Big Chop Clip Ins


Well-Known Member
First time I've purchased a hair product on a whim--i was planning to make my own clip ins. I have 4a fine and coarse texture with some possible 3c mixed in.I've been wearing half wigs as my protective style, but finding a really good one that blends well has been difficult. and the ones that looked as if they matched my texture perfectly were hundreds of dollars.

I ended up buy Big Chop clip ins ( below is a fairly recent pic of my hair (beg Feb for 2 in in 4 month Challenge):

feb check.jpg

this is my hair with 1 1/2 packs of the Big Chop clip ins

clip in.jpg

the hair is a perfect match, soft and needs minimal product. I used Kinky Curly gel and Giovanni direct leave in and water to blend.

it took me a few youtube videos and playing around to get the right placement. i haven't decided if i'm going to keep them in a few days or take them out each day. i spent a good hour 1/2 but it was my first time and i had to compensate for my low density and hair length. most the tutorials I saw, the ladies already had at least 12-14 inches of hair, making installing really quick and simple. i had to prep my hair first, then add clip in, then blend--for each row. it's air drying now, and i may have to use a diffuser on the roots if i leave them in a few days. i used all but 2 clips and feel this is full enough for me, but most peopel use 2 packs for really big hair.

will check back occasionally to update how the hair hold up. for now, i think i have found my holy grail until i reach my goals.
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Yours looks nice.

I bought the blow dried clip-ins and I'm a little disappointed with the texture. Based on the pics, I thought it would look more like a 4b blow-out It's more of a 3c or silky 4a blow-out.
I've been on the fence about purchasing the clip ins for a while now (at least 9 months). Some of the hair pictures Melissa (the owner) posts on her instagram account are cute, some not. I feel like I would get the batch of hair that is less than desirable.

I really want this look for the summer:
I've been on the fence about purchasing the clip ins for a while now (at least 9 months). Some of the hair pictures Melissa (the owner) posts on her instagram account are cute, some not. I feel like I would get the batch of hair that is less than desirable.

I really want this look for the summer:

Maria Antoinette is why I bought the blown straight clip-ins. Love her. She does such a good job with them.

I spoke to the owner because I had an issue with the my package not being delivered as planned. She mentioned that it was delayed because she had a problem with manufacturer and the quality of the product. I hope she gets that straightened out because if done right she has a good product and a market for it. These inconsistencies are going to ruin her brand.
It's a great idea and looks really good on you. It should definitely help while you are growing it out. I didn't realize you had big chopped. Or maybe I did and forgot.
faithVA i did a psuedo chop in May when i came back to the US. my shrinkage is epic, so my hair always looks much shorter than it really is.

pearlific1 you could awlays make your own. i have a stash of hair and wig clips and still plan to make some in the future. it was really an impulse buy when i bought the Big Chop hair.
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