Bigen Question


I see alot of you girls color w/ Bigen right after a relaxer. I don't really want to do that because it'll be my first time using Bigen and trying a new relaxer(linange). Have anyone ever colored w/ it between relaxers? If so, if I relax in a couple or three weeks will I need to re-color? Is it best done on dry hair (directions), or can I do it on wet? If you have advice for me plz give it...:dance7:
I have used Bigen for a few years and I always do it on clean wet hair. My logic being that the coloring will take better without the blockage of oil and dirt. I have never had a problem with my regime.

Bigen has always remained in my hair permanently. The only time I need to re-color is when I obtain enough new growth.
I have colored with Bigen on dry hair between relaxers with good results.

Great to know b/c it's not time for a relaxer but I want to color.

I have used Bigen for a few years and I always do it on clean wet hair. My logic being that the coloring will take better without the blockage of oil and dirt. I have never had a problem with my regime.

Bigen has always remained in my hair permanently. The only time I need to re-color is when I obtain enough new growth.

I wanted to do this on wet hair because I need to wash it first...

Thanks to both you ladies!
Bigen dries my hair out. I just used it yesterday and to try to avoid the dryness after letting it sit for 20 minutes I put conditioner on my hair and used that to rinse it out. After, I soaked my hair in olive oil and sat under the dryer for 10 minutes, I rinsed shampooed and deep conditioned for an hour under the dryer.

My hair still has a dry patch where I applied to the roots. :perplexed It's not too bad but I thought I could avoid this. I'm rollersetting tonight so I will co-wash and deep condition again.

Be sure to moisturize your hair very well and you should be fine. And do that patch test!