it works if you are deficient in biotin.