Bio Available Silica challenge anyone? So Easy


Well-Known Member
The only supplement that I am taking for my hair growth is Bio Available Silica -- 1 caps 3x a day. I noticed rapid growth starting my second bottle... I just cut my hair (major) and I really see my hair looking longer when first cut!

I would like to have a challenge where folks would take the silica(has to be a specific brand - not pricey, I'll post the link below - taken 3 times a day for 2 bottles and discuss results..

I thought this would be a great challenge for those having problems with growth....

I started with the silica after reading this article: Here is an excerpt

The Alta Health Products company has always marketed the product with emphasis on it as “an internal beauty agent” for hair, skin and nails in order to not rile up authorities with health claims. Initially I would appeal to women’s vanity in order to get them to use the product although I was more interested in their long term bone and cardiovascular health. This worked very well as women would see the difference in a short time with their nails, and shortly thereafter they would see the difference in their skin and hair. I’ve had women who could never grow their hair much beyond their shoulders able to grow their hair down their back with regular silica supplementation.

Read whole article here:

Here is the silica:

I have the regular Silica from GNC, is that the same? I was never really consistent with it because I felt it wasn't doing anything.....but since I'm on the Take Those Vits challenge, I've started again.
I have the regular Silica from GNC, is that the same? I was never really consistent with it because I felt it wasn't doing anything.....but since I'm on the Take Those Vits challenge, I've started again.

Nope GNC silica is not the same.... the folks in the challenge would have to use the silica I posted above.....
Does anyone know how many mg of silica horsetail extract actually has. I thought bamboo silica had the highest dosage of actual silica in each serving.
Does anyone know how many mg of silica horsetail extract actually has. I thought bamboo silica had the highest dosage of actual silica in each serving.
From what I understand, it is how much is available to the body. What is the point of taking a supplement with a mega dose of silica if the body does not absorb it?
From what I understand, it is how much is available to the body. What is the point of taking a supplement with a mega dose of silica if the body does not absorb it?

So do you know what kind of silica offers the best absportion and why?
No takers??? I like the part in the article where it says that MSM and other supplements merely mask the need for silica.

I know others are taking biosil, but I THINK this is a cheaper effective way also!:grin:
I thought you were using Nutrilite. Are you still taking this as well?

The only supplement that I am taking for my hair growth is Bio Available Silica -- 1 caps 3x a day. I noticed rapid growth starting my second bottle... I just cut my hair (major) and I really see my hair looking longer when first cut!

I would like to have a challenge where folks would take the silica(has to be a specific brand - not pricey, I'll post the link below - taken 3 times a day for 2 bottles and discuss results..

I thought this would be a great challenge for those having problems with growth....

I started with the silica after reading this article: Here is an excerpt

Read whole article here:

Here is the silica:

No takers??? I like the part in the article where it says that MSM and other supplements merely mask the need for silica.

I know others are taking biosil, but I THINK this is a cheaper effective way also!:grin:

I was taking liquid BioSil in my tea. Then I started drinking Horsetail Tea because I was experiencing Runner's knee and a painful back.

I really need to get back on my BioSil but I'll look into this product. It might be something that will help my mother as well.

ETA: Vev, I see Ron Paul featured on the site. Apart from his stance on the war, he is no different from standard Libertarian/conservatives.
When I was finishing the Nutrilite I went to re-order and they were out of stock. I then saw the article on silica ordered this stuff and never looked back!:grin:

I'm finishing up Nutrilite as well. I'll finish that, then order this. I feel better when a product has something that helped with my bones and muscles as well. The Horsetail tea is good. I've been drinking that with green tea and/or chamomile.
I was taking liquid BioSil in my tea. Then I started drinking Horsetail Tea because I was experiencing Runner's knee and a painful back.

I really need to get back on my BioSil but I'll look into this product. It might be something that will help my mother as well.

ETA: Vev, I see Ron Paul featured on the site. Apart from his stance on the war, he is no different from standard Libertarian/conservatives.
I have my issues with Ron Paul as well, though he does support Home Schooling and the Raw Milk Movment and a couple of other Holistic issues...

I'm not voting for him -- I heard something about a racist newsletter he used to be a part of.... spooky.
I'm finishing up Nutrilite as well. I'll finish that, then order this. I feel better when a product has something that helped with my bones and muscles as well. The Horsetail tea is good. I've been drinking that with green tea and/or chamomile.

You should consider taking the therapeutic dose for a few weeks, Serenity, if you have muscle/bone issues. It is outlined in the article(which I think you read).

Before taking the Alta Silica, I did a search here and a member really liked it for growth and nails! That in addition to my initial research was enough for me to try it!:grin::grin::grin:
You should consider taking the therapeutic dose for a few weeks, Serenity, if you have muscle/bone issues. It is outlined in the article(which I think you read).

Before taking the Alta Silica, I did a search here and a member really liked it for growth and nails! That in addition to my initial research was enough for me to try it!:grin::grin::grin:

Yes, Ron Paul is VERY racist. He supports "states' rights" and the Confederate flag. I'm always suspicious of Libertarians like him. Anyway, the therapeutic remedy calls for taking 12 of these mugs a day! WOW!! :eek:

At any rate, I just ordered 2 bottles, one for me mum and the other for meself. Thanks!! :kiss:
Yes, Ron Paul is VERY racist. He supports "states' rights" and the Confederate flag. I'm always suspicious of Libertarians like him. Anyway, the therapeutic remedy calls for taking 12 of these mugs a day! WOW!! :eek:

At any rate, I just ordered 2 bottles, one for me mum and the other for meself. Thanks!! :kiss:
Let me know how it goes! :D
Hey Vev, what about cellfood silica? I remember you were taking this sometime back. How's the absorption rate on it, I've not been taking it daily as I should I've been slacking on my vits for a while now.
Hey Vev, what about cellfood silica? I remember you were taking this sometime back. How's the absorption rate on it, I've not been taking it daily as I should I've been slacking on my vits for a while now.
I'm not sure Zoya, I wasn't able to be consistent with the cellfood liquid as I am with these tablets----

I set my hair last night and have a LOT of new growth... hence my participation in the round brush / blow out roots thread!
Since I am on the vitamin/supplement challenge. I will join this one as well. Just wanted to know, is it possible that the ALTA silica has 500mg per tablet and Biosil has 6mg per serving(6 drops per day). Cellfood Silica is 250mg per serving(15 drops) per day. Honestly I did not have any results with Biosil or Cellfood silica. I was just about to give up on silica until I saw this thread.
Have you had results with any other silica brand prior to taking Alta?
One bottle taking 1 tab three times a day and you saw results? I plan to just take 2 daily since the bottle says 1-3 daily. One bottle will last 2 months (this silica was pretty expensive since I bought locally.I did not want to order another thing online)I am also getting a little silica in my HSN vitamin as well. So I think this will be plenty silica.
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I saw no result or change when I took the BioSil drops :nono:. I took it consistently every single night for almost or about 3 months straight. I've given up on hair vits... Andrew Lessman's vits, MSM, and biotin. I've had no positive luck with any of the above. Right now, I'm just taking Flaxseed and EPO and i'm taking the EPO for my PMS, and flaxseed hoping it will help my digestion.

I just may give this Silica a try though...
I'm in, but not until the 1st of the year. I just counted what was left of some other vitamins I'm trying and I have just enough until the 31st. I'll keep you posted.
I'm in. I was going to re-order my liquid silica once I got money. I'll order this instead and try. Mine will probably be around the first of the year too. Christmas steals all my money.
I'm not sure Zoya, I wasn't able to be consistent with the cellfood liquid as I am with these tablets----

I set my hair last night and have a LOT of new growth... hence my participation in the round brush / blow out roots thread!

I haven't been consistent using it either, but I will try I have about a half bottle left in my fridge
I trust you Vevster, you always have good Im gonna try this out. I also want to take an EFA pill with each meal, hopefully I can work dis out:grin:
Since I am on the vitamin/supplement challenge. I will join this one as well. Just wanted to know, is it possible that the ALTA silica has 500mg per tablet and Biosil has 6mg per serving(6 drops per day). Cellfood Silica is 250mg per serving(15 drops) per day. Honestly I did not have any results with Biosil or Cellfood silica. I was just about to give up on silica until I saw this thread.
Have you had results with any other silica brand prior to taking Alta?
One bottle taking 1 tab three times a day and you saw results? I plan to just take 2 daily since the bottle says 1-3 daily. One bottle will last 2 months (this silica was pretty expensive since I bought locally.I did not want to order another thing online)I am also getting a little silica in my HSN vitamin as well. So I think this will be plenty silica.
No, but I have noticed a difference in my hair AND teeth from this silica.

I strongly recommend that you take at least 3 caps a day per the article I referenced in the initial post. I have bumped mine up to 2 caps 3x a day but that is just me....
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Vev, I'll join...
I ordered the tablets and they came today. For some reason I was thinking it was powdered capsule, since those are readily absorbed.
Either way, we'll see how this Silica works for me. I will be monitoring my nails :lol:. If I get extra hair growth, great. It would be a dream if it made my newgrowth more manageable :yep:
I will take 3 tablets daily.