BIGEN hair color directly after a relaxer


New Member
I am tired of using rinses to color my hair b/c they rinse out too quickly (3-4 washes) so I purchased Bigen. Has anyone ever used this right after rinsing the neutralizing poo out (while hair is still wet)?

The directions say to use on dry hair but I will be relaxing next week & wanted to color tonight. And, I know the rule is to color a relaxer not relax a color. TIA
I cant give advice on Bigen at all.
What I CAN tell u is that I would normally dye after my relaxer on wet hair. Place a shower cap on my head and sit under the dryer for about 15 -30 mins then rinse.
If you have a regular weekly or daily co washing schedule then a rinse may not last as long as you would like it to.
msshic said:
I am tired of using rinses to color my hair b/c they rinse out too quickly (3-4 washes) so I purchased Bigen. Has anyone ever used this right after rinsing the neutralizing poo out (while hair is still wet)?
The directions say to use on dry hair but I will be relaxing next week & wanted to color tonight. And, I know the rule is to color a relaxer not relax a color. TIA

yeah has anybody??

I know Cathy Howse says she does but on wet hair? Or let it dry first? :confused:
The Bigen website says those with coarse or medium hair can color immediately after. I've successfully done it in the past. I prefer waiting a week because I don't like to manipulate my freshly relaxed hair too much.
tenderheaded said:
The Bigen website says those with coarse or medium hair can color immediately after. I've successfully done it in the past. I prefer waiting a week because I don't like to manipulate my freshly relaxed hair too much.

THANKS! I might also just wait a week later.
Im not sure but I think Allandra uses Bigen...

I'd like to know how many boxes of that stuff would you need for almost waistlength hair.
My hair is medium length and I have to use two boxes to color my hair. I used Bigen directly after a relaxer with no ill results. Please keep in mind that my hair is very thick and does not break (or break down) easily. I put the color in on dry hair, directly after neutralizing. HTH
And then what do you do? Deep moisture conditioning? Light protein? Instant moisturizing conditioner? Do tell.

I'm thinking of doing bigen on Monday, but I haven't dyed in awhile. I believe I used to do a deep moisture treatment with heat. I might do that and follow up with Porosity Control.
I just rinse out the Bigen, shampoo until hair runs clear and then condition (I use the dominican stuff or Mane n Tail Original Conditioner). Good luck.
I am getting a touchup tommorrow and my stylist told me to get 2boxes of the Bigen for my hair. I bought the blue-black and I will let you know how it goes.
anky said:
My hair is medium length and I have to use two boxes to color my hair. I used Bigen directly after a relaxer with no ill results. Please keep in mind that my hair is very thick and does not break (or break down) easily. I put the color in on dry hair, directly after neutralizing. HTH

Thanks for sharing this Anky. I guess I would need two boxes as well.
anky said:
My hair is medium length and I have to use two boxes to color my hair. I used Bigen directly after a relaxer with no ill results. Please keep in mind that my hair is very thick and does not break (or break down) easily. I put the color in on dry hair, directly after neutralizing. HTH

So you relax, neutralize, wait until your hair dries, and then apply the color?
I went ahead and put a mixture of blue-black and oriental black and I love the results! Very rich and in the right light you can notice just a hint of the blue tint.
TeeKay21 said:
I went ahead and put a mixture of blue-black and oriental black and I love the results! Very rich and in the right light you can notice just a hint of the blue tint.

Did you apply it right after a touchup?
msshic said:
I am tired of using rinses to color my hair b/c they rinse out too quickly (3-4 washes) so I purchased Bigen. Has anyone ever used this right after rinsing the neutralizing poo out (while hair is still wet)?

The directions say to use on dry hair but I will be relaxing next week & wanted to color tonight. And, I know the rule is to color a relaxer not relax a color. TIA

I have..but i try to towel dry as much water as I can and possibly let air dry for a little mom does this all the time to cover gray and it takes just fine on wet hair.
sherylin123 said:
I have..but i try to towel dry as much water as I can and possibly let air dry for a little mom does this all the time to cover gray and it takes just fine on wet hair.

So this hair dye is not damaging to relaxed hair? I'm also sick of putting rinses in my hair just about every time I wash it.
I got my touchup today and then my stylist used the Bigen. I like it. Nothing is better than Dudley's Royal blue which is a blue black but we can no longer find it. Bigen totally covered my gray. I only have a little gray in the front. I was worried because the box says it is permanent but it does not have any amonium(sp) and peroxide not required. My hair looks so good I was really worried but it was fine. My stylist did tell me that one lady she used it on had an allegic reaction.
brickhouse said:
I got my touchup today and then my stylist used the Bigen. I like it. Nothing is better than Dudley's Royal blue which is a blue black but we can no longer find it. Bigen totally covered my gray. I only have a little gray in the front. I was worried because the box says it is permanent but it does not have any amonium(sp) and peroxide not required. My hair looks so good I was really worried but it was fine. My stylist did tell me that one lady she used it on had an allegic reaction.

Wow, I noticed that people seem to be using it right after a relaxer. So I guess it's as mild as a rinse. I think I'm going to try it.
chocolatesis said:
Wow, I noticed that people seem to be using it right after a relaxer. So I guess it's as mild as a rinse. I think I'm going to try it.

It says permanent on the box but I think it is actual a mild rinse b/c she got some on my forehead and when I came home I used a little alcohol and it came off very easily but the color on my hair did not bleed. I used another rinse 4 mos ago and it took days to get that crap off my skin and some parts of my scalp was black. I will be sticking with Bigen. I think I am going to mix the oriental black with the blue black the next time I get my touch up which will be in 4 mos. I also used emergencee a few days before my touchup and prayed that my hair would not fall out.
brickhouse said:
It says permanent on the box but I think it is actual a mild rinse b/c she got some on my forehead and when I came home I used a little alcohol and it came off very easily but the color on my hair did not bleed. I used another rinse 4 mos ago and it took days to get that crap off my skin and some parts of my scalp was black. I will be sticking with Bigen. I think I am going to mix the oriental black with the blue black the next time I get my touch up which will be in 4 mos. I also used emergencee a few days before my touchup and prayed that my hair would not fall out.

What's your reason for mixing the two colors together?
Brickhouse, did your stylist dry your hair before applying the Bigen? And did you ever mix the two colors together?
I find my Bigen is best applied to wet hair directly after the relaxer while the cuticle is still open.
I've never used it after a relaxer, but I've always used it on wet hair with no problems. An unlike a previous poster stated--it's permanent. It doesn't however stain your skin too bad, but it ain't coming outta your hair. Growing out my black color now...
I used Bigen after a relaxer once and my scalp was on fire! I don't relax anymore but I do wet my hair before using Bigen. Bigen is the only thing that doesn't damage my hair. I use dark brown which is jet black to me.