Biotin 5000 made me breakout, help!


New Member
I have acne on my face, arms and chest, they are very itchy too. I have been taking biotin 5000 for one week now and I'm sure it's the reason of my breakout, please help me what to do next should I stop taking it, add some other supplements to my regmin or lower the dosage, I actually started with 2500 for the first 2 weeks.
How much water are you drinking? I started to break out with this too, and had to up my water intake. There are some threads about this somewhere in here, I'll help you look if you like...
You have to drink lots and lots of water with Biotin. Are you drinking plenty of water??
I'm confused. Have you been taking biotin for 1 week or 2 OR are you saying that you just upped the dosage in the last week? Without knowing more info, I'd say drop down to the lowest dosage your pills allow and slowly work up OR simply sweat it out. Break outs are common for biotin, but they do go away when your body gets used to the new amount.

IMHO, it has less to do w/ water and more to do w/ your individual chemical makeup. Biotin, like other B vits, is simply flushed from the system after you body takes what it needs. However, you have may be biotin deficient (rather common nowadays) and your body is trying to adjust to its reintroduction.

When you say 2,500 and 5, you mean mcgs or mgs? What's the smallest dosage of your pills?
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You have to drink lots and lots of water with Biotin. Are you drinking plenty of water??

I totallly agree, I had the same problem and I upped my water intake. I drink about 2 qts. a day and I've also changed my skin care regimen since taking Biotin.
In addition to lots of water you should also take a B Complex vitamin when you take the biotin. I have been taking the same amount of biotin as you (5,000 mcg) for several months now and have had no breakouts and I think that is because I also take the B-complex. I take B-50 Complex. I only take them together and at night before bed.
Co-signing with DaRealist, Take a B-Complex vitamin along with Biotin. I take 5000mcg too w/ a b-complex multivitamin and my skin is has no break outs
In addition to lots of water you should also take a B Complex vitamin when you take the biotin. I have been taking the same amount of biotin as you (5,000 mcg) for several months now and have had no breakouts and I think that is because I also take the B-complex. I take B-50 Complex. I only take them together and at night before bed.

ITA!!! :yep::up:
Frankly, until the OP gives more info, it's not a good idea to suggest that she take MORE vitamins of any kind. Yes, you need the B complex to properly metabolize biotin...but we don't know what else she's taking.

The water advice has little to do w/ it since excess B vits are excreted when the body can't use them. The issue is what's going on w/ what her body is keeping.
Ok here is how I started taking biotin, at first I was taking a store brand hair vitamin that contained 30 mcg biotin only for one week then I read here about higher dosage of biotin, I had a GNC bottle of biotin 2500 mcg so I took that for 2 weeks and then I upped the dosage to 5000 mcg been taking that for a week now and my skin started to breakout 3 days ago. I just bought B50 complex and super B complex yesterday to add to my supplements. As for the water intake I only drink two bottles of water 16.0 oz each daily. I hate to say this but I don't like the taste of water, I'm addicted to drinking soda specifically Pepsi, I cut down on that and been drinking the 2 bottles of water daily.
Besides the biotin I'm taking nioxin recharge once a day and that's it. I just bought MSM, flaxseed oil and complex b50 also super B. I did not take any of these supplements yet, I will start to take the one of the complex vitamins today.
Frankly, until the OP gives more info, it's not a good idea to suggest that she take MORE vitamins of any kind. Yes, you need the B complex to properly metabolize biotin...but we don't know what else she's taking.

The water advice has little to do w/ it since excess B vits are excreted when the body can't use them. The issue is what's going on w/ what her body is keeping.
:scratchch ........................
only take one of those b-complex vitamins, not both.

you seemed to have upped your dosage really quickly, i think most people start off at x dosage, use it for a month at least, before upping to y dosage. i'd go back down to 2500 if i were you, til your body gets used to it.

you also may wanna investigate that preference for pop over water and its relationship to your pimples :look: as in, you DEFINITELY need to drink more water, whether you're taking biotin or not! :yep:

i love pop too, but now i only buy the tiny 8 oz cans of pepsi instead of 2 liter bottles and full-sized ones. you may find that your craving for pop can subside after you drink the small can, and then you can follow it up with some water! :grin:

good luck to you, OP
I have read here that Puritan Pride is the best brand for biotin, do you think I should change my biotin to that brand or there is no big difference, the one I'm using right now is Nature made.

In order to increase the amount of water that you drink daily, why don't you add crystal light or generic crystal light to it. This way you have flavored water minus the sugar, it is artificially sweetened. This is what I do and it works for me. HTH.

In order to increase the amount of water that you drink daily, why don't you add crystal light or generic crystal light to it. This way you have flavored water minus the sugar, it is artificially sweetened. This is what I do and it works for me. HTH.

This is exactly what I do...I love the peach tea and lemon. :lick:

ETA: Right now I only take MSM but with both Biotin and MSM you need to drink plenty of water.
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Im a firm believer in not taking separate supplements that way. A good multi-vitamin along with Omega 3 and 9 fatty acids are good. i've seen too many reactions or imbalances taking things separately. By keeping it balanced you will see good results not just for your hair but also your health (which results in great hair!)