Bigen Hair Color Alert....did you watch the news?


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Hair Dye Creates
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CHICAGO - “It looked beautiful. It looked beautiful,” says Gloria Williams.
And "beautiful,” is just how Gloria Williams hoped she would look for her birthday weekend celebration last month. Not suffering from puffy eyes, and swollen, itching her scalp seeping with pus.
“I was so upset and devastated and depressed over the way that I looked,” Williams continues.
And all this because she wanted to get rid of some of her gray.
“I have a lot of gray in my hair, sometimes, you know, I want to look nice.”
So on the day before her birthday weekend, the Calumet City woman picked up some Bigen oriental black hair dye, a brand she had never used before. She did a patch test on her scalp to make sure she wouldn't react to the dye, then waited one day, and colored her hair. At dinner that night, her scalp started itching like crazy.
Mrs. Williams interrupted her celebration to wash the dye out of her hair, but by the next day her husband says she looked disfigured.
So she went to Saint Margaret’s Hospital where doctors told her that despite dyeing her hair for the last 8 years, she was now having an allergic reaction. And would have to take steroids.
Her face continued to swell for another day, until the medications took effect.
“I never would have put that in my hair if I had known the affects that were gonna happen,” says Williams.
But, Gloria might consider herself lucky. She called Fox Chicago News after seeing our report that two women have died because of severe allergic reactions to hair dye.
The experts say allergic reactions usually worsen gradually over time, so consumers discover the allergy, before a severe reaction occurs.
“I’ve had several patients who had colored their hair for a year or two then all of a sudden they started getting itching and then the next time a little bit worse. I just warn them that if it gets worse you can’t use it any more. You'll have to have a substitute.” Explains dermatologist Dr. Marianne O'Donoghue.
Instructions for Bigen hair dyes tell customers to wait forty-eight hours after their patch test before coloring their hair. Williams only waited only one day.
The Bigen Company told us it was sorry about her unpleasant incident, and that allergic reactions to its products are below the industry average, which is less than one in five hundred.The company also says hair dyes should not be used by customers who are not feeling healthy.
The company's website says it is not responsible for any allergies or damages/irritation to the skin.
Yes, I am SO GLAD that i did my research on this popular dye before applying to my hair.

The relief I felt was similar to finding out about RIO Hair. I was thisclose to putting that ish on my hair.

I read the reviews on Folica and if you scroll down, someone posted a pic of herself and what happened to her face and hair after using Bigen.

I'll stick to my semi-permanent rinses or Dark & Lovely since they never gave me an issue.

Allergic Reaction Reviews:
that happens to my aunt. shes allergic to something, i cant recall at this moment, to something in hair dyes. its certain ones she can use. she can only use rinses. whatever is in permanent dyes she is allergic to
Apparently its the para-phenylenediamine or PPD chemical found in powder hair dye that is giving certain people bad reactions.

Do a patch test.

And from another source:
Bigen Hair dye has a 12.5% PPD content, and may cause severe allergic reactions. 6% is the maximum allowed by FDA law. According to the article above, Dose–time relationships for elicitation of contact allergy to para - phenylenediamine., .01% is sufficient to cause an allergic reaction.
what's crazy is, i was eyeing this product last year. i don't color my hair...i haven't since like 2 yrs ago. i use dark n lovely, clairol....i usually would go to sally's for a professional color or my all time favorite JAZZINGS! i love jazzings and if one wanted the color to last longer "like me", i'd just sit under a dryer. i'm never in a rush b/c doing my hair is me time so heck, i'll sit under the dryer for 45-60 min.
^^That's what I do. I use Jazzings or Clairol Beautiful Collection and in order to make the color last longer, i stay under the dryer for 30-45 mins.

Before finding LHCF, i was using Dark & Lovely PERMANENT because i got sick and tired of my rinses not lasting more than a month...especially when i'm washing my hair twice a week and you're doing all those DC's and constantly rinsing your hair..Color wont last.

Its just something i'll have to do. Rinse my hair more often instead of using a harsh permanent dye.
I warn people about this in the review I did for it long ago and have been warning folks of this dye ever since. The amount of PPD in this is ridiculous! :nono:
What works for some doesn't work for all. I can't totally bad mouth Bigen because I know so many who are happy with it. I used it and never had any problems, other than the fact that now that I'm growing it out and can see the color between my hair and the Bigen'd hair, the Bigen'd hair looks duller so I won't be using it ever again. All I can say is do the patch test!
My aunt just went trough the same thing.... She has lost all her BSL hair over Bigen... Her scalp started to itch badly a few days after the application and then the pus began...She lost her hair in patches, and guess what my mother is still using it. She says my aunt was not lucky that's it... :(
All hair coloring products clearly state to do a patch test. End of story.
I'm not sure why that is such a hard concept to grasp. :ohwell:

This is just like warning all people to stay away from peanuts...there are known allergies that are severe enough to kill a person...just because one person is allergic does not mean the next is.

I think there SEEMS to be a lot of bad reviews about Bigen because of the popularity of the product. I'm sure if you measure the volume of product sold vs. the number of people who have an allergic reaction, the numbers are probably trivial.

Do a patch test. They're your friend. :yep:
I was a faithful Bigen user for many, many years. But, I noticed a difference in it about two years ago. I never had a problem with it but this particular time my hair just didn't feel right after using it and I just thought I needed to do some extra deep conditioning. But, it took my hair forever to start back feeling like it did before I used the Bigen. So, I stopped using it and have been using Loreal Color Gems ever since and I loove it! The color is not as intense as Bigen, but I have to think about the health of my hair. And thus far, I have not had any problems.
Wow... Thanks, I created a thread about Bigen Permanent Hair Color.. I used it but wasn't really happy.. It was ok.. My mom and aunt still use it though.. I still have 2 boxes under my sink... Probably wont be using it...
Yes, I am SO GLAD that i did my research on this popular dye before applying to my hair.

The relief I felt was similar to finding out about RIO Hair. I was thisclose to putting that ish on my hair.

I read the reviews on Folica and if you scroll down, someone posted a pic of herself and what happened to her face and hair after using Bigen.

I'll stick to my semi-permanent rinses or Dark & Lovely since they never gave me an issue.

Allergic Reaction Reviews:

I've been using Bigen for years without issues, but I understand that problems can arise after the fact. I want to stop cus frankly I was getting tired of all the dark colors.... I was thinking about Dark & Lovely after seeing some of the pretty colors they have. I dunno. I want my hair lightened a little....but I'm afraid of that too because I am relaxed.
I used to use it years ago when I had a perm. I never had a problem with it. As another poster said, it does warn to do a patch test. But, what a terrible thing to happen to that lady...
I didn't have a severe reaction to it but the formulas are always so different. I didn't like the results nor did I like the difference in consistency and color for the 'same' product. I'm so sorry that happened to her.
Thank you for this thread.

I used to use this dye for years with no issue. One day, the back of my head started itching really bad, but I didn't think it was because of the Bigen. Then I colored my hair again with it a few months later, only to have my hair itch profusely again!

I now use Indigo and Henna. No more irritation for me. Yes, the indigo from the internet is expensive but my scalp needs TLC. I pay 19.00 for my indigo treatment but tt's worth it.
I can really relate to what this lady went through! This much swelling, itching, and oozing from the scalp is something no one should have to go through. She even did a patch test, but didn't wait the 24 hrs, before dying her hair. I have had 2 similar allergic reactions from using regular hair dye (not Bigen) containing PPD or ammonia trying to cover my grays too. Had to go to the doctor each time, was diagnosed with scalp cellulitis, and had to put steroid cream on my scalp!! :blush: It set me back 2 months, before I healed using T-Sal shampoo, doctors medication and coconut oil scalp rinses. I have learned that not only is my scalp sensitive, but the rest of my body is too!! Gotta be careful about what goes in and on the body. As far as the hair goes, if I want color, I'll have to use henna. Been using it for a year, and so far no allergic reactions !!! I hope her scalp gets better soon.
I saw that on TV the other night! The Lady looked horrible. Her eyes were all swollen shut and her face and swollen and Red all over. It looked horrible and made me thankful that I've decided to move on to Henna, instead of the semi-permanent hair color I had become accustomed to relying on. The fewer chemicals, the better. So I've learned after suffering major chemical damage.
This USE to be my staple but years ago i never had a reaction!!!!!!!!
but i would not use it again:nono::look:
Thank you for this thread.

I used to use this dye for years with no issue. One day, the back of my head started itching really bad, but I didn't think it was because of the Bigen. Then I colored my hair again with it a few months later, only to have my hair itch profusely again!

I now use Indigo and Henna. No more irritation for me. Yes, the indigo from the internet is expensive but my scalp needs TLC. I pay 19.00 for my indigo treatment but tt's worth it.

where ddo you get your indigo online?
where ddo you get your indigo online?
I bought it at . the $19 purchased 200g of indigo + shipping. I have very thick hair and need that much to color all of my hair. This is better for me. I just can't use synthetic dyes in my hair due to the bad effect it had on my scalp.
I guess everything aint for everybody. Patch tests are super important. Thats really unfortunate it happened to her, tho