Biotin and Hair Growth

My Friend

New Member
Did biotin increase your growth rate?

How much are you taking?

How long have you been taking it?

The only thing I'm seeing is my nails growing at an accelerated rate. I'm cutting my nails back twice or three times a week because in my sleep I will draw blood from me or my DH :look:
Take it with a b complex vitamin so your body properly uses it. I take 3000 mcgs and its doing me fine. No issues and thicker stronger strands. Also do a search there a million threads on biotin.
Thanks guys. I want to hear the experiences of people new to biotin or have experienced something we may not be aware of.

I bumped a biotin challenged since it's only a couple months old.
Anyone thinking about this, please read this first.

That's a good blog post. In my experience there is no single vitamin or supplement that causes hair growth - it's a combination of nutrients and most come from a good diet. If you were biotin deficient, other things would be going wrong in your body, it wouldn't simply be a matter of your hair not growing fast enough for your liking.
I took Biotin a while ago, I need to start again. I noticed eyelash growth, I was taking 1 tablet a day in the morning and it was 1000mcg. I did trying bumping it up to 2000mcg (2 tablets) and I broke out. Then again, you may be one the types that can take huge doses and nothing happens.
biotin never worked for me. it took alot- 15,000 mcg everday for 5 months. Nothing happened, big time waste
I hace 1mg tablets from vitamin shoppe I am trying to get rid of. take one a day. Im not sure if the msm or biotin thickened my lashes but that's all I noticed and nice skin.
I took 1000 mcg of biotin a day and my skin broke out like crazy. What's worse it was all cystic acne. :cry2:
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